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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I thought people liking Arnie's acting was just an internet meme, like that twat Norris.


    Arnie's acting was genuinely brilliant in Terminator 2, especially in the deleted scene of the "brain operation".


    What I like about most of Arnie's other films is that they know exactly what they are and don't try to be anything else. They don't take themselves too seriously, they know they're just over-the-top action films with silly one-liners.

  2. Hmm, could even make it a subforum of General Chit-Chat? Make the entire forum more compact with a gaming/anything other than gaming forum split. People seem to only concentrate on one forum or subforum and ignore the others, so if they were brought together people might notice and start posting in forums they hadn't noticed before? :o


    I think this a brilliant idea. I know it may be seen as laziness, but I believe the division into many smaller forums creates a bit of a psychological barrier. I do participate in some threads in the Creative Gallery and some of the other forums, for instance, but if the overall forum doesn't really grab my interest, I'm simply less likely to visit it, and thus I risk missing out on threads I actually would like to participate in.

  3. P.S. is this a new part of the mafia vernacular - defining the vote to be one of lynching quality?


    It stems from a couple of mafia games we've had where there has also been a vote for a mayor.




    EEVIL's original claim doesn't make much sense to me. If he is town and was forced to kill' date=' it would clearly be in his interest to come clean at once, both to avoid suspicion due to secrecy and to highlight the very important fact that there's apparently a mafioso who can force others to kill. If he was genuinely too afraid of being lynched to come forward as the killer, why would he, entirely on his own accord, admit that he targetted Nintendohnut in the first place? It just seems like a strange middleway.


    I'm by no means certain, but I'm willing to vote on it.


    [b']Vote: EEVILMURRAY[/b]

  4. It's all circumstantial and subjective. Depends on the person, the joke, the situation, etc., etc. I've personally never found fraping all that funny, unless the perpetrator is very original, which seems to be a rare occurence. So, yeah, I probably wouldn't have found it all that funny, either (plus I really wouldn't like people using my laptop or coming to my place without permission), but I do find his reaction over the top as well.

  5. Homophobia is a bit of a strange word. People aren't afraid of them (like spiders). They're just douches.


    See, I disagree with that. Well, most of them are arseholes as a consequence, but it seems to a lot of homophobes are, if not scared per se, then at least uncomfortable with homosexuality because it goes against their narrow understanding of the world. The fear of the unknown and all that, or in this case more like fear of what you don't understand.

  6. I have read all the posts, but like others I'm afraid I don't have all that much to contribute. My philosophy is bottomless optimism coupled with a mind geared towards problem-solving; if I'm sad, I sit down and try to figure out exactly what's bothering me, why it's bothering me, and what I can do to solve it. There's a good deal of truth to the old saying: "If you can do something about it, why worry? If you can't do anything about it, why worry?"


    Obviously this is all very simplified, and obviously I have had low periods that were tough to get out of, but time and time again my best tools have proven to be positivity - focusing on the positive - and rationality - trying to figure out a solution.

  7. Those Danish translators sure sound like a lazy bunch. If that happened here, everyone would be saying "You think this sort of unprofessionalism would happen in Germany or the nordics?!" :heh:


    Though I disagree with his last point. Certainly, the infinitive tense is more appropriate for a pop-up command?


    Heh. :heh:


    I agree, her last point is debatable, but rest assured that the choice of infinitive over imperative has nothing to do with linguistic preference and everything to do with shoddy translation. :heh:


    My own personal little nugget: In a Danish translation of the Ocarina of Time manual, the Silver Scale is translated as this type of scale:




    Because it's not like there's a picture that shows it's a fish scale.

  8. I generally love fruit. Apples are the golden standard and the most easy to eat. Bananas are good, but the peel can be annoying. Peaches are delicious and become tastier the riper they get, but also messier. Pears I love, but only when they're really ripe and thus soft and juicy. Grapes are great, and so are most berries. I also have a sweet spot for melons, and pineapples are godlike (though putting them on pizza is a satanic idea developed in the deepest pits of Hell). I find lemons and grapefruits too sour, though they add a nice spike to salads and drinks.

  9. Yo yo yo, the prodigal son returns! : D Nah, just kidding, welcometh back!


    Yeah, I agree that the whole Brawl tournament was very nicely organised. Created such great feeling overall, people practising and getting to know each other by battling them. Dannyboy was using Ike, Tys-on-toast was very good with Cpn Olimar, and Sprout just kicked ass all over the place! There was also another Game and Watch user, Starman was it? Anyway, good memories...The Mario Kart League looks nice as well, too bad I don't have any MK games now...


    Brawl would be fine my man, but don't have it here with me! Last online game I've played with the Wii was Monster Hunter Tri. Have you tried that? Man, what a game... : o


    I always played Marth. :heh:


    Starman (actually a classmate of mine I convinced to join) was an epic G&W user, indeed. He also played a nice Olimar IIRC.

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