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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. That said, the free marketeer in me wants to say private doctors should earn whatever there's a market for people to pay, but that does sound kind of dangerous...


    The free market is dangerous. When it comes to essentials like our health, I'm not a fan of letting money be in control.


    I'm not aware of the current situation in Britain and so can't comment on the specific cut, but my general thoughts are that being a doctor is a very difficult and important job and so deserves a high pay.

  2. I think you may be arguing past each other. I don't think anybody here thinks the tipping culture of the US is good - the question here is whether we should abide by it anyway. The argument FOR tipping is that that is how things work over here; if we choose not to tip, we're seen as rude and may be screwing the workers over depending on the particular numbers involved. The argument AGAINST tipping is that we disagree with their tipping culture and want to demonstrate that since dissatisfaction needs to be expressed if change is desired.

  3. Had a friend of mine tell me it's an exact rip-off of Battle Royale but I disagree, except for the obvious, they're both different to me. If anything, it's more like The Running Man. Still, that's for another thread. :p


    I haven't even read the books yet, and even I can see that's a silly argument. The same basic premise does not a rip-off make.

  4. Yep, loving the feel of the main site and the forums being integrated, especially with the comments section! :D Always found it impractical to have two separate accounts. Though you probably should get rid of the news portion of the forums now.


    I'm not experiencing any of the aforementioned problems, by the way. :)

  5. Not sure if anyone watched Russel Howard last night but there was a ventriloquist on as the guest comedian at the end. Whilst I'm not usually a fan of ventriloquism, Nina Conti was hilarious!


    She does two parts, so if you're thinking of turning off at least go to 10:00 and watch from there!



    She was nice, but no ventriloquist has ever been able to top Jeff Dunham for me. His characters are amazing and his humour and general presence is just hilarious.

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