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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane



    I think I have figured it out. A final piece clicked into place, and now it all seems to make sense. I don't think any of our lynch targets are mafia. At least none of the allegations against them seem damning. Unfortunately I think it's too late, but for what it's worth: Withdraw Vote

  2. You can't seem to keep your story straight. Originally you claimed to have not sent in targets the first two nights, now you say you blocked The Peeps on night 2, which still doesn't check out since he has specifically stated he was successful that night. I also find it odd you haven't been told that your power failed.


    You also fail to address why you're still voting for jayseven despite me having just cleared the current allegations against him.


    My vote stays on you.

  3. Like I said, I haven't used it until now because it's obvious when I do it. It also prevents me from investigating the following crime scene. It's not just a one time thing, though.


    I can't say for sure what the 3% are, but I personally believe it's just an arbitrary error of margin put in by Jonnas. If you separate jay's post into statements, there's no more than 20 in total, effectively meaning he can't have lied about any of them as the truth percentage would've then been significantly lower.




    Why do you still pursue jayseven when I have effectively just cleared him, Jimbob? Your claim from yesterday didn't check out, either. At the moment, you're the most suspicious in my eyes.


    Vote: Jimbob

  4. It's a lie detector. I was really in doubt about jayseven and his claims, so I decided to break it out. Unfortunately it's visible, hence my reluctance to use it so far, but I found this dilemma big enough to use it. And a good thing I did: The post I analysed was 97% true, so he can't have lied about any of the statements therein since that would have reduced the truth value by 5% each at the very least. Jayseven didn't kill heroicjanitor.

  5. Nah, I've read the thread, but you haven't explicitly confirmed you DO check bodies, and I was hoping I might get you to, so that I could decide whether to vote for jay or not. If you were mafia trying to lynch him, I would think you're unlikely to give him an alibi.









    Neither explicitly confirms the fact that you look at dead bodies, but I'll take it to be that you're trying to say you do, and Remove Vote.


    This is ridiculously funny. Whether you genuinely haven't read the thread properly or you're being pedantic, the irony in the fact that you want me to confirm something I already have when yesterday you refused to answer questions because the answers were allegedly deducible from the thread is wonderful.


    As jayseven correctly says, I investigate the crime scene each night, but I haven't uncovered anything else of much use so far.


    This quote is actually part of the first post of mine you quoted - in response to you. And if it's still not clear, here's a later post of mine in response to jayseven's claim that I outed myself after he revealed my nightly actions:


    I protest that I outed myself; [jayseven] had revealed exactly what I do - look at dead bodies. I thought the implication was obvious and considered the info revealed.


    The implication, of course, being that I investigate the crime scenes. Of murders. Which usually involves looking at dead bodies.


    For someone refusing to answer the honest questions of confused people, you certainly need things spelled out.


    Anyway, on to business ...


    @The Peeps Not denying it - I targetted him' date=' but was roleblocked by a paralysing jolt of electricity, which I'm inferring was heroicjanitor's roleblocking ability. It's a case of wrong place, wrong time.


    I'm Charles Darwin, I can investigate people to learn a little about them. So far I've targetted;


    Night 1: Tales - could not find him during the night, as if he has 'vanished'

    Night 2: Cube - he has ability to track another player and broadcast it in write-up, though he did not always have this power

    Night 3: Dannyboy - looks at the bodies

    Night 4: heroijan - I got zapped, so unable to get info.[/quote']




    I still highly suspect Jimbob, whose story doesn't check out, and Yvonne, who is usually only this quiet when mafia.

  6. basically Diageo claims to have redirected the conveniently mod killed animal to jayseven yesterday, however I know that no-one targeted jay yesterday.

    seems like a pretty decent cover for a killer.


    I also find jayseven suspect, but wanted to get this out in case I'm dead next. thoughts?


    You mean on night 3? Why didn't you mention this yesterday? This is interesting, though. @Diageo, what have you to say about this?


    Remove Vote for the time being.

  7. I was thinking the same, Rummy. The only piece of info that wasn't available in the thread was the fact that I investigate dead bodies. On that note, I found that last night's killer was the same who scared off Tales (and that he/she was as hard to stop as before), which I personally read as a hint that the other nights had different killers, meaning that the "relentless" connections seems to have been a coincidence.


    Anyway, I'm willing to go for jayseven.


    Vote: jayseven

  8. What if you believe in some form of greater power but don't agree with any of the religions?


    I know, I know, but then in my head you're still not "non-religious". I'm no expert on these things, so it probably is my definition that's off, but it's interesting to discuss nonetheless. A thrip is probably in order if the discussion continues.

  9. First of all:


    For a number of reasons!


    1. Because I like to play that way. I don't like spelling out things to people if they can be worked out from the thread.

    2. It's more fun like this!

    3. Because he's asked like a billion times and every time I've pretty much answered it.

    4. Because I don't see why I should have to do your work for you, lazy players aren't going to win us much.

    5. You already know the answer, anyway.




    Maybe the town understand it, and you don't. You're the only person I see asking. Maybe you're mafia trying to root out what everyone does so you can kill your next viable target? I don't see lots of other people being confused or asking the same questions as you repeatedly.


    Putting you in the minority. The minority is mafia.


    1. Even assuming what I'm asking could be worked out from the thread, it's an annoying and counterproductive way of playing. People naturally get frustrated when you play uncooperatively. You of all people know this from past experience.

    2. No, it's not. :heh:

    3. What? You haven't answered a single thing I've asked you!

    4. Lazy? I'm the one trying to make sense of things here while you just sit there and refuse to cooperate. Frankly, you seem like the lazy one.

    5. Then maybe Diageo can answer us?


    We're all clearly equally confused. Go back a few pages and see the different assumptions drawn about these things. I even point it out straight afterwards because I know it's one of the arguments you're clinging to.


    Why should everyone else ask you the same questions that I've already asked? If they DO know the answers, wouldn't they have tired of me and either simply answered me or tried to shut me up instead? I could turn your argument around and say that since you're the only one protesting my questioning, clearly you're the only one against it and thus in the minority = mafia.


    See how silly that argument is?


    Besides, when two players start to focus on each other in a mafia game, the other players usually want to avoid getting involved.


    And to be honest, so do I. I know you're more stubborn than me in mafia games and that we very likely won't get anywhere, so I don't want to waste more energy on this discussion.


    Lucky, then, that we seem to have found a more pressing lead in @%1;.


    (Apologies in advance if the tagging doesn't work.)

  10. Agnosticism is the idea that we can never know if there is a deity or not, so I'd say it's right the middle, neither one nor the other. And I guess that's the problem: I wouldn't call it non-religious, because in my head that term is pretty much synonymous with atheism. I recognise you can have beliefs that don't fit any of the established religions or spiritual belief systems, but it just sounds wrong in my head to call someone who entertains the idea of something "non-religious". I'm probably thinking too "mechanically" about it.

  11. That's a bit of a silly question. They're not the same.


    How are they different? I know there are lots of unclear and hard-to-define forms of belief or lack thereof (agnosticism should probably have its own category), but I can't see the difference between being atheist and non-religious specifically. Especially not in a simplified statistic such as this.

  12. I like the miniature earth/village of 100 concept.



    That's not the best version but I can't find the one I wanted.


    The most shocking (shocking as in disgusting more than surprising) statistic is that 6% of people own 59% of the world's wealth.


    Yeah, I've seen these statistics before. It's quite shocking.


    Though why do they differentiate between atheists and non-religious?



    I found the message from Iwata rather quickly. It's simply the same code you enter at the beginning. I didn't know there was a message from Miyamoto as well, though.

  13. Also there is no evidence that Sheikah roleblocked Peeps other than they both claim it. Sheikah could have done something helpful for Pees while Peeps killed. Have you gotten literally nothing Danny? What type of stuff do you get?


    Due to Peeps describing his roleblock as a whack over the head, I assumed it was Rummy's doing, but he apparently targetted you, except you weren't roleblocked. He has yet to actually confirm what his power is and whom he targetted.




    Of course I don't have literally nothing, but I've already mentioned what I have of use. In the interest of full disclosure:


    On night 1 I found out that Nintendohnut would not have appeared as town, but as that was irrelevant I didn't see the point in coming out with it.


    On night 2 I simply got that the killer seemed impossible to reach and much less stop. Again the word "relentless" was used, hence my focus on it.


    On night 3 I learned something that made me trust mr-paul, though I shall keep the details to myself so as to not compromise anyone. Smart cookies may be able to figure out what I learned, but at the moment I see no benefit to revealing it.


    Shiekah said he didn't roleblock me, as did Jimbob.


    Night 1 - I tried to target Tales but could not find him


    Night 2 - No PM, therefore my target was successful with nothing of note to PM me about (as laid out by Jonnas in the first post).


    Night 3 - I was whacked on the head on my way to my target, therefore I could not reach my target.


    Shiekah is shown in the write-up as targeting me and Jimbob later said that he targeted me. One of them roleblocked me OR a third/fourth/fifth person targeted me.


    See, I've worked on the assumption that Rummy is the roleblocker who knocks people over the head. But according to both yours and heroic's information, this can't be true. But then what does he do when he apparently hurts people, and who is going around knocking people unconscious?


    Also, Jimbob claims to have protected you last night, which should have prevented the roleblock.


    Also, I wouldn't mind a bit of protection tonight if we have a protector somewhere. I am probably a prime target of the mafia now, what with my info-gathering role and talkative disposition. :heh:

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