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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Right, a bunch of questions:


    I assume Animal was given proper warning? In any case, the balance of probability is that he wasn't mafia.


    Are we to deduce anything from the initial mistaking of heroicjanitor for Yvonne? Is there some resemblance between their characters or is it pure flavour?


    @heroicjanitor, I assume you were the one to roleblock gmac?


    @The Peeps, any hints as to the nature of your roleblocking?


    @Rummy, we never got an explanation for your apparent violent tendencies. Care to elaborate?


    As a closing statement I have very strong reasons to trust mr-paul.




    (I enjoy that Cube was a Cube)


    Am I to deduce that you were redirected again, perhaps from Yvonne to heroicjanitor?


    Also, you said someone attempted to redirect you the other nights; were they successful?

  2. As I think I wrote in my long-winded Madonna post elsewhere I think the saddest thing is that so many young people's sexuality (and by extension a visceral, important, defining part of who they are) is TOLERATED by their family. Obviously there's cases of being kicked out/beaten, whatever, but how horrible to live in your home knowing you were loved in spite of who you are, not because of who you were.


    H8. I'm so thankful for my situation.


    Yeah, it almost seems worse. "Tolerate" is such a begrudging word/concept.

  3. I find the term career a bit ... I dunno, restrictive? Like it's something you have to dedicate your life to and sacrifice stuff for. A job has never really been a life goal for me. My life goal is happiness. Naturally that means I'd like a job I like doing, but it's just never really been the thing I've focused on.

  4. Yes, my main points made were around autism. Looking back, I see I mention 'mental health issues' once in my original post of the thread. Yet you've taken what I've said to somehow equate to mental illness, and I just can't see how you've reached that conclusion when I haven't even said it.


    You have, in essence, judged my opinion and said I have no right to hold it without experience. Why do I have to justify it? Why are you so certain I might be completely mistaken and wrong, and are so quick to judge my opinion that I haven't justified? Is it just because I haven't? Does that mean I can't have it? Maybe I'm very fully qualified to hold my opinion, yet just because I haven't spelt it out, I'm apparently not and it's an unfair and cynical one to hold? I feel like you're almost doing the one thing that you're expecting others not to, prejudging me with preconceived ideas.


    And, as an aside, playing devil's advocate; what if we take Jay's earlier example of the Rosenhan experiment and suppose that, some people, possibly even yourself, have been diagnosed/given the label of autism when they are, in actual fact, just on the normal spectrum of existence?


    My point isn't that it isn't an issue, my point is merely that it needs to be put into perspective. I thought I made it clear with a few extreme examples I used. Don't get me wrong either, I've always tried to tell people never to judge another man's pain; but as much as it's a bitch to stub my toe(or smach myself in the balls), is it equatable to holding equal weight to those who have suffered far worse? I'm not intending to belittle the problem or issue, but I'm aiming not to over-inflate it, either. I feel like I've made clear statements in the thread which are being generalised out to a bigger/slight tangenital issue.


    Essentially, it isn't black and white. It's very complex. It isn't yes or no, it's a sliding scale that's not easy to define, yet...I feel like sometimes people are trying to say it's simply this or simply that, when it really is not.


    If I have misjudged your opinion, I apologise.


    The comment I made was not intended to read "you have not experienced this, therefore you cannot have an opinion on it", though obviously I can see how it can be read that way. What I intended to say was that your opinion, as I mistakenly read it, was in contradiction to my knowledge and experience in the area, which suggested to me you have not had much experience in the area and that your opinion was therefore based on false premises.


    The key here is that I misunderstood what you were trying to say and thus the premises of your argument. The reason is that I mistook your post for the kind of general mental condition scepticism I have encountered far too often and which aggravate me to no end, and this would appear to have led me to put words into your mouth, for which I apologise.


    (For the record I believe any good argument is backed up by reason and justification, but even one that isn't is still valid, of course. It was not lack of justification, but simply the misunderstood opinion itself that I found cynical.)


    Reading the rest of your post, it would actually appear we agree very much on the topic. (Though I can guarantee you that despite my level of functionality now, I was a very clear case of autism as a child; I've come a very long way since then.) It really is a very complex issue, and the crucial thing is to understand it as much as possible so we can make the right decisions.

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