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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I enjoyed the most vote system, brings a different dynamic to the game, means that inactivity can be very costly to both sides as potential lynches could go through with very few votes.


    One of the reasons I really like the system. It lessens the issue of inactivity.


    The roles were really good, though townie redirectors are sucky roles in my humble opinion. :heh: At the very least it should be a regular redirector and not a bus driver. Generally I found this game had a few too many redirectors to my taste.


    The mafia played very well, especially Yvonne. I completely fell for his lies, and it was at his reveal that I realised Dohnut was a traitor. I'm always a bit suspicious of teammates (having been allies with Peeps in the past will do that to you :heh:), but he played well and pretty much had me convinced.


    Cube was becoming increasingly obvious as the game went on, and I was a bit surprised that Rummy didn't see through Jimbob's lie at the end, but otherwise the town also played really well.


    Big props to Rummy for playing a great game and to Sheikah for being a marvellous newbie! :D

  2. I stand by my reasoning! The only thing it didn't account for was the possibility of Nintendohnut not being able to communicate with the mafia.


    Possibly, I can't quite recall it. But we always have to remember the mafia will go to great lengths to appear town - especially if they have a townie partner. And by the end Dohnut's defence was really starting to fall apart. :heh:


    The write-ups and theme were all brilliant, and the roles were good and seemed quite balanced. :) I loved how the new voting mechanic made the game progress, even when people were sometimes inactive.

  3. I love finding good erotica, not just for titillation purposes but there's stuff being legitimately expressed out there. I freely admit going through erotic fanfiction & art/fanart galleries of all different stripes just to read the comments beneath each piece. Maybe I'm voyeur but it's really interesting to see how people relate to them and sometimes you find something genuinely well produced and heartfelt.


    My two favourite examples right now are both webcomics. I like Jess Fink's comic Chester XYV, which is funny, fluid and utterly charming with it's feminine sexuality and Steampunk aesthetic. I also like Starfighter (under no circumstances to be confused with 80's kids movie classic The Last Starfighter), a fiery gay relationship story which has a fantastic sense of pressure & claustrophobia in it's setting of narrow spaceship corridors. The dangerous sense of possession between the two main characters is handled beautifully, in my opinion.


    I actually find that good erotica can be quite a lot more sexy than porn. Fanfiction.net does indeed have a nice selection.


    1. I don't like how many people are reading it just to laugh at it, I don't care how badly it's written. You're so smart? Write your own best seller.


    Why not? I watched Twilight for the same reason. Heck, I was actually expecting it to be better than what most jokes make it out to be, but no, it was pretty much as bad as they say it is. I enjoyed it massively for exactly that reason.


    "Write your own best seller"? Sorry, but that argument doesn't fly. I may not be able to write good literature (I've never really tried), but that doesn't somehow mean I'm not able to evaluate the quality of other people's writing. Besides, sales figures are not a measure of quality, only of popularity.


    For the record I haven't read either Twilight or 50 Shades Of Grey.

  4. I'm not one that cares for making knee-jerk reactions & shouting "conspiracy" anytime something suspicious appears but these events are extremely suspicious.


    Right before the incident happened, the audience were shown a trailer of the movie "Gangster Squad" which ends with a big shooting in a movie theater.




    In the trailer, the gangsters approach the front of the theater & shoot randomly at the audience. Weird that the audience saw this on screen before it actually happened, fiction turned into reality.


    The following picture was released in 1986 which features a crazed man with red hair killing 3 people in a movie theater before explaining that it was inspired by Batman.




    This music video by Lil' Wayne was also released just a few days before the actual shooting. In this, you can see 12 skeletons in a movie theater.





    Of course this proves nothing but it is interesting coincidence. All information is just what I've found out, I guess I'm not actually 100% certain it's all true but it freaks me out a little.


    Ooh, I love stuff like this! I don't think there's anything to it, but coincidences and conspiracy theories are always fun.




    I saw this earlier and couldn't stop laughing while thinking: "I'm so going to hell."

  5. Don't worry, you'll be able to suit up properly someday!


    I'd love to be able to help take down a criminal prick while suited up.


    Some Jehova's Witnesses came to my door this morning. We had a lengthy and in-depth discussion but where it eventually ended up was the smartly-dressed young man asking if suffering could possibly be considered freedom. I asserted that it was, because without suffering there's no opportunity to learn and I described how my suffering has given me great gifts in my life, and indeed without it we wouldn't standing my door talking so amiably as we were.


    They were both very polite.


    The few I've met have been extremely polite. One reasonable short encounter with one ended with us both apologising to the other for wasting each other's time. :heh:

  6. Well, seeing as you're going for a dual setup, it does by far make the most sense to replace the practical car with another practical car. I recall you complaining about not driving the fun cars enough as it is. You're like a geek who keeps his toy in the box for fear of ruining it. :heh:

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