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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I think what confused me most about that part of the movie was the apparent confusion on Loki's face when Black Widow came to the conclusion that he intended to use Banner; he seemed genuinely mystified, leading me to question whether he actually did have any plans for Banner at all. That could just be him being taken aback by Black Widow's clever play, though. Still, I don't feel entirely clear on what happened there.

  2. No, the one where some guy volunteers to spend a day with a little kid who has no friends


    But who is who? In the film version by M. Night Shyamalan the great twist is that they've BOTH been the kid with no friends all along!

  3. FINALLY got around to seeing it today and have been catching up on everything in this thread since. :heh:


    Obviously I found it awesome, amazing, orgasmic, etc.


    1) The difference between the two instances of Banner Hulking out: The first time he was pushed as a result of the strife created by Loki with Banner being somewhat antagonised, resulting in the classic rage Hulk. The second time he revealed that he had learnt to control the transformation, meaning he was directing his anger and using it constructively.


    2) Coulson's death was important because he was the regular, idealistic, grounded man that they (and the audience) had developed a somewhat personal bond with. Throughout the first five films he'd been the main link between them, the symbol of S.H.I.E.L.D., and his death serves to finalise this link, to finally unite them.


  4. Hmm when is the exam period over?


    Oh, if you want to start it soon, you shouldn't take me into consideration. It's still about a month before I'm done - my last exam is on June 19th. I'll be most busy the next 10 days, though - after that I'll have more time. But really, you shouldn't think about me.


    That being said, you better have some great games left for when I'm ready again! It's been too long since I've been in Peeps and Jonnas games. ;)

  5. Last night a friend from my senior school passed away. He had been battling cancer since 2001. He didn't sit his GCSEs due to it.


    He would think he'd beaten it, and be given the go ahead to only find out a few months later it was back.


    While alot of my friends from senior school are married, have kids etc... Jon was battling cancer.


    I went skiing with him and the school a year before he was diagnosed and now. 10 years later he's gone.


    It's unfair. Im just... Well at a loss for words.


    The world has lost a truly great and brave person. He didn't let it get him down and always wanted to know how other people were doing, putting other people's problems before his. And always smiling.


    Can't believe it. :(


    RIP Jon, no more pain for you mate


    Cancer is horrible. :( I'm sorry for your loss.

  6. It sounds like she either doesn't realise the reality of the situation or simply doesn't care. But one thing is for certain, you can't go on living like this. As you say, this isn't life. Your happiness is just as important as hers, but she clearly only has her own happiness in mind, whereas you have that of you both. Ergo you need to talk to her, even if it upsets her. If she can't realise how things stand and continues to be selfish, then you need to be selfish and think of yourself, because clearly she doesn't. I know it's harsh, but you can't be there for others if you're not there for yourself first. I can't stress enough how important that is. If you keep sacrificing yourself, your own needs and happiness for the sake of others, inevitably there won't be anything left for any of you. Remember that.


    Despite not knowing the town roles? :p


    Towns play was very sloppy to be honest. It was a good match, and it wasn't diabolical play at all, but town could have done a lot more. And obviously, town lynched two of their own pretty much all by themselves. Anyway, I have very little time at the moment so I will comment further soon.


    We know a good deal of them, and while they're fine, they pale compared to the powers of the mafia. Mine in particular felt rather useless. :heh:


    I'm not denying we could have played better, I'm just saying we were up against tough competition with not much to go on.

  8. We did indeed not play well, but then I don't feel we had much to go on. And the few times that we did act on suspicion alone, we got it wrong, proving how uncertain that method can be. After that we weren't really keen on making any more wrong lynches.


    But still, clear victory for the mafia.


    I'm excited to hear ReZ's thoughts on the game.

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