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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. The article is worded somewhat negatively, but it seems to me a tool for drawing attention to the issues rather than a reflection of actual opinion. Even if not the case, I still wouldn't call it racist in any way. Cynical, yes, but not racist. And cynical or not, the point raised still stands.

  2. Quantum Physics is pretty mind blowing. The slit experiment is essentially proof that the electron acts like a wave, as the interference pattern observed for electrons passing through is exactly the same as for light when one hole is open AND when two are open. This implies that the electrons, even when going through one at a time, have some kind of knowledge of what has gone through before them, as the interference effect is present when the result is observed. To explain that, we say that the electrons path is not set until the observation is made - they take every possible path. Then when we look at the screen, we "collapse the wave function", ie the paths of each electron are determined from the infinitely many possiblities to be one particular path and the interference effect therefore comes into play between each one. This is the "Copenhagen Interpretation" because it was Niels Bohr that came up with it.


    Dunno if thats exactly what you were referring to, but regardless its a nice example of how awesome Quantum Theory is. Anyone looking for a good introductory book on Quantum Physics, I'd recommend "In Search of Schroedingers Cat" by John Gribbon. It gives the full history of Quantum Theory, explaining who, how, when and why we came to these ideas, and has a a chapter dedicated to explaining what I just tried to in one paragraph. It's a little maths-y, but you can probably get past that and just enjoy the concepts.


    Right. Thanks. :) I'd actually understood pretty much all of that. It was when he tried explaining the "takes all possible paths" thing that my very tired mind gave up. :heh:

  3. To be honest I don't see anything immediately suspicious about Sméagol or his power. It's quite common to have a "target someone for X effect or don't target anyone for Y effect", like for instance protecting yourself when not targetting others. He claimed he wouldn't target anyone and kept his word. Of course, we still can't confirm anything about his power(s), and his openness could just as well be a proactive attempt at gaining trust, so we really can't say anything either way yet.


    This doesn't seem to be the most information-heavy game, at least not yet. If things don't change soon, it would seem we need to work more on gut feelings and "scummy behaviour".

  4. Right, so the embers that rain from the sky, that's @Sméagol ... roleblocking himself? He'll have to explain that. The blue speckles of energy, is that you as well, Sméagol?


    The black vortex initially worried me, but it appears it might simply be a standard move. I'm wondering what the distortion could be ... is it hiding something, or manipulating someone's actions or results, perhaps?

  5. I apologise, I thought the point of this game was to work out who the killers are :p


    Obviously we're not questioning looking into the kill, I just think people are being conspiracy theorists. :p Power cops aren't the most common mafia roles, and it would mean they'd identified MadDog on the first night, and if that's the case, would they really have chosen to off him? This early on a serial killer is more likely to hit townies, and usually the mafia has a redirector of some kind that could manipulate him to their advantage.


    I'd say the balance of probability lies with it being a simple coinkidink.

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