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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Of course I'm not defined by it, I just look ridiculous without it! :p If you'd seen me without a beard, you wouldn't recommend me getting rid of it. :heh: Something positive to say? How about: "Wow, you mustered up the courage to go outside looking like that! Good for you!" :p


    And if not it'll show her why beards are awesome.




    No need to traumatise the poor girl. :heh:




    This is awkward.


    All right, more ridiculous. :p

  2. Cmaaan. Lose the beard.


    Do you know what will happen if you shave?


    Will Satan come from beneath the ground and pull you down to the Underworld?

    Will Chickens start to lay eggs inside your testicular bag?

    Will a million little spiders burst out from your nipples and prepare to engage in an act which can only be described as "milking a Dane"?


    No. You know what'll happen? It'll grow back within a week.


    I'll look ridiculous for a week, plus the week it takes until it's no longer a poor excuse for a beard. :heh:


    Why do you wish for me to look ridiculous for two weeks, Jim? Why?

  3. but seriously don't change who you are for someone, even if it seems minor. :)


    This is what I was thinking. It might be minor, but I really like my beard, it's a part of my look. Should I really change that for some girl? She really has to be something special. I guess I'll have to find out if she is first. :)

  4. I can honestly say that that's not the case. I've become familiar enough with my patheticness with women to admit that kind of stuff to myself. Sure, I am nervous about asking her out, but I also really would like to keep my beard. No relation there, it's just a minor annoyance. I probably should have highlighted the tongue-in-cheekness of it more, perhaps not have posted it in the bad stuff thread.

  5. I never said I thought I couldn't get her even without the beard. I have no idea about that. If I did manage to get her, the beard would probably have to stay away, though. It's all rather silly, really. I just really like my beard and find I look ridiculous without it. :heh:

  6. What a strange decision. It always seems weird to me to change a title in the UK/Europe. It somewhat made sense that they changed the title of Mario Strikers, but this seems so arbitrary. Also, the new poster doesn't really look natural.

  7. I don't know about you guys, but due to the extent of what my teeth were, they left two bars on the back of my teeth (one top and one bottom.) I've had them since I was 15/16 now and they've no sign of coming out.


    It's basically a bad idea to remove them just incase my teeth decide to revert back, as I quite like being able to close my mouth properly.


    Yep, so do I, and they're definitely staying. I don't want my teeth reverting back more if it can be prevented.

  8. Nice one. When I had mine it was similar.


    The only thing is, even after 4 years of various braces, they start to move back to their previous position really quickly! After a few weeks of not wearing my retainer at night I notice a huge difference when putting it back in.


    Yeah, I can confirm that. Even after just a few days without the retainer you can feel the difference when you put it in.

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