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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. This is my 10,000th post on N-Europe.


    I have been a regular on these boards for five years and a month now, and it's amazing how much has happened since then, both on the forums and in my own personal life. I've mentioned before how N-Europe has become more or less a second home to me, and especially how my time here has affected me for the better. The friends that I've made, the countless discussions that I've followed and participated in, it's all helped me grow a lot as a person, and for that I'm truly grateful. I've encountered many different types who have all challenged my perceptions on the world and given me plenty of food for thought - both good and bad :heh: - but whether good or bad or in-between, it has helped me triangulate my own position in life and figure out who I am.


    So to everyone on N-Europe: Thank you for being a part of my life for the past five years. Here's to at least another five! :D


    To prevent this from becoming a complete ego trip, feel free to tell YOUR personal stories - N-E-related or not! :)

  2. Second week back at uni, and the workload already seems overwhelming. :heh: It's good to be back, though, and especially two of this semester's courses are bloody brilliant: Critical Thinking And Argumentation (a course offered by philosophy - LOVE IT) and Greek Language Knowledge (basically just nerding over the language, which is what got me hooked originally).

  3. A pretty standard episode. The inclusion of the extra characters seemed a bit arbitrary, but they were enjoyable, especially Rupert Graves and Mark Williams, so it's all good. I was a bit surprised that the Doctor killed Solomon off just like that - definitely not his standard modus operandi. It could be that it ties together with Amy and Rory not being with him; the companions have always been there to keep him "human". He seems to want to let them live their own life together now, but Amy doesn't seem quite ready to let go yet. Still massively curious and anxious as to how they're going to leave the show.

  4. I just caught up with this show, I wasn't aware there was no Season 8 so I just plowed on with it.


    It really is an awful, awful show. The writing is just horrendous. I feel like it's being written by some twenty-somethings in college. All the jokes follow exactly the same format.


    I don't know why I watched so much of it.


    Say what, now?! :p I find the writing to be some of the most brilliant I've seen in a sitcom. The storytelling is really on a completely different level than in most comedy series.

  5. Sheikah died? Obviously Nintendohnut is mafia, then! :p


    Jokes aside, this will be one interesting game. Diageo being revealed ... there was a role who could do that in my Colour Mafia, but that also revealed alignment, which this doesn't seem to have done. It was also a one-time thing, in which case it's a bit early for it to have been used, unless that part has been tweaked as well. I find it hard to believe there wouldn't be some sort of restriction, though, what with it being a fairly powerful power.

  6. Are you sure it doesn't just look like him? I'll check them out, as that actually sounds like something terrible that's right up my alley. I only know that picture from tinternets.


    ... Maybe it does just look like him :P How incredibly racist of me.


    The guy in the comic is Ryan Higa' date=' known as nigahiga:



  7. Oh, but I agree! I love what they did with it, I was just left wanting more of a connection. It makes sense that Phoenix more or less cut all ties to his past (which is what I understood as the reason we saw so few of the original main characters), but that's also why I'm hoping him having finally dealt with his past and taken the bar exam again will see him reunite with his old friends - but, again, without abandoning the AJ characters. Basically I just don't want to see any characters get left out, 'cause they're all so good! :D




    Hm, does it not look like she is wearing a defence attorney's badge?

  8. What I really want is a bridge to the turnabout between the pre-disbarment and post-disbarment periods. Right now Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney feels like a standalone game that's not really tied to the other instalments in the series. Even the spin-off series feels closer connected to the rest of the main series. My biggest worry would be that the new game will feel like another standalone game. My biggest hope is that it brings together the best of the two periods.

  9. :weep:


    I hate spoilers, but i think once something is more than 6months to a year old its fair game (in all countries not just the US, so everyone's had that period to access it)


    Theres someone in my work who has never seen the likes of Goodfellas, Casino, GODFATHER! he keeps saying he intends to watch them, but he ends up watching comedies with his girlfriend, and he actually got pissed off when someone mentioned plot points from goodfellas - theres no point watching it now apparently

    Another friend of mine STILL hasn't seen Avengers because he hates the cinema (too many kids talking through it, cramped leg room etc) so i can't mention that around him


    sometimes i just want to real off endings to films because its got beyond a joke


    Hey, have a bit of respect for people like us who are slow to watch films! :heh:


    There's still bunch of classics I need to see, yet most of them have already been spoiled for me. A lot of the ones I have seen were spoiled long before I got to see them. The Sixth Sense, Planet Of The Apes, Fight Club ... I think the only classic I know there's a twist in that I've managed to avoid having spoiled so far is Psycho.

  10. Nobody knew you were a protector, Rummy, you silly, paranoid man! :p It wasn't until Sheikah said that he was blocked that I figured it out, and even then there were still some contradictions due to the mafia's lies. One thing I never figured out, though: The reports of people being knocked over the head, was that Rummy? Because I could never seem to resolve those contradictions.

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