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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Vote: Yvonne


    Time to hunt inactives?


    I must admit Yvonne's silence has bothered me for a while. Whenever he's quiet it usually indicates he's mafia. I'm not convinced at all, but disregarding the three redirectors, at least one of which I highly suspect to be mafia, but whom I have yet to pinpoint, I feel really clueless.


    So yes, I am willing to accept a vote on Yvonne.

  2. So.. anyone targetting Dohnut got EEvil. anyone targetting EEvil got Cube.. e.t.c


    Last night i wasn't going to bother using my power at all until mr-paul asked me to and gave me the option to just use my standard 2 person switch.

    So I did.


    Thank you for clarifying. So normally you send everyone targetting person A to person B and vice versa?


    Who did you switch last night, then? Redirectors on the town's side need to be open with their actions, otherwise it's all just one big confusing mess. Like ReZ I'm no big fan of town redirectors - they rarely help the town and mostly just cause chaos. Nothing personal, of course. :heh:


    Well gmac has confirmed that I redirected him successfully so I'd like to know why I didn't receive a PM.


    Has anyone else experienced this so far in the game?


    @Sheikah please explain your power.


    Could you elaborate on what your PMs normally contain? What does the PM of a redirector say?

  3. It has a higher frame rate than movies usually have. I'm sure there was a discussion about this a few months ago. :heh:


    I assume that's what he meant, anyway.


    Oh, yeah, that. I'm honestly not worried at all.

  4. This is all obvious from the write-up, though. Up until now I suspected that the one bribing with money was the media mogul, but if gmac is telling the truth, it would appear they are two different people. We seem to have a lot of redirectors on our hands, so we need to clear this up.


    @The Peeps, you claim to be a redirector. What is your means of redirection, how does it work, and who did you target last night?

    @DuD, you never answered me last day phase when I asked you about your triple redirection. I'm still not entirely clear on the nature of your redirection.


    Just got back from his house. Luckily he is fine, but unfortunately it sounds like a horrible little ordeal he went through. He was crying and a bit shook up last night.


    He helped my friends into a taxi (after I had left already) when some weird guy, mid-30s approached him, and gave him some kind of challenge. Unfortunately, my friend gets a bit arrogant when drunk (lolz) and so he started talking to this guy who led him down a weird alley bit. He then (I don't know the exact details) but he forced him into this little garden thing, and slammed the door on him, and locked him in. There was tall grass and massive walls, fences, metal fences, cables and sheds and stuff, all a bit weird, the guy then said that he had to get out. So he had to climb these 10 foot walls, and had to kick his way out of weak patch in a wooden fence. He escaped and called a friend who went back with him, and a voice came down from an electro box-flat type thing saying "Yeah you won't got back into that garden again will you?"




    Anyway, saw him, he has cuts, bruises and was filthy, ruined trousers etc, but he is okay. Him and his dad spoke to the police when he got home last night.




    Whoa, weirdly reminiscent of Saw. Must've been quite a nasty experience. Hope he's all right and they catch the bastard.

  6. It's finally here!


    My one hour seventeen minutes long vlog with music and fancy editing! I know it's long, but I'm proud of it, and I think it's turned out really good! :)


    It's apparently still processing, but hopefully the quality will improve once it's done. Everything was shot in 720p, so I hope the editing software didn't scale down the quality.


  7. Hmm, a bit wound up with stuff at work, and it's been annoying me for a while.


    Basically, I teach a year 3 class and a friend teaches year 5. She's had a bit of a rough year as the class have lots of pastoral issues, so the headteacher decided to switch our classes over, so I teach year 5 next year and she teaches 3. Now, this bothers me for a few reasons:


    1. I never had a formal meeting about this. She had a meeting with him, I didn't. The closest I had to this was a very informal chat with my head of department on sports day, where she casually talked about the idea of us switching, without really saying that it was going to happen or not.


    2. I found out about the change only because I asked a week after our conversation. Nobody came up to me and told me I was changing.


    3. They came to this decision just a few weeks before the end of the school year. Not months before, we're barely talking weeks. They handled this badly by sending a letter home to parents whilst I was out on a campout with my current class. I had no idea the letter had gone out until I came back to school and parents were questioning me about this.


    4. I have had, to say the least, an excellent year. I have redone all of the planning for my year-group and made it exciting, different and fresh. The planning that was there beforehand was stale, uninformative and just downright poor. I have done all of this work, which I'm now going to have to redo again, for a totally different year group. It would have been nice to have a heads up about this change beforehand.


    5. Nobody else is moving or changing year-groups. I can understand that a change is good for professional development, but nobody else is moving. Nobody else has redone their planning since I have been here. Nobody has tried anything new or aimed to do anything different.


    What also bothers me is that months ago, I had ordered new furniture for my classroom. The room I have spent two years in is a listed room and certain things can't be touched. I can't put anything on the ceiling, I can't really touch the walls as there's a dark wood panelling that is basically the essence of the room. There's a massive desk, and two ugly cupboards that are currently in there. I planned to get rid of those and replace it with new fresh furniture, and a small workstation to add space to the room.


    What annoys me about this is that we have done the room swap, my new furniture has arrived for that room and, of course, the room looks kinda like how I wanted it to be. So annoyed. What also pissed me off is that my friend moving into this room has a lot of stuff, and another friend at the school made a bit of a snotty comment about one of the cupboards I ordered, saying "How is all of her stuff going to fit in there?" I bit my tongue, but what I really wanted to say was "I ordered this MONTHS ago, for ME. Not either one of you. This furniture was for me, for my purposes, not yours."


    I can imagine some of the comments people will make next term about how the room looks miles better than it did. Can definitely see me getting wound up and snapping at someone.


    Another thing that pisses me off is that the room I have moved into is away from the rest of the junior school. It's in completely another section, not even in the main building where everyone else is.


    So, yes. Fucked off, to say the least.


    Edit: Long post is pretty fucking long.


    Whenever I read about people having such issues at work, I'm always left pondering: Is there no way to complain about these things? No one to talk to and say: "Hey, just WTF?" I haven't really been in a proper, full-time job, so I honestly am clueless about the atmosphere. Are people just expected to put up with ridiculous and stupid decisions lest they get fired?


    Also I think my friend got beaten up last night but I cannot get hold of anyone to confirm.


    Whoa, what? Please keep us updated on this.


    I lost my baby today. :'(


    My condolences. :(

  8. Found out yesterday that I got a B for the 10-page written assignment on rhetorics I handed in after stressing out and staying up all night writing. Didn't think it was that good, but apparently I underestimated my own performance!

  9. Right, I was not happy with being inactive for the past week, and I already know in all likelihood I'll be inactive again the entire week after the next, i.e. from the 14th to the 22nd. If I get modkilled, I understand and accept that, but I'd rather a replacement might be found before then.


    I am really sorry for my busyness. I started signing up to mafias again because I figured the holidays would give me the time I need, but unfortunately I didn't think of all the early holiday plans that had popped up. Again, I apologise.

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