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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. If you want to change your life, why not do it now rather than wait for a date in the calendar?


    For many people it's easier and has more meaning when it coincides with a new year.


    End this dry spell before the world ends


    Pretty much this.


    Give her to Serebii? He's not the only one going through a long-term dry spell. Where's my sacrificial virgin?




    *virginity not necessary.


    Maybe we should all just get together and have sex with each other go out on the town together.




    I want to become better at handling the demands of uni, and I want to improve my self-esteem. I would say I want to become more social, but the thing is I'm not actually interested in becoming more social, I just think I am because I have myself convinced it will improve my self-esteem when it fact it's the other way around.


    Oh, and a girlfriend would be nice, but the main thing is the self-esteem. The rest will follow.

  2. Had a great Christmas party last night with my old STX class! :D I love the fact that we're keeping up that tradition. ^_^ Unfortunately I ended up with a bad stomach at the end of the night, probably due to a few too many shots of schnapps, but that was cured with a good rest. :heh:


    Today my dad and I went and got our Christmas tree, then we all went on the big Christmas shopping spree, and tonight we've decorated the tree and made confections. All per tradition in the Blom Paulsen household! :D


    Life is good. :smile:

  3. Another thing I forgot to mention: I utterly hate it when people use the argument: "There are much worse things, so you shouldn't complain about X!" Sorry, but that's a ridiculous argument - if you follow that argument to its logical conclusion (assuming that it's even possible to rank bad things objectively), only one single bad thing in the universe is worth complaining about at any one moment.

  4. Also, my mind is now picturing a Gentlemen's III with...pictures :heh: Probably won't start anything for several months, though.


    I told you you'd want to do another one at some point. ;)




    I didn't follow this very closely after I died, but I loved the "theme" (or lack thereof), and the pictures really set the mood! I think "Vanilla Mafia" has different connotations depending on whom you ask, so I'd say this still qualifies. :)


    The odds did indeed seem in the mafia's favour, but then balancing issues in our mafia games tend to favour the town, so I guess it evens out. ;)

  5. Unfortunately...I think there are people out there who don't want America to stop invading other countries :|




    re: Iun's post - a summary: American news is overexposed. Though, tbvh, even though atrocities also occur in places like China, North Korea etc., America is somewhat more relevant/easy to rant about, as it's a big English-speaking country with a large® amount of power and influence on the West (the part of the world in which most of us America-bashers reside). There's so much bad stuff going on that it's impossible to feel as strongly about everything...so we concentrate on the stuff that affects us the most. Iun, for you, happenings in China are more immediate, but it's just not the same for everyone. Many factors come into play regarding how many damns people give about any one particular issue, including heritage, location, (censorship) laws, etc.


    (This is a tired ramble, and not a fierce rebuttal in any way...)


    A sad truth.


    But still, America is the easy kill, and off we go.


    I agree with most of your points, actually, but this is where I don't agree with you. This isn't about America being an easy target for criticism (which they are, but if we followed up on it all we'd have time for nothing else). Like Eddie says, this is about America being a lot more relevant to us; stuff like this hits closer to home because we are much more closely linked with the US, and thus there's a high probability this could affect us in one way or another. Yes, much of the stuff happening in China and other places are probably much worse, but the sad truth is that we (and the media) are more concerned with the more local goings-on. It's human nature.

  6. Emasher: as a resident of America's Hat, why do you even care?


    It's so fashionable to bash America: they are the big, greedy, burger-eating, gun-having self-appointed "World Police" so it's totally reasonable to criticise their every move.


    Recently in China, an entire village was cordoned off by police after the village leaders chased out police and local officials -one of the villagers had died in police custody under suspicious circumstances after protesting illegal government land-grabs. The government's answers? Isolate the village, cut off supply lines and starve them to death.


    Did anyone give a crap about that? No, because America are the bad guys. They're the big easy target who always seem to mess up. Wow, well done, you criticised America, well done. Genuinely. Well done. Great. Well done. Nice one. Well done.



    Any of you particularly bothered about the famine in the Horn of Africa caused by massive government corruption and the gleeful violence inflicted on women and children by the Islamists who are equally responsible? No! Oh well, fine, let's have a go at the American fat cats, we're the one percent after all that have none of the wealth.


    How about the cecession of South Sudan and the attempts by theNorth and her allies to extract lower than market price for oil, and threats along the order if the crude doesn't keep flowing? Hmm? That doesn't get your goat? A newly-created country is being choked by the neighbour they sought independence from due to SLAUGHTER ON A MASSIVE SCALE. But no, some idiot in America is proposing that people missing a finger should be considered terrorist suspects, so therefore we should have a go at them.


    My point is not to deflect attention from the ills of the US: there are plenty. We could spend all day doing it. I personally don't think those idiots should have guns. There, that was easy, wasn't it?


    Yes, we have a crack at the States because it's easy and wilfully ignore goodness-knows how many equally pressing problems the world over because there's a nice, bi,g, slow-moving target that we can hit every single time. Good work, you successfully kicked the shit out of a legless Rottweiler, pat yourself on the back for having such a big fucking social conscience.


    Calm down, man. I fail to see where any of us "wilfully ignore" horrible acts like those you describe there. It's not like any of us personally have the power to do anything about any of the horrible things that happen in the world. We can only discuss them, and fact is we hear much more about what's going on in the US than places like China. That is a problem, I agree, but we're not the ones to target. We simply discuss what we know about.

  7. 373848_10150537065795731_747975730_11125779_457059083_n.jpg


    *is envious*




    I've got some deodorant for my dad (his favourite) and a new mini vacuum cleaner for my mum. I've also got tickets for all of us to go see a concert in January with my mum's favourite band (which I also like), but they already know I got those. Still wrapped them up nicely to put under the tree, though. :)

  8. Not very bad news but it's saddening me.


    The great majority of the friends which I've made this year from college are leaving for home. They were all international students from all over and today's the day where a lot of them are going home for Christmas. It's really nice that I became such good friends with them since September but it's hard to see 10+ close friends leave (forever / long time) in such quick succession. I said good-bye to my closest friend this morning as she left for the States :(


    I've never really had a friend like her. She always listened to me & I would do the same. I told her stuff I'd never mentioned to anyone. I loved how she always gave me a hug whenever she saw me, irregardless of circumstances, with a large smile. We had such fun.


    It feels really strange. I'm suffering from exhaustion & this feeling of abandonment. At least I'm going out tonight to have a great night-out with those left before tomorrow. Some relief!


    Thanks given for sympathy. :(

  9. This thread got me thinking about the role religion plays in Denmark. I'll see if I can sum it up ...


    Denmark is a Protestant country, and this is highly visible in our culture. However, we're in no way a very religious people in the commonly understood sense; religion is only taught objectively in schools, logically enough starting with Christianity and moving on to the other Abrahamic religions and later Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism. Funnily enough, in primary school the subject is known as "Christianity" despite also teaching about the other religions.


    This is due to the fact that Protestantism still has a rather large presence in our culture despite most Danes being either non-practising or even atheist. We have a nickname for the typical Dane, "culture Christian", which reflects how non-practising Christians and even atheists are still very Christian in their cultural views and upbringing. The Danish song culture includes lots of hymns, most Danes have been to church a couple of times in their lives (even if only unwillingly as children), we celebrate Christmas* and other Christian holidays, etc. etc. I'd personally classify Denmark as an overall atheist country, especially since more and more people are actively distancing themselves from the religion. By the next generation I believe atheism will be the dominant "belief" in Denmark.


    *Fun fact: In Denmark and the other Scandinavian countries, we still call Christmas by the name of the Norse holiday that it replaced: jul/Yule

  10. I don't know if the settings are the same on the Timeline layout, but on the current one (which I'm still using) you click the arrow in the top right corner of the screen and select "Privacy Settings". There you can select a default privacy level, but you can also select specific settings for the different types of activity.


    Furthermore, when you post something, there's a button beside the "Post" button where you can select who will be able to see the post.

  11. The amount of effort you have put into not only the game itself, but also the characters and story is what makes you my favourite mafia GM! :D I loved that the roles were partly chosen because of the player's personality traits. :)


    (In Nintendohnut's role description, shouldn't it say "Dazz" instead of "ReZ"?)

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