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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I don't think the general public would have got the reference of the name Dick actually. I bet you the vast majority don't know Robins real name.


    I actually liked that they called him Robin.

    Plus it sets up the scenario that he's more likely to become Nightwing... because he wouldn't use his actual name as his superhero name. Also Robin is lame.


    Also they couldn't have had the woman he's talking to effectively saying...


    "I think you should use your real name... I like Dick!" :p


    Agreed. I was expecting Dick Grayson as well, but on closer thought I'm happy they went with Robin. It ensures the general public gets it and makes this Robin his own character.


    The Batcave that he goes to at the end, is that the current Batcave, or was it a new one?... seeing as Wayne Manor is now an orphanage. Though it looked to have the foundations.


    I'd definitely say the current Batcave. Did Wayne Manor become a orphanage, though? Wasn't it to be preserved as is?


    Did people take from the ending that:


    - Batman has hung up his gloves and Blake is taking over as Batman?

    - Or given the Robin name teaser, Bruce is staying on and Blake will be his partner?


    I went with the later.

    And when Blake walked into the Batcave I assumed he'd gone to meet Batman.


    Definitely the former for me. When they first revealed that he'd fixed the autopilot, I actually took it to mean that despite fixing it he'd chosen to die because he was unable to move on. I much prefer the actual ending, but I still believe it was the end of Bruce's run as Batman. He'd finally moved on and settled down, exactly as Alfred had imagined it for so long.


    We could see Blake taking over and being Batman in the Justice League Movie.


    It's a nice little setup they have now for more Batman movies... as JGL could just take over and they wouldn't have to go through the origins story; just that he'd taken over the mantle from Bruce.


    Nah, I really can't see this happening.


  2. I'll be having free time starting on the 12th. Maybe I could be the one to replace Dannyboy (or anybody else behaving inactively).


    I'm also going on holidays on the last week of July, but I trust the current games will be finished by then?


    Still up for taking my place? :)

  3. I dunno, it fits well with their expansion of the universe through one-shots. Maybe the featured agents will get a bigger role in the next films now that Coulson is gone. Though I agree the plot if a bit, "What is this relevant to again?" Perhaps they want to make it relevant to the universe that aliens and superheroes are now very real?

  4. People less active than Yvonne (in order of most active to least active):


    Jimbob, gmac, me, Marcamillian, Nintendohnut, The fish, Animal, Aqui1a


    How gmac can lynch Yvonne for being inactive when Yvonne is more active than him, I have no idea.


    I am generally not a huge supporter of inactivity lynches. The reason I originally voted for Yvonne is because him not making analyses is usually a sign he's mafia.


    @Cube that's not it. It's not just that he's inactive, it's that it's very out of character for him.


    I don't get it, call me naive. I'm sure the Mafia and anyone else have got it if you guys have (no offence intended!)


    I'll trust you on this one.


    Change Vote: No one.


    Thank you. The more info we potentially keep from the mafia, the better.

  5. But the Mafia already know if he's town or not!

    @Cube that is ridiculous. Everyone votes for Yvonne because of inactivity, Yvonne rushes out table, apparently suggesting she's innocent yet I don't see how. Cue voting me for not seeing it.


    I swear, if I get lynched lynch cube out of courtesy. :p


    The key point being you not seeing how. The evidence is there, and the less the mafia knows about it, the better. Seriously, just trust us on this one.

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