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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I love dressing up as well (which, as with bob, should also be evident), probably owing to me being a bit of a theatre geek. I once went as Mulder to a halloween party, complete with badge and all, but I don't know of any halloween parties yet this year. I'm hoping there'll be one at my course at uni - there are a couple of fans like me. :heh:

  2. So far everything seems to add up, so I'm not really suspicious of anyone at this point based on their behaviour. However, Tales's power does worry me, especially if he is neutral. What would his win condition be, then? Survive till the end? Or would he have his own agenda? It's not an obvious town or mafia power, hence my leaning towards it being neutral again.


    He doesn't, if you were paying attention to yourself you might realise that. I would also counter your arguments of having claimed truths to point out you then stated differently, and can later claim whichever you want to match the information then put out. It's a very scummy way to play imo, and I'll keep my vote on you. I'd rather keep Tales in the game for now as he'll be able to keep mixing things up, so that we don't know who's neccessarily got/can do what.


    Contrary to what you seem to believe, confusion is not good for the town, Rummy. Confusion is the tool of the mafia, clarity the weapon of the town.


    Normally I'd actually find you very suspicious for wanting to keep things confusing, but I know it's consistent with your play style, so it doesn't really say anything either way.

  3. For a while posts on the playground didn't count towards your post count - they do now I think' date=' but they weren't retroactive so technically, dannyboy, you have probably greatly exceeded 10k![/quote']


    Oh, wow. :heh: I do recall that; I actually think a great percentage of my total posts have been in the playground. :p

  4. I was aware it might come off as vain/self-centered in a way, but really it was just something I randomly noticed a couple of hundred posts back that made me think about the five years of my life that that number represents, and I figured it'd make for a potentially interesting thread topic.

  5. Moogle, your opinion on uniqueness and originality seems ... strange. What do you expect? We're six billion people and counting on the planet; it's virtually impossible to do, wear or imagine anything that's not been done, worn or imagined before - by plenty of people, most likely. In that sense originality is dead. But that's rather irrelevant, because we're still all unique individuals; not two people are completely identical in all aspects, so what matters is that we do, wear and imagine what we like best. Who cares if something's unoriginal as long as it suits the unique individual that is you?


    Personally I've always been mostly a t-shirt-and-plain-trousers type of guy, but lately I've taken a liking to "nicer"/"older"/more "formal" clothes, particularly shirts and suits, and am currently in the process of slowly adjusting my wardrobe accordingly. My daily outfit at the moment consists of a tweed jacket over the standard t-shirt and trousers, and I quite like that look. I also grab every opportunity to go full classy gentleman. :heh:

  6. I don't really agree on the humour since I find it hilarious, but I guess that's very subjective.


    The confession to Robin did seem to come out of nowhere, but it also seemed like that was entirely intential - even Ted was surprised when Victoria brought it up - in order to put the final nail in that coffin. Then Marshall ended the episode by saying he hadn't given up on them yet, and that sort of ruined it a bit for me.

  7. On the topic, what are people's experience with popping zits? I've always been told not to pop them, but is that premature popping? The popping seems inevitable, so I've always been a bit confused. Someone has also mentioned to me that it's about getting the white stuff out without causing bleeding (a tear in the actual skin) as that can leave a scar.

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