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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Just going by that list I have tbh. Trying to do this by elimination since we don't have any solid evidence as to who the killer is. Look at my list and tell me if you agree with the placement of people on it.


    The list is designed to rule out people in order to find the killer, yes? I find it a bit hard to say for certain at this point. Most of the claims so far are just that - claims - and with the many contradictions at the moment regarding Rummy and The Peeps, I don't trust them on the word for the time being. Even ignoring that, the list still only helps us find the killer if the mafia has used the same person each night (which is further complicated by the EEVIL mystery on night 1). They're still all potentially mafia.


    The only one I trust more than others right now is mr-paul.


    Why, despite repeated answers to your repeated questions, and all the information being in the thread, are you still so insistent to ignore it?


    Because the information in the thread is more contradictory than the testimonies in an Ace Attorney game. Why are you so insistent on refusing to answer questions that will help us figure these things out? It's very counterproductive to the town's cause, and if the info is already out there as you claim, what's the harm in repeating it? The confusion harms the town infinitely more than clearing it up helps the mafia.

  2. Saw it again yesterday with a friend who remarked on something I'd never considered before: While we're still under the impression that Bane is the child who escaped, how does the mask make sense? We're told he got it in the prison, yet the child escaped without any injuries. Is this a very obvious hint that the child isn't Bane that the audience somehow misses, or have I forgotten something that explains that detail?

  3. But it's still not cheap though. It's similar to the highest grossing film in world, ever. Much higher than the second highest (Titanic ~$2.1). $2.5bn is a very high amount of money. That's 4% of Bill Gates' (the second richest man in the world) entire wealth. There are less than 500 people in the world who could afford to pay for that (and that's assuming they sold every asset they own at the current estimated value). It's a very, very large amount of money.


    Don't get me wrong, I'm not against the Curiosity expedition (or Mars expeditions in general), far from it. It just annoys me when people use bullshit, idiotic arguments and then act as if they've said something revolutionary and proven their commitment to science.


    It's still very little compared to other expenditures of the United States, for example the military budget.

  4. But it's still a stupid argument. People chose to pay to watch Avatar. People didn't choose to pay for the curiosity operation. It's similar to when people use the "nurses/soldiers etc. should get footballers wages". It completely goes against capitalism. Yet these same people probably claim that communism is evil.


    In the end people just like to bitch and whine and quote mundane "facts" to try and make themselves seem clever/insightful.


    The argument itself may have failed, but I still think it gets the point across nicely: that the people who complain about the costs of the Mars expedition are painfully unaware of how cheap it actually was relative to plenty of other projects in the modern world.

  5. So Jimbob appears to be a jailkeep, from what he is saying. Is there anything you received that would back this up, Peeps, or did what you receive contradict this? We seem to have had both Jimbob and Sheikah target you but it is not 100% clear to me who actually did what.


    I want to know more about jayseven, actually. There's something about your manner that doesn't seem right to me. Who are you, and what do you dooooooo?


    Vote: jayseven


    I thought he meant he could choose to either protect or roleblock?


    In any case, we need this stuff cleared up! @Rummy, @The Peeps, you need to get in here and answer some questions, because right now nothing adds up!

  6. You didn't specify Nintendohnut, which I found important. I'm still confused about the killer on both night 1 and 2 being described as relentless, whether it's just a coincidence or there's a connection, in which case I have trouble figuring out how it makes sense.


    Hang on, why didn't you come clean as the redirector already then? Why wait till now?

  7. Oh, I see Diageo said I hurt somebody. I'd assume it's a byproduct of my Kung Fu, which I assure is neither fiendish nor treacherous. Black Dynamite Panther Fist! Why don't you leave me alone when I tell you it's fine/try to get you to leave me alone? Why do you want to push it so much when I've already put more of my own information out there than you have? Clearly I'm not the killer, so it's cool.


    As for what happened last night, I specifically hoped I wouldn't experience any Kung Fu trechery, and at first I thought I hadn't...but then it turned out that I had! The info's out there, I don't see why you're pushing on Black Dynamite so hard. If I could, I'd deliver you a royal pimp-smacking, but that just ain't my style.


    Surely you realise that "Oh, I won't tell you what my hurting people is about, but it's fine, so don't worry! Please focus on someone else!" is a horrible defence? :heh:


    I want to push it because someone hurting people and not wanting to talk about is kind of suspicious. But more importantly, a couple of contradictions have arisen, and we need to clear up this mess, and to do that we need information, yours especially. Again, I still don't suspect you, but if you keep this vital information to yourself, I will start to.


    I need to confirm this: Am I correct in assuming that you are the roleblocker who knocks people unconscious with a backhand whack? Because if so, there's a few contradictions:


    First of all, the write-up indicates you targetted @heroicjanitor last night, yet he was successful.


    Second of all, @Diageo redirected you on night 2 to @The Peeps, yet he claims to have been successful that night and says instead that he was roleblocked by the backhead-whacker last night. But now


    I also wouldn't mind having cleared up the numerous times you've been redirected.




    Then, a question for Diageo: What exactly happened on night 1 with you and EEVILMURRAY?




    @Jimbob: We don't suspect you because you have been inactive - we all know real life gets in the way. We suspect you because Animal was just modkilled for inactivity, yet you weren't despite both of you having been inactive. Now, the GM's ways can be mysterious, but it could also be you have been more active after all - or someone has been active for you - suggesting mafia activity.


    Also, your claim to have protected The Peeps last night is another contradiction to add to the pile, because he claims to have been roleblocked last night.

  8. Herojan mentioned something about a mirror before and in that part of the write-up there's a mirror mentioned. I am too lazy to look up what herojan said so I'll wait for him/someone else to do it. I would imagine some kind of redirection or disguise style character - ie. anyone targeting that person thinks it's someone else or whatever. Maybe Cube's power saw through it.


    Or maybe it actually was Yvonne and we are being tricked into thinking it is herojan.


    As for my roleblocking, all that was said was that I was suddenly whacked on the back of the head and I blacked out. No conspicuous adjectives.


    On night 1 heroic was mirrorblocked by a mirror when targetting you, meaning his own power was deflected back at him. I don't think it has anything to do with disguises or the like. I was more worried about the possession theory, but after Rummy claimed to have been redirected again, I figured it might be just that - i.e. he was going to go for Yvonne, but was redirected to heroic. It'd be nice to get confirmation from him.


    How does looking at dead bodies tell you that mr-paul is trustworthy' date=' @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane[/quote']


    I discovered a connection. If you look at the info that's been revealed so far, you might figure out what I found and why it leads me to trust mr-paul.


    Well, there's one pretty obvious explanation given my character, but I was assuming Diageo was trying to pin me with something.


    As for the other nights/me in general, I think I've said quite a bit, why don't you give us some info instead?


    Sure, it does make sense that your character is violent, but I'd still like to know exactly what you do when you hurt people. I know it's potentially the whole "nefarious" thing all over again, and to be frank I don't suspect you much, but we gotta follow the leads we have.


    Would you at least answer my other questions in the other post? Just to clear up some things.


    I'm afraid I don't have much of value to contribute with at the moment, except that I trust mr-paul. As jayseven correctly says, I investigate the crime scene each night, but I haven't uncovered anything else of much use so far.

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