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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I don't think I got redirected because ReZ already got redirected. And there was no target two people and whoever targets them gets swapped because no one targeted you Jonnas, except me of course.


    So I think that Jonnas is lying about his target, and even if he didn't kill Zell, he should have said something about the two targets.


    If however, someone did sucessfully target Jonnas, it would disprove my theory. So if someone was successful, please tell me now.


    Vote Jonnas


    The only problem is that he confirmed my target. He could have just taken a gamble, but that seems way too risky at this stage. I don't believe (yet) that he's lying.

  2. MPOTD was a ridiculously long thread, something like 5000 pages or something stupid. It sort of became full of spam and was usually the centre of most arguments. It was eventually banished to the depths of hell.


    What was the epic thread, then?

  3. I... we have a rule... once banned, always banned.


    I hope you enjoyed this :/


    What about The3rdChildren? I can't say I agree with the rule in general, but that's not up to me, of course.


    I think you're confusing MPOTD with the epic thread. And no, I think THE Ganondorf was banned for generally being cuntish.


    Ah, yeah, probably. I actually thought they were one and the same?


    Bad Ass. With Danny Trejo as a senior citizen who beats up people or something. Amazing :bouncy:


    Also apparently the bus fight scene is inspired by a real fight between a guy called epic beard man and someone else.


    Man, talking about taking a concept and running with it ... far, far away. This is barely even tangentially related to the content of the original video.


    It does look fun, though.

  5. ...and I just went from "I don't know what this meme is, it's kind of strange" to "holy fuck, that is one of the most tasteless things I've ever seen."




    I'm pretty sure he has made light of his own disease himself before.

  6. As for the killer, I know it isn't Dannyboy (and I think he wasn't the victim either :heh:). I know he targeted Yvonne, which also lends credence to what he said earlier, about thinking he's good.


    Yup, this is correct.


    As for what happened to ReZ, I think I've got it all, but there's one thing I want to know for sure: It was the redirector that forced ReZ to protect his target, no? So we're dealing with a redirector who can force people to perform specific actions on the target of their choosing, yes?


    Also, if there is indeed a power swapper who can swap powers every night, this is going to be one hell of a confusing game.

  7. N-Europe is a close community of people I don't hesitate to call my friends on the same level as people who live in the same city as me. :) I know for a fact that my time here has made me a better person, and I couldn't imagine life without it. To N-Europe! :D

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