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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I've always been a bit of a natural when it came to speaking to crowds or performing on stage. In fact, I've always rather loved being the centre of attention, especially when I did well. :blush: An important factor has probably been my eloquence - always been good with words, I have. :heh:


    (This post felt digustingly self-lauding.)

  2. Really? Sexuality doesn't have to define characters. If Cloud from Final Fantasy VII had a gay love triangle and one of them was murdered blah blah it would be an important story element but it wouldn't take away from the fact he saved the planet. Same with Nathan Drake like mentioned, he could be an adventurer and a gay guy, surely? It wouldn't necessarily change their character in any way.


    I think representation is important, and the fact there's almost no gays in games makes me uncomfortable. Why not? What's going on there? You can't say it's not important because if there were no female characters, or black characters (bad example, there's not a lot of these either) or whatever the industry would be ridiculed.


    I think the point he's trying to make is that, like Jonnas highlights, people tend to make the sexuality the important aspect.

  3. I think you both may have something known as 'Norovirus' as your symtoms sounds exactly the same as mine when I was ill over Christmas just over a year ago, if it is then I wish you both a speedy recovery as I was off work for about a week with it. :/


    Yup, that's it. I didn't know the English word for it, but that's exactly what we figured it was. It seems there's a bit of an outbreak of it at the moment; both my parents had it just a week ago (my dad apparently still has a fever), and another member of our family in the other end of the country also just had it. I do seem to be over the worst, though, as I'm mostly just sore with a bit of fever today.

  4. Seem to have a massive virus or something. Been throwing up the last 36 hours near nonstop to the point of throwing up bile. Only now have I had the energy to even get out of bed.




    Seems to be a thing going around. My parents both had it last week, then yesterday I was woken up at four by an emergency call to the bathroom. Initially I thought it was just too much/bad pizza, but then I spent the next 11 hours in constant transit between the sofa and the bathroom while feeling absolutely dreadful. The rest of the day I was sore and had a fever, but today I'm mostly just knackered and have a sore throat. Complete waste of a good Saturday. :/ Though my parents did come to visit me and take care of me a bit, so that was nice. :heh:

  5. A couple of women in the Danish version of Cash Cab just had to call a friend to ask what the square root of 100 was.


    They also thought the Sahara and Africa were countries.


    And then they walked away with ?725.

  6. Mountain Dew is awesome. I really enjoy that extra sweet flavour, but then I have a sweet tooth the size of a rugby. Or would the correct comparison of that saying be "I have a lot of sweet teeth"? Never mind.


    I've become quite addicted to Red Bull as of late. Well, not actually addicted, but you know. Biggest downside is that they're pretty darn expensive.

  7. I have amended the rule a little.


    Video games can be played and enjoyed by kids of all ages, and we generally wanted to reflect a 'family friendly' environment.


    Oh, I know. And I respect that. I was actually just commenting on the fact that I'd forgotten how strict the rules were compared to how leniently they're enforced. Again, I am very glad that things are this way. :)

  8. Watched Green Lantern last night (3D, theatrical version). It was delicious to look at, although some action scenes, especially in the beginning, were dark and hard to follow, probably due to the 3D glasses. The action was great and the plot solid, though the narrative felt a bit clunky at times and the climax was a bit anti-climactic. The mid/post-credits scene also felt a bit tacked on at the end, even if it was expected. Ryan Reynolds's performance was great, and I was amused by the fact that I recognised both Mark Strong and Michael Clark Duncan solely on their voices. :heh: I was a bit sad that I didn't recognise Geoffrey Rush, though.


    All in all an awesome movie with mostly minor complaints. I suspect watching the extended 2D version might even solve the issues of the dark scenes and the narrative.

  9. I'm as ambivalent as ever. :heh: Diageo is right, it's hard to get properly into a webcomic when there's a gap between each episode. One of my issues with the comic is also that I still don't feel I have a firm understanding of the plot or any of the characters. It's a peculiar universe you've created, and I find it's not the easiest to get into. Maybe that's due to the style not being particularly to my tastes, I'm not sure. Don't be mistaken, I honestly think highly of your creative talent, especially with QINC - I just think I find it a bit hard to get into your strange, brilliant mind. :heh:

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