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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Whilst that is true, that is what's going on right now. People have to face this all of the time and somewhere, someone has to say "Enough". I agree that it's not a nice story but this is what's happening right now to a lot of people. They have to face that hate and judgment and bullying and that video, to me, shows the weight of the situation and how important it truly is. We know it's important but I think the video affected me because of it being such an appalling story and the thing is, we can change that.

    The world has overcome so much hate and judgment and have made so many rights acts, this should be one of them.


    I completely agree. :) I'm still just trying to argue why I don't need to see the video, because I really don't want to. :p

  2. To be fair I wasn't trying to be a douchebag. If it wasn't already won by today I was genuinely going to try to shift focus onto you because I DO have the same power as you. Actually I had decided to reveal myself much earlier in the game (day 5 or 6 i think?) but between making that decision and coming online, you came out as a character investigator. I knew I couldn't come out then because one of us would clearly be mafia and while you might be lynched first, I'd then be lynched. so I had to lay low! But all the way through I kept trying to hint that I found you suspicious. Had we needed another distraction I as going to try and push a lynch on you to keep things away from the rest of us - I just wanted to keep the story going a little further :)


    Where the hell is Rez?!


    The douchebag comment was aimed at your last post, when everything had been revealed. :p All in jest, of course. ;)


    You kept hinting at me being suspicious, but you never presented any reasoning, and staying as quiet and secretive as you did was not like your usual playing style at all.


    Other than having similar powers (and you disrupting investigations) there was nothing on any of you - and townie deaths showed that townies can also have similar powers.


    There was much more on Diageo, and possibly Dannyboy.


    Who had the power to weaken people's power for the next day?


    Hm? Why me?


    I wasn't saying that our powers were obviously mafia, just responding to the comments further up where people were saying their suspicions throughout the game have been right - if they were they weren't acted on, unfortunately for you!


    As for the power weakening... wait for the reveal...


    Well, they were gut feelings, and obviously more towards the end of the game, but then I never really trust my gut feelings. Perhaps I should have this time around. :heh:

  3. Oh thought it was a big comic book thing you'd thought of. Thanks anyway :p


    Is this the Spiderman that has artificially created webs? The contraption that seemed to explode on him with web stuff surprised me, I thought they were still going down the route that he'd be able to shoot it naturally?


    Oh, no, the mechanical web shooters were confirmed a long time ago - with the first official photo, if I recall correctly. Along with the new suit I think it was actually the first changes we heard about.

  4. So the mafia are Jonnas, mr-paul (as I repeatedly said), DuD, Nintendohnut and heroicjanitor.


    I'm surprised how accurate my gut feelings have actually been throughout the game.


    Anyway, it would seem we've lost. We're down to ten players, five of which are mafia, so we're at a stalemate until the mafia kills another townie off. I don't see what we can do to turn the game around.


    Majority is 6.


    Vote DuD - 4 ; Diageo, Yvonne, Dannyboy-The-Dane, Cube.


    Vote Yvonne - 4 ; mr-paul, DuD, Nintendohnut, Yvonne.


    Unless this vote count is correct and they have a vote-forcer, in which case we've already lost.

  5. Already have, but I'll repeat them for the sake of convenience:


    Night 1 - Nintendohnut - Golduck

    Night 2 - Sméagol - Litwick

    Night 3 - Jonnas - Feraligatr

    Night 4 - mr-paul - Mr. Mime

    Night 5 - EddieColeslaw - Wailmer (interference from underground Pokémon)

    Night 6 - Diageo - Umbreon

    Night 7 - heroicjanitor - Jolteon (Rummy placed fake PM of him being Sandile)

    Night 8 - Yvonne - Pikachu


    Cube and DuD are the only unknown Pokémon left.


    It just hit me: Who is the underground Pokémon who pulled people under?

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