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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Some great roles, there! I love how much attention you put into the flavour and matching the powers to their character! The reason you're my favourite mafia GM! :D They do indeed seem powerful, and I understand that choice due to the town winning most (all?) of your previous games. To be fair, it seems like it was mostly bad luck that resulted in the town's monumental loss.


    (And of course you pick Ravel's Bolero, a favourite of both my father's and mine.)

  2. It's a toss up whether this goes in the good shit or the bad shit thread, although inevitably, the serious and intense laughter it induces is unbalanced by the aftertaste of sheer dread you have towards the human race




    An Ayn Rand brony? Seriously? Surely this must be a joke? :heh:

  3. I just fucking came everywhere at Phoenix's new suit! HE EVEN HAS A POCKET WATCH! 8[]


    Jonnas, stop it! It's starting to creep me out! :heh: I have JUST discussed on Jordan's Facebook how it's a shame if they just completely abandon everything they set up with Apollo. I hope the two form a join venture! It's about time there were two lawyers in the Wright & Co. Law Offices again! I think a lot of people who disliked Apollo simply couldn't come to grips with all the dramatic changes - and I'll admit, I was sceptic at first - but once you got past the shock, they did some brilliant things with a lot of future potential, so it's a shame if they give up on it because it may have been unpopular with some. But I also find it hard to believe they'd let themselves dictate by that, so I'm still optimistic. After all, they did hint at Phoenix's return; like I said, I hope both Apollo and Phoenix get their time in the spotlight, and I hope we get some old cameos! Just to see what they're up to. :)


    SPOILER: Phoenix is killed in the first case and comes back as a mentor in spirit form! XD

  4. Well, at least the ending was fucking epic. :heh:


    Yeah, in hindsight it was pretty obvious yesterday who was mafia. I think my problem in this game was thinking too much about stuff. I tried a new way of organising my data, and it proved to be really useful in getting a clear picture of events, but I think I became too focused on it and forgot to use my gut feeling in looking for mafia. Still, we didn't have many leads before yesterday, but by then it was too late.


    In any case it was probably the most enjoyable mafia game I've played in a long time! :D Kudos to Jonnas for creating such a brilliant DIY concept!

  5. That is a good point.


    I see that Jonnas is viewing the thread, so I have decided to come forward with my theory in case I die tonight.


    Basically, when Sheikah said he was kicked away from The Peeps on night 2, it hit me that Rummy could be a protector and that the people who'd been karate-chopped hadn't been roleblocked, but rather blocked by Rummy's protection of their target. It all seemed to add up with what everyone had been claiming, but if The Peeps didn't target heroicjanitor (Rummy's target) the night he was blocked by the karate guy, we're back to square one again. Rummy's true nature is still a mystery to me, but it would at least appear he isn't the one who's been whacking people over the heads.


    Where does that leave Jimbob? Well, during the brief period where it all added up, it made sense that he had protected The Peeps while The Peeps was simply stopped by a protector, but now that theory is out the window again. The fact remains that he's changed his story numerous times, but he does seem genuinely confused about it himself, so I don't really know anymore if it tells us anything.

  6. How do you know he counts statements and not words, or word clusters?


    I don't, but it seems the most logical to me. How would you define a truth value for every single word?


    So put your vote back on.


    Grudge, much? At this point I don't know what to think anymore.

  7. Can we hear it anyway? I'm intrigued. And I don't think you've come out with much information this game.


    Well, it would jeopardise another player heavily. If it's true. Which I can't figure out right now. So ... yeah. I want to reveal it so we can clear it up, but I don't like jeopardising others.

  8. I have not attempted to target herojan on any night. What is this revelation you've had? I'm very suspicious of people who will remove a vote based on new info but won't actually say the info right away. I see no reason not to post it there and then.


    Ugh, then my theory goes down the drain. :hmm: I really thought I'd cracked it ... I was reluctant to come forward with my theory because it would jeopardise people unnecessarily. Now ... I just don't know. It seemed to fit so well. I'm really at a loss right now.

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