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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I feel much more comfortable in everyday settings, seeing as clubbing/going out on the town has never really been my thing. I guess talking to strangers is harder in everyday settings, but then I'm not very good at that in any setting, so ... I dunno. I'd definitely prefer meeting someone in an everyday setting, though. I feel more on my home turf there, if you can call it that.

  2. I just watched Tangled in 3D. Stunning. Some of the scenes are just mind-blowingly beautiful and the soundtrack is great. I think it could well become my top Disney film' date=' it's not often I'm this impressed by 'kids' films, but I loved it.[/quote']


    Yes! It's some of Disney's best work in a long time! :D

  3. Most Christmas decorations go up around December 1st, but we don't put up the tree before the 23rd. My dad and I have a tradition where we drive out to the local plantation and select the one we like best. :) This is usually done a couple of days before.


    In my apartment up here I just have a couple of simple Christmas decorations since I'll be going home for Christmas and New Year's. :)

  4. I learned most of my English through videogames and television, way before I learned any English in school. So it helps a lot to use sources like these. And use it regularly or you'll simply forget everything again.


    Yeah, it was exactly the same for me. Especially video games gave me an amazing head start.

  5. I speak Danish and English fluently, and I know some German as well, though my vocabulary is lacking. I've studied Latin and Ancient Greek and gymnasium for three years, and at the moment I've almost finished my first semester of studying those languages at university.

  6. Like I said, no one really questioned me about it so I never shared my full role. I never used my other powers anyway so didn't want to put a target on my head. Especially since people were all "omg there's a roleblocker going around and they must be evil!".


    So no, you didn't know about my multiple powers cause you never asked. The info someone had said I would become more powerful the more I talked, so you could have figured it out from there really.


    I thought as much.


    But then why did the write-up sound like it had been common knowledge all along?! I thought: "Shit, did I miss something?!" :p


    @Sprout: You are amazing! :D

  7. Love is a bit strong of a word, no? You don't want her to know that if you're not going out with her.


    Oh, trust me, I know. I do feel it's too strong a word, but I also feel this might be more than the standard crush. We need a word for feelings in between!


    Then again, I feel as lost as ever when it comes to romantic feelings, so I could be all wrong. :heh: I just thought it'd been too long since this thread had seen any activity from me. :p

  8. Damn you Dannyboy, I would have loved it if you used your objection on my lynch!


    I don't know the whole role list, but I think there were too many protectors!


    And the day powers were great, even if they only really properly came into play in the endgame.


    Sorry, no chance of that. :heh: Despite my reluctance, you were still my main suspect. ;)


    And yes, the day powers were great. :) I think most of the powers were really awesome and appropriate.


    Well done Town, you played very well. Especially Sprout.


    Sorry Jonnas, but I'm going to have to criticise. I've noticed a trend in the winners of your games.


    Gentleman's Mafia: 8 town winners

    Gentleman's 2: 7 town winners

    Ace Attorney: 8 town winners


    I'm not implying that these games were definitely unbalanced, but none of these games ended up being particularly close. I think we (the mafia) played well throughout, but it seemed like we were up against it from the start. After Supergrunch was lynched, I knew the game was lost. We had some decent powers, but the town had 4 protectors?! That's waay too much. And Tales was untargetable. I think the town also had an alignment investigator, a flavour investigator, a tracker, a lie detector, jayseven (who was like an investigator) and others I can't remember right now. As soon as Sprout had come out with his power, he was going to be protected for the rest of the game. He could have investigated everyone by the time we could have killed enough people to gain a majority.


    We also didn't know a few things which didn't end up helping us. One of our night powers that any of us could use was "roleblock". We were unfortunately not told that roleblocking meant "violently hitting someone over the head". If we knew that was what happened, we would probably have used the power sparingly. But I roleblocked The Peeps on the first night, only for jayseven to record the incident, and darksnowman found out that I roleblocked. So I had to keep hitting people over the head for the rest of the game, making me look very suspicious. Also, I roleblocked mr-paul night 2, but for some reason I tied him up as well. This wouldn't have mattered so much, except for a certain incident that happened night 5.


    We had a fake PM at our disposal. We could replace any person's normal PM with a PM written by us (or by Jonnas). We ended up not using it that much because we couldn't decide on what we wanted to do. On night 5, I considered sending Sprout a fake PM saying that I'm good, but we ended up deciding to "silence" Sprout instead. However, the flavour text said that Sprout was tied up. This just served to make me look even more suspicious.


    We also didn't know Supergrunch appeared good when lynched. If we had known that, I wouldn't have voted for him.


    I feel bad for Diageo. He actually played extremely well and appeared to be very trustworthy. Unfortunately, we ended up using him for an attempted kill on Tales, which led to his lynch.


    I'm also surprised I wasn't lynched sooner than I was. A roleblocker who hits people over the head and ties them up? I think I was overly paranoid that I would be investigated or lynched the next day which I think affected some of our target choices.


    I know you want the game to be interesting by giving everyone cool powers, but I just felt the town had too many good powers. My opinion though. Don't get me wrong though, I still thoroughly enjoyed the game.


    I see what you mean, and I think I agree. Obviously my criticisms of the alignment thing weren't aimed at this game in particular, but at the mafia formula in general.

  9. With a theme that works because of the great characters, I felt it was brilliant move to have everyone know at the beginning. It also makes a lot more sense in-universe since obviously we all know and can see each other. I certainly wouldn't mind seeing that done in other mafias. Plus, that along with the theme-related names for common mechanics like day and night (and players who makes the effort to stay in character :D) really makes for an immersive game experience. :)


    Not revealing powers at death makes for a more interesting game, I believe, because it leaves the town to decide whether they can trust what the person has said. However, I'm not sure how keen I am on Supergrunch having a false alignment revealed at "death". We know not to trust certain investigations and investigations of certain people, but we've come to trust the final alignment revelation as true. It's the same reason it was a problem in a previous mafia (I believe it was Diageo's Death Note Mafia) that no alignments were revealed at death - it leaves the town fumbling in the dark with no way of knowing if they're doing well or completely off-track. Plus, it's also a matter of the GM's trustworthiness, something we've discussed a lot before and thus proved we need to be careful with. :heh:


    That being said, having an alignment kept secret due to an inactivity modkill is fair, I think, as that person due to inactivity is pretty irrelevant to the game, and the modkill simply completes the removal of the player.

  10. BEST. MAFIA. EVER! (And most epic final write-up ever!)


    Man, I was so worried about the mr-paul lynch! It was good we reached majority without me realising, otherwise I might have got cold feet! :heh:


    This game was probably one of the hardest I've ever played. We were NEVER certain of ANYTHING. Almost no real evidence at any time, and it seemed like none of our info could be trusted completely. I am certainly looking forward to seeing the complete role list.


    Man Of The Match was Sprout, without a doubt! From his fantastic in-character-ness to his amazing deductions, he really made this game! :D While I don't know to what extent all the details of his theory was right, Sprout actually figured out two mafiosos in his epic deduction post - that's either great skill or amazing luck! :p


    Great game, everyone! :) Definitely my favourite so far, both because of content and theme! :D

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