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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Everytime I see this cast-list, I crack up. You can just imagine Stallone and co around a table thinking, "right, how can we make the most ridiculous action film of all time? I know...let's put every action film star ever into it."



  2. Are you saying you're a protector?


    Why are we voting for EddeColeslaw? I'm sorry I missed yesterday completely, was waiting all day at work for the day to start, then I get in the next day and it's all over! I'm posting from work mainly today(out seeing patients too) and I'll be out this eve but I'll do my best to be active until 5ish!


    EDIT: Lol totally seen I've done what Danny just did.


    Are you saying you're a doctor?


    (Sorry, couldn't resist! :p)

  3. Thanks to whoever dragged me underground last night, if I hadn't been I suspect the kill may have been prevented if I have my suspicions right. Seriously, did no-one protect Tales even though it seems clear he was either dumb or his result manipulated?


    Definitely interested in hearing from people including Eddie and The Peeps.


    Are you saying you're a roleblocker?

  4. I wanted to give a fairly thorough rundown of the common elements, but yeah, I was never satisfied. :heh: In the end I just decided to run through it without thinking too much about it, and I actually think it turned out all right. Still not perfect, but I'm satisfied with it. :heh:


    When handled by creative hosts such as yourself, DIY mafias are some of the most fun and exciting games, I find. :)

  5. Except the Peeps is carying his little Pokédex. Why beat around the bush? Why not clear things up and be done with it? Because he’s mafia. Eddie (that is bad mafia play by the way, though I feel bad for incriminating my only “supporter”) , heroic and Peeps. They all share their info. I actually think you’re one of them too now.


    Oh, come on, this is getting ridiculous. You're accusing everyone who's participating in this discussion.


    And the Pokédex is incriminating him now? Pray tell, how?

  6. They do not, and I already said I think it’s more likely the intended victim was protected, I personally don’t suspect Jonnas at all. My actual point was that a real townie roleblocker should've have capitialised on the various situations long before. There’s no hurt in questioning the roleblocker’s targets, yet I’m the only one who has actually revealed them. Not revealing them is not townie play.


    I understand what you're getting at, but townies are always reluctant to come forward with info in the beginning due to the obvious fact that it draws attention to them. Plus, people don't always play optimally. This doesn't really prove anything.


    No. I understand perfectly why people want to follow an investigation, but the way Peeps adds to the suspicion, is simply suspicious. Conveniently I’m a brutal roleblocker now, something he decides to share this day. It could be that my roleblocks would be described a brutal in the write-up, but they haven’t so far. And Heroic brought it up (agressive, same thing) before Peeps decided to share it. How is that possible? The mafia forum of course, they decided this was a good tactic to get rid of a townie, only they got their order of posting reversed. Note that I’m actually not blaming Tales..



    And of course he has this information but denies being a rolecop.


    It's not at all suspicious if you ask me. He didn't want to reveal information before it was useful, and it didn't become useful until today. And there are plenty of ways you can get information without being a rolecop. Really, you seem to be grasping at straws here, trying to turn suspicion onto those accusing you.

  7. What freudian slip? Town as a whole.


    Then why the second person? :heh:


    You don’t follow my logic? You don’t want to know who was potentially roleblocked from killing?


    Of course I do, but you're acting as if the roleblockers hold the key to the entire game.


    For being a rolecop who conveniently shares his info today. That’s some subtle mafia manipulation right there. Of course, it’s not so subtle when you’re on the receiving end.


    For someone complaining about being painted as a mafioso, you're being pretty hypocritical when adamantly claiming Peeps is a mafia rolecop.


    Sudden thought: if Smeagol is mafia, surely there would be a few mafiosos trying to make distractions and saving him from being lynched?


    Possibly, though with the current state of the discussion they might not dare interfere.

  8. Yes must. And there is a protector, I’ve said so. But as town you must consider all options, and you don’t even know who has bumped into the protection, so that only leaves the townie roleblocker’s targets to question.


    Freudian slip? :heh:


    I don't follow your logic. Yes, roleblockers can provide valuable info, but there are other plausible explanations for lack of kill, and we have to take that into account as well - as you say yourself. We can't just assume people who have been roleblocked are the killers.

  9. Must? Come, now, you know that doesn't fly. I should be very surprised if there isn't at least one protector out there as well, and there could easily be other factors we don't know about - this is a ReZourceman game, after all. Sorry to say it, but your attempts at defending yourself are textbook examples of mafia defences.

  10. We're seven votes off? Then I'm fine with laying mine down now. I thought we were closer to majority.


    Vote: Sméagol


    I have nothing concrete, but generally your behaviour gives me a mafia vibe, from coming out as a roleblocker first thing and now trying to divert suspicion onto others. CMT

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