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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. IMO at the point that town cannot possibly win, the game should end. Everything after that is cruel :D


    Exactly, that's how it works.


    I ejoyed following this game! :) I wanted to see the new voting mechanic in action before participating in a game with it, and I think it worked excellently! :D The ending was brilliant, I haven't seen such an exciting finale since the 9th Pokémafia! :heh:

  2. I know it's technically incorrect to think of evolution as having a "direction", but I'd find it interesting to see if perhaps some mutations are generally more common and effective, meaning even alien species will share some basic characteristics with us. Take eyes, for instance.

  3. What I've always wondered is, if there are life forms out there which have evolved beyond the single-celled organism state, what can we expect them to look like? Something along the lines of a species we have here on Earth? Or something we can't even begin to imagine?

  4. Finally finished my exam paper, which is due two and a half hours. :heh: Why my procrastination has become so bad, I have no idea, but it's mighty frustrating. Anyway, only one exam left, and then I'll have completed my first year of university! Crazy.

  5. I don't really mind tipping if it's the norm, and i've received good service.


    I'd hate to offend somebody because our norms differ, but I disagree so vehemently with the concept of tipping as it exists today. Serebii absolutely nailed it, tipping should never be expected. Tipping is a bonus if the waiter has been extra friendly and made you feel welcome and comfortable. Like mentioned it also allows the owner of the establishment to fuck the employees over regarding pay.

  6. It should be noted that, in Norse Mythology, Loki wasn't evil or anything, he was just a smartass that nobody liked. So, you can see they even took liberties with that (like Disney and Hades, actually).


    While that is true, he does eventually cause enough trouble to get on the bad side of the other gods by being responsible for the death of the beloved Balder, and he fights against them at Ragnarok. Still, he truly is a very ambiguous character.


    I really like Marvel's take on the mythology, by the way, and I would love to see more of Asgard in the next film(s).

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