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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I'm surprised some people are still so judgemental about it. They can't fathom that, gasp, some guys want to break the gender stereotype! It's not like the development of social norms the past couple of decades has shown any tendencies in that area! Nope, all bronies must be strange, dysfunctional members of the male sex!

  2. Are you being a moron? (again :p)


    A Venom movie without Venom? That would be brave!


    Can't tell if you're just poking fun (which I highly assume), but just in case you're not: Obviously he just forgot to type "Spider-Man" after "without".

  3. I don't understand who I'm backing up @Nintendohnut?

    Rummy was jailkept night 1 fact. I know I was jailkept night 2, I'm merely questioning dannyboy as to why he thought gmac had been jailkept?


    My mistake, I seem to have mixed up the two of you due to gmac having been roleblocked.


    @Rummy, how was your jailkeeping verified again? Genuine question, I don't remember.

  4. Although bronies are grown dudes that willingly give their time to watching a dumb show about ponies, so you don't have to convince me that they have some trouble in the outside world.


    I'm so glad we're not being judgemental here. ¬_¬


    There are always bizarre minorities in a group, and the internet culture truly has made it easy for these people to find each other and group together. It's an interesting phenomenon.

  5. Hold on, I just realised the officer theory by Yvonne makes a lot of sense. Can't believe I didn't see it before. If Rummy is indeed the officer, I believe we have found ourselves a mafioso.


    If people want to go with EEVIL today, though, I am up for that lynch, though I am more suspicious of Rummy.

  6. I don't know about me being able to get around protectors. Maybe I just sent my target in first? I don't know how that works..


    However, I think that my power should be able to prevent my target from being blocked from reaching their target. But again, my understanding of it isn't too great...


    I'm more convinced you are simply able to bypass protections.


    You should also prevent your target from being roleblocked, you say? How that would work with a jailkeeper, I have no idea. :hmm:

  7. The uniform thing worries me - what if the killer is a policeman? This could get confusing with cop claims etc


    From what we've seen it seems the roles are pretty straightforward - e.g. the doctor protects. Though we can't rule anything out, of course.


    Actually, shouldn't we be worried about the person walking around and giving out candy? :p

  8. So, on Saturday, I finally got the courage to up and walk out!


    But ever since then I've been feeling I've made a big mistake: I sit in the grubby hotel room thinking about her, unhappy, and I cry. I think about never seeing her again - truly NEVER seeing her again,and that feels terrible. Our beautiful home that we made together... though I hate it because its slowly bleeding all the life out of me... I miss it. I miss her. She annoys me no end, but I miss her. All day Sunday I struggled with the urge to call her - eventually she called me. I had to just make small talk for fear of bursting into tears.


    Today, I really should be looking for a place to rent, but I can't get the courage. If I do, it will truly be over.


    It does hurt to break things off with someone you love, but with the state of things I'm still convinced it was for the best. You were not happy living the day you did with her, and change wasn't and still isn't visible on the horizon. It wasn't a situation you should have to settle into or grow to like - if you even could.


    Right now it hurts, but you can move on and pursue a better life. You obviously love her, and that feeling might never go away entirely, but you have to keep in mind that she either didn't respect or didn't understand your situation. Your feelings for each other may be genuine, but it wasn't an emotionally healthy relationship, and that honestly doesn't seem like it's going to change. She might eventually be willing to compromise, but if she's doing it out of necessity rather than understanding and respect, you have to ask yourself if it's really the right way to go.


    Of course, it's easy for me to sit here and give advice. I've never experienced any of the stuff you're going through, and I can only hope I never will. It's a horrible situation you're in, and I truly hope everything will work out for you eventually, one way or the other.

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