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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. We seem to agree entirely!

    :D I was considering mentioning the smaller focus on deductions as well, but then they were still there, we just didn't spend as much time on them. I remembered how they handled it in the first film and thus figured stuff like the withered flowers and the book in Moriarty's office would become relevant later on, but I wouldn't have minded a bit more focus on the thought processes.


    BUT! All of that was heavily outweighed by the most amazing climax, both the chess scene and the "fight" afterwards! That was the one thing I had wanted in the first film, a "Sherlock Scan" climax, and I got it in abundance! :D


    So, all in all the two films compliment each other very well. :)


  2. It's really good isn't it!


    I wasn't sure if I enjoyed it more than the first or not... I ended up thinking I probably enjoyed them about the same, because despite all the obvious similarities they're actually quite different films because of the scale of the second one. But to anyone who loved the first, you'll love this one.


    It's brilliantly funny as well... there were times where I'd laugh along with an entire scene of banter betwen Holmes and Watson (even after the comedy lines have finished... it's just their following expressions/reactions), and other times where I was just laughing in anticipation of something happening between them. Also Sherlocks new 'disguises' were brillaint! :D


    I'd really love this series to continue for many films, past the traditional trilogy, and tell many stories (like Sean Connery stayed for numerous Bond films).


    I'm guessing seeing as Moriarty is Sherlocks nemesis, that he survived the fall as well.


    It's a bit strange now we've had a film with him because you kind of think well, where next? I'd imagine a third film, probably with a different villian, would reveal a link with Moriarty towards the end, with him returning in the fourth. But that would be dependant on a 4th/more films, otherwise Moriarty again for the 3rd/Final?


    I feel exactly the same! :D I think what I missed most was the Victorian London setting of the first one, but then the scope and action was much larger, so it balances out.


    The ending was obviously based on The Final Problem wherein Conan Doyle originally killed off Sherlock Holmes, only to revive him later due to the sheer size of the public outcry. Moriarty, despite being recognised as Holmes's greatest foe, only appeared in a few of the original stories and, unlike Holmes, did stay dead after the Reichenbach Fall, so I'm not sure if they'll use him again in future films. Holmes originally faked his death to avoid the attention of Moriarty's goons (without luck, though), so they could possibly tie future films to Moriarty that way. I'm not sure they'll be making it into a series with a James Bond-like scope, but I certainly wouldn't mind if they do! :D


  3. I've never been the most masculine guy in the world, so I've always hated gender stereotypes. I'm loving the whole brony (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic) subculture - it appears a universal outlet for guys wanting to express their soft/feminine side has finally emerged.

  4. There are some celebrities that I have more than the standard "good-looking celebrity" attraction to, like the Danish actress Julie Zangenberg that my friend got me a poster of.





    Others include Ellen Page, Natalie Portman and Anne Hathaway.


    Of people I actually know, there's still an old, lingering crush that I'm trying my darnedest to get rid of, and then there's the girl on my course that I can't deny feeling attracted to, but with whom I don't know if a relationship would work.

  5. In Denmark we open out presents on Christmas Eve, and I'm mighty pleased with mine! :D I got a new bedsheet (so I actually have three matching pairs of bedding), a grill toaster thing, a box of marzipan chocolates plus 200 kr. (~£22), a biography of Horace in three beautiful, old volumes and, lastly, a very fine shirt, which I've been wanting for a long time, plus a pair of very fine, old cufflinks that belonged to my grandmother's brother. :)

  6. My best friend got me an early little present when he came to visit me before I left for home. He knows I have crush on a young, Danish actress, and when he stumbled upon a huge poster of her, he got it for me. :heh: Now it's hanging on the wall above my bed in my apartment. :p



  7. So are resolutions things you plan to do or whatever? I've never really made resolutions so yeah. =P


    It's never been a 'thing' for me or my family, and I'm not sure how many people in Denmark actually do it 'officially'. For me it's just looking ahead at the new year and pondering what you want from it. :)

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