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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I love N-E's ability to turn a simple topic like eggs into an interesting, useful and funny thread.


    I miss the pun thread, too.


    I generally love eggs in most variants, but my favourite is probably fried egg on toast. Om nom nom nom ...

  2. I wish people would drop the whole "It was Alfred's imagination" idea. It holds no water whatsoever.


    - It worked in Inception because of the layers/levels of dreams context. Mal was convinced that she was in a dream before committing suicide. Cobb uses the Totem at the end but doesn't check the result because he is finally at peace with his kids, either within his dream or reality. The somewhat ambiguous ending in Inception worked. I still think it was reality, but there are arguments for and against.


    - It doesn't work AT ALL in The Dark Knight Rises. We see Lucius Fox (out of guilt) checking up on the Bat's auto-pilot setting, learning that it was fixed. That should be enough to tell us that Wayne survived. We see him at the end, with no hint at all that Alfred is dreaming or imagining it. Christopher Nolan is a clever director, if he had wanted the ending to be ambiguous, he would have made it so. We would simply have had Alfred looking at the camera, smiling, before cutting away to something else. We didn't get that, because Nolan wanted the ending to be concrete: That Bruce had finally found his peace (just like Cobb had in Inception), but ultimately it came at a price, being away from Gotham and by "killing" his persona as Batman.


    The ending seems pretty clear cut to me. Especially with JGL/Robin John Blake finding the Batcave and "rising" on the platform at the end. The titles of all three films is linked in with the ending scene, with Gordon's monologue at the end of The Dark Knight talking about Batman as "the watchful guardian, silent protector) and with Rises where we see the mantle being passed over to Blake, as he both physically rises on the platform, but also figuratively as the next protector, the next guardian.


    It was probably the best ending out of all 3 for me. Those who get hung up on whether Bruce is alive or dead are just missing the bigger picture entirely.


    This. Simply this.

  3. I always expected him to be one of those old fashioned old people who are still a bit racist/homophobic/xenophobic.


    Especially since he supports Mitt Romney. He was apparently a Democrat supporting John McCain back in the day, but it seems he's switched over.


    Mute the Halo Trailer, then hit play on both videos at the same time.


    Eh, I've seen better matches with Mind Heist.

  4. Picked up Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow's The Grand Design again and finally finished it. It's definitely a great book for fans of the universe, theoretical physics, quantum mechanics and all that, but I was left wanting a bit more. I felt they skipped lightly over some of the explanations, especially as the book progressed (obviously because it's aimed at the general public), but while it was a good idea to skip some of the technical explanations (as they wouldn't have benefitted anyone, and the ones they did put in sometimes left me confused), I wanted more thorough explanations of these theories in layman's terms. Basically I wanted them to try to explain these mind-boggling things more in-depth to the non-scientific crowd, but it seems they opted to sacrifice depth for the sake of not confusing people too much, which is a choice I perfectly understand, though I felt it lessened the impact of the reading, especially by the end, as the theories had grown more complex and the explanations less detailed. Ironically enough, while they most likely chose this approach with the intention of maintaining clarity, I actually felt the stuff thrown around became less and less clear as the book progressed. I longed to understand these things better, but by the end it seemed like they didn't even try to explain them. Probably because people like me wouldn't understand even if they tried, but I still wanted them to try.


    TL;DR - A great book, but it felt like the authors wussed out a bit towards the end. I wanted them to try harder to explain some of all this stuff to the non-scientific crowd. But I realise that's probably a tough challenge.


    Oh, and it had great humour!

  5. When I first went looking for a new player (I got my first one as a gift and, while perfectly satisfied with it, thought I could do with one of better quality - I put its flaws down to its cheapness), I was surprised to find out how impractical the layouts of some MP3 players are. It seems quite obvious to me how the functionalities of a good MP3 player should be, but it would seem it either isn't as obvious to everyone or there's some other reason behind the illogical design choices.

  6. You really would think designing the basic functionalities of an MP3 player would be one of the simpler tasks on the planet, but apparently not. I, too, have had run-ins with portable music players of questionable quality and counterintuitive design, but I got lucky with my current one.

  7. Also what do people make of such points of view;




    In my opinion that article is neither well written nor thought out. I saw several holes in their arguments and just stopped reading.


    Bale's Batman voice still annoys me.


    I was worried about that, but honestly it only felt a bit comical in one place, when he angrily interrogates Bane about the owner of the detonator. His voice goes a bit throaty at that point, but he's in a rage so it actually works.

  8. To me marriage isn't always final. It's a celebration of your relationship and how much you mean to each other, right there and then and possibly in the long future too.


    Personally, I say, if you're both ready, then go for it! You sound like you're pretty much there anyway, just without the ring :P. You can always save up for the big day afterwards.


    Pretty much my thoughts, though I understand jay's hesitance. It's not a small thing, after all.


    Regarding kids I'm terrified of being a bad father. I'm still learning to take proper care of myself, it wouldn't be fair to leave another human being in my responsibility! :heh:

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