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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. My PM specifically states that "No one will be able to reach [my] target." But you're right, there is the strange mishap of night 1, which I had honestly forgot about until now. It bothered me then as well.


    If you are indeed telling the truth, then I have a bone to pick with The Peeps for wording my PM in such an unclear and misleading manner. I'd also argue that only mentioning some of the people targetting my target seems like a somewhat unfair decision - how am I supposed to work with that?


    Basically it seems to boil down to whether I can trust my power to work like it ought to. Which, to be honest, you've made me doubt somewhat.


    The reason I've been suspicious of you until it now is that you've been so silent. I know the more important roles shouldn't draw too much unwated attention to them, but you've honestly appeared more like a mafioso trying to stay off the radar - plus you're normally a rather active player.

  2. I'm sorry Dannyboy but throughout your whole post you go on about how you're certain I'm mafia, how my post reeks of mafia, how I'm clearly lying...then at the end of the post you say we can't know anything for sure in these games! It has nothing to do with the argument at hand, I just find it ironic.


    Isnt it possible that you usually get information on who targets your target, but that it changes because you targeted yourself? Also, your power is completely overpowered if what you're saying is true. Not only are you a protector, you are also a reverse tracker? If you ever target the kill target you'll instantly have a mafioso in your result, AND you'll have stopped a killing. That seems massively over-powered to me... Please can you list your targets for the last four nights, and who targeted the people you targeted? In fact, can you just quote your PMs? It would be easier.


    Of course I haven't proven myself as an alignment investigator yet, that's why I didn't reveal myself until people started voting for me. I'd much rather stay quiet and investigate people, then come forward when I DO find a mafioso. I didn't get the chance to do that today. And your part about 'the tease at the end'... Just imagine for a second you're in my position and (I know you think I'm mafia, just imagine it) that I'm town...do you see why I would want to be able to prove this to you once and for all, so I can throw it right in your face? If I'm lynched I am going to make one final post aimed directly at you, Dannyboy, because it will be you who got me lynched, and in that post I will show that I havent lied once in this game.


    The whole thing with Marc being an alignment investigator is just ridiculous from my point of view. Obviously I know I'm one, so that helps my opinion, but I'm just really not sure how the power of alignment investigator would fit with someone looking through a telescope. How would that help him discover alignments? It just really doesnt make sense to me, it seems much more obvious that he was a tracker or a role that involved investigating powers (by watching what they did). Unless it was a telescope into the soul.........


    Anyway, who do you want to lynch, someone who has been investigated and found to be evil from a 1-night investigation? Or someone who has come out with all their information, and is only being accused on the assumption that Dannyboy's power works the same when he targets himself, and that my power, despite being described as looking at files in an earlier pm, would be stopped by Dannyboy's protection? For me that's no choice at all.


    Vote: Aqui1a


    And, seeing as my role PM explicitly says I support Dominic Gentry for Mayor, and that is Cube, and he found Aqui1a to be evil,


    Elect: Cube


    We can't know anything for certain, no, but we can make educated guesses, and right now I'm guessing you.


    Granted, it is indeed possible my power works differently when targetting myself, but again, I find it more likely that you're scum since I've already been suspicious of you for a while now.


    Also, I have to ask: Are you intentially misinterpreting my power? I never said I got the names of the people who target my target - that would indeed be overpowered! But I get flavour, as I said. Here are my PMs:


    You took Yvonne in for overnight observation. During the night, a police officer seemed very annoyed at being told he could not visit. Another man visited and left a package for Yvonne.


    You called Tales in for a check-up. It went quite quickly as there were no interruptions from any visitors.


    You called Aqui1a in for a check-up and were happy with his condition. Strangely, he gave you a lollipop at the end of the session. It was sugar free and actually whitened your teeth!


    You gave yourself a complete physical and determined that you are as fit as a fiddle.


    The Marc theory is just that - a theory. I honestly don't know, I'm just saying I've seen weirder and less fitting flavour for powers before, so I'm just putting it out there as a possibility. My main argument lies in the fact that you claim to have successfully targetted me, yet don't appear, neither of which should be possible.


    The only possible giant fluke I can see is if Peeps hasn't informed me targetting myself won't do diddly squad, but it's a risk I'm willing to take at this point.


    I'm perfectly happy voting for either you or Aqui1a, so I'll go where the votes go.

  3. Whipping out the good old mafia tactics, I see. Trying to discredit what I've found by pointing out ... nothing.


    No, I'm not saying your "result" on me is wrong, but that's a pointless argument if you're mafia, and you know it just as well as I and everyone else. You even trying that argument says everything, really.


    My previous result PMs have told me if anyone has targetted my targets, ergo I conclude that it's part of my power to know who targets my target. Of course, there is always the possibility of exceptions, but it is far more logical to assume that your claims are made up.


    Yes, I am saying you've made up your PMs completely. No feat in that.


    Of course I'm going to try to fit stuff around my theory - that's how mafia games work! Again, you trying to suggest otherwise only convinces me more that you're mafia. A paranoid man with a telescope could be a alignment investigator - not the most obvious choice, but it's possible. That's all I'm saying. Hell, did we ever find out Rummy's power? Maybe he was the alignment investigator. Maybe there are no alingment investigators in this game. Admittedly it is a little strange that we've seen no alignment investigators yet, but that fact alone is not enough to sway my suspicion of you. Besides, you have yet to prove that you're an alignment investigator, so no, I'm not knowingly lynching the only alignment investigator in the game.


    Ah, and the tease at the end. Hopefully I'm not the only one who can smell how that post reeks of mafia.


    By the way, I'm always open to admit I'm wrong if so proven. We can know very little for certain in mafia games. But right now all the evidence points at you.




    Ah, so Aqui1a is mafia? Splendid! If people want to lynch him, I'll happily switch.

  4. Yeah, I'm not buying it. Alignment investigator is so easy to claim, especially since powers aren't revealed upon death. For all we know Marc was our alignment investigator, what with him watching people through his telescope. My role PM specifically states that no one will be able to reach my target, and so far people who have targetted my targets have left flavour, like Yvonne being visited by a very disgruntled police officer and receiving a package on night 1. No flavour whatsoever last night. I'm convinced Nintendohnut is lying.


    Ah, sorry, Jimbob, I hadn't seen that your illness prevented you from reaching your target. In that case it would make sense that you never showed up.

  5. I targeted Dannyboy last night.


    Him, and all of my previous targets (DuD and Rez are the only two left alive apart from Dannyboy) are good. I targeted Marc night 1 so I didn't feel the need to target myself to check my powers - he was revealed good when he died so that proved my powder was reversed.


    As you might understand, I didn't want to reveal without a result from a mafioso. I've targeted people I found most suspicious each day, and having already gone for DuD and Rez before last night I went for someone who voted for Rummy (I assumed at least one of them was mafia). Sadly for me proving my power, Dannyboy turned out to be good.


    I can't say much else. I've just been investigating people and hoping to find a mafioso so I could reveal myself. Seeing as people suspect me I have to come out :(


    Feel free to ask me extra questions but bear in mind I haven't done a massive amount so far - haven't spoken much and have investigated four people who all turned out good. Sorry for revealing their names, too, as it paints targets on their heads, but it's not my fault - I have to reveal power and targets so what else could I do?




    Broadcast Yourself


    You are lying. You did not target me last night. And neither did Jimbob. I am a protector, and my target is completely unreachable. Last night I targetted myself, and nobody else tried to target me. Even if either of you did and were somehow invisible, none of you could have succeeded in your business. Seems like we just found two mafiosos - and I'm willing to bet a lot that the seemingly non-existent ReZourceman is the third.


    Vote: Nintendohnut

  6. Last exam tomorrow. Actually feel fairly confident about it. Haven't been nervous until now, but am currently hyperactive for that exact reason. Doubt I'm going to get much sleep tonight. Just want it done with.

  7. Everything is relative. Including reality. So from the cats perspective he knows if he's alive, but from our perspective we've no idea and mathematically all are possible until we check for ourselves.


    But how is that specific to quantum mechanics? Again, isn't the point of superposition that both states exist simultaneously rather than only one existing simply without us knowing which one?

  8. I tried my hardest to reach my target tonight, but alas i could not as my illness got the better of me.


    Yvonne, you asked for my target list. Here it is


    Night 1 - Dannyboy

    Night 2 - mr-paul

    Night 3 - EEVILMURRAY

    Night 4 - Dannyboy


    What is it that you do again? I would expect to know if anyone targetted me last night, yet I'm aware of no such thing taking place.


    There's only one paragraph in the write up. For there being a write up editor he would basically have to write the whole thing or have Peeps given it to him after he has written it.


    Could be something as simple as replacing the description of the killer, although ...


    I roleblocked DuD because Rummy considered him a threat and he has been rather quiet. So we can rule him out as the killer. The flavour in the PM described him as being part of the police. So there are probably a few members of the police hanging around.


    ... with this discovery it would seem the entire mafia could be made up of police.

  9. That series you linked to is great. I highly recommend it.


    One thing has always bugged me about Schrödinger's Cat, though, and that's the use of a cat as the test subject; doesn't the cat count as an observer as well? Shouldn't it automatically collapse the superposition simply by being aware?

  10. Nope, no real knowledge needed, they're just characters really! Not all current MPs, a few curveballs in there to spice things up a bit.


    Ah, so like the Ace Attorney Mafia? :)


    Vote me for the constituency of Flydale North.


    Oh, no, we all know how that's going to end! :p




    I'm in! :D

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