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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. ... also in my mind posting "got nothing tonight" is as bad/worse than inactivity. If you have nothing relevant to proceedings at least provide some entertainment. Be warned.




    My Danish friend, I have no way to back this up (and shan't be elaborating) but strongly believe sweetness is highly relevant to mr-paul.


    Also, might you furnish me with an introduction? I don't believe I have seen you in town before.


    How rude of me. I apologise - however, I am a bit wary of simply giving out my name. What if somebody is able to use it against me?


    It would seem a lot of people support Dominic Gentry for mayor. I'm starting to think there's a larger plan afoot. Why else would people be in support to begin with? I don't believe it's simply flavour.

  2. Doctor traditionally only protects from a kill, doesn't prevent people targeting.


    I would like to know how you know there wasn't redirection going on. Also I claimed Rummy and I were switched could be a possibility.


    From what mr-paul says, he targeted Rummy. From what he says, he can do "sweet things". Something sweet happened to me. Those are the truths. Everything else is speculation.


    Then again, mr-paul claimed to not be able to reach Rummy, so I don't see how he could have reached me.


    mr-paul does sweet have something to do with your power? That's all I want to know. If not, then we can happily ignore my theory and move on.


    I'd rather not explain how I know at the moment, but trust me: I know for a fact you weren't switched with Rummy (I said mr-paul by mistake). However, I'm not denying the possibility of other redirection going on - I'd be surprised if there wasn't a redirector in the game, to be honest.

  3. Rummy, you're always so paranoid. :heh:


    Regarding Yvonne's theory, though, it does seem a bit too coincidental. I know for a fact that Yvonne and mr-paul weren't switched, and I'm wondering what sweet things happened to Yvonne - if he was protected, why did they make it through?


    Sorry, meant to say Yvonne and Rummy. Got the names mixed up.

  4. 1. I was asked by a doctor to stay at the hospital overnight for observation (doctor is usually interchangeable with protector)

    2. there was no kill


    Right. Do you know of anyone that targetted you besides the doctor?

  5. I think there is a good chance I was the scum target.


    Also it seems to me like the info is in PMs rather than writeup - mine was verbose. I don't want to give anything up right now, I don't think it would be of particular use right now. But does anyone else have anything?


    elect Rummy in lieu of anything else happening.


    Does anyone want to come forward as being Dominic Gentry?


    Why are your reasons for believing you were the target?


    I'm honestly still not happy about electing some guy I know nothing about yet.

  6. Politics is about trust. I know it is early, but I ask you Dannyboy to trust me and you will see the benefits. Everyone voting for themselves would see no benefit, as without strong leaders this town will crumble. Leaving the decision to random selection would be dangerous.


    In a UK election, candidates have a right to vote and may vote for themselves. To deny this right would be undemocratic.


    These mayoral elections may also show us suspect voting patterns which could aid the investigation into finding those responsible for Mayor Peeps' death.


    Which is exactly my point. I am enquiring as to the finer details of the election system in order that we can have the fairest possible election. After all, we are at the pinnacle of human civilisation: the democracy!

  7. Before you leave once again for the other side, Mr Peeps, could you clear something up? What happens in the case of a tie for mayor? Will the mayor then be selected at random? And what about votes for oneself? I see a scenario in which everybody votes for themselves and the mayor is selected at random every time, and that doesn't seem in the spirit of the mechanic (if you'll excuse my spectral pun).

  8. Canon-IXUS-115-HS-Silver.jpg


    A shiny new camera, which I've been wanting for a while and will make good use of at the Meet. It records full HD videos in 1080p with crisp audio and takes razor sharp images at up to 4000x3000 pixels.

  9. And now the front page just forgot me.


    Another peculiar thing I've just noticed: Having read or posted in a thread and used the forum jump to go back to the current board, the page sometimes takes a reload to register that I've read/posted in that thread.

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