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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Been busy today, sorry guys. Watching football, then playing football (lost 10-0 whoop!) then recovering from both.


    I'd rather not say any more about my role right now, but I will do a full reveal tomorrow once Jonnas has been lynched. I don't trust you Dannyboy, but I will again talk about it tomorrow.


    Vote: Jonnas


    He is clearly the killer. Why people haven't already lynched him is beyond me.


    You keep saying you don't trust me, yet you'll neither explain why nor anything about your role. :heh:


    Though now that you've put the last vote on Jonnas, I realise I haven't voted for probably our first mafia vote, which puts me in a bad light.


    Can someone explain what Yvonne has done?


    Only seemingly "attacked" you in today's write-up, but on closer inspection it doesn't actually seem like an attack. I personally accept the protection explanation.

  2. I also feel fairly confident that Jonnas is the killer. However, I think we should get as much out of the day as possible, and I still want to hear from Nintendohnut. Is he busy with real life? Has he even posted much anywhere on the forum recently?


    For the record there are 3 votes out of 6 on Jonnas at the moment.

  3. As the battle raged on, a yellow and red Pokémon [Yvonne/Pikachu] squeezed hard, a blast of lightning struck around a brown, cream and white Pokémon [Cube/Pokémon unknown?] as it hurried towards its target. A lilac Pokémon [me/Espeon] studied the scene carefully.


    A white, pink, pink and navy Pokémon [??? (EEVILMURRAY/Crowbat?)] made strange movements with its arms. Nearby a large navy and cream Pokémon [EddieColeslaw/Wailmer/Wailord?] changed direction but nothing further happened.


    A blue, red and pale yellow Pokémon [Jonnas/Feraligatr?] looked into the sky, finding its target and it triggered a powerful blast of energy to shoot through the sky, smashing into the helpless victim.




    Crobat is dead. With his powerful flight and sonar he could track a player at night, and his large wingspan and presence gave him a double vote. A member of the town, @EEVILMURRAY is no longer in the game.


    This is what I gather so far.


    This still leaves five players unaccounted for, but we know their colours/Pokémon:


    Diageo - Umbreon

    Dud - purple, pink

    heroicjanitor - Jolteon

    mr-paul - Mr. Mime

    Nintendohnut - Golduck


    Which leaves only Jonnas and possibly Nintendohnut (though he was apparently described by different colours earlier) as the killer.


    @Nintendohnut, I believe it's time we heard a bit about you. You've been uncharacteristically quiet all game, and we know nothing about you except your Pokémon.


    I didn't target Jonnas last night. I was redirected to Diageo. Mafioso protecting his fellow?


    I can see myself being redirected every night to a mafioso who doesn't receive PMs from now :mad:


    I am the "large navy and cream Pokémon" that "changed direction".


    Well, Mr.-Mimepaul, our known redirector, was investigated good by Jonnas, so if Jonnas turns out to be the killer, this is indeed possible. Nothing more than theories at this point, though.


    Also of note is that ReZ is very much not a fan of townie redirectors, but it would probaby be unfair to let that affect our judgement of mr-paul.

  4. Earlier in the game Nintendohnut was blue, cream and red I think, whereas this is blue, red and pale yellow.


    Interested to hear what Yvonne/Cube have to say here too.


    Ah, fair enough, then. I'm not sure I'd call the beak colour in the PM I got "cream", but I can see why ReZ might call it that.

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