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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I know kitten sob stories aren't really bad stuff post related to everyone, but it really annoyed me.


    They are for me. :/ A couple of fleas and they want it out of the house?! I can't imagine them being very loving or responsible pet owners if that's all it takes!

  2. Anyway, it's a good lesson in that if people are giving you mixed signals, fucking drop it and move on. Clearly they are not really that interested in you or ready for anything...I mean it's so obvious when people ARE interested, they engage you in a wholly different positive level, like it should be : ) Like if someone interesting would ask me out, I'd say yes straight away, and not keep on giving ambiguous signals and unclear answers!


    Well, not everyone jumps at every opportunity, and they might be a little apprehensive even if they're actually interested. If you stop the pursuit at the smallest obstacle, aren't you the one who's not wanting it hard enough? :)


    Nah, I'm Asian, you're supposed to kneel in front of my father and kowtow (bow so low that you thunk your head on the floor), and if he rejects you then you have to kneel outside my front door all night, preferably when there's a thunderstorm going on. :indeed:


    And if you try to pursue her anyway, he'll come after you with a katana. Right? Or is that just in Scott Pilgrim?

  3. Despite only reading up on my notes for the past two hours, it has made me feel a lot more confident about the exam tomorrow, and now I'm actually looking forward to getting it over with! :D Which unfortunately means I can't sleep at all right now, but oh, well, exams usually benefit from a little lack of sleep. :p

  4. Oh, no, dude, my parents have been trying for years to make me take it more easy with my school work! :p I'm the one who's been setting the bar too high for myself! :heh: The need to compensate for low self-esteem and all that. :)


    Thanks, it means a lot. :)

  5. Thanks. :)


    The funny thing is, while I'm course nervous about the exam (which is perfectly natural), the main source of the stress isn't even the exam itself; it's everything else in my life that's pushed the stress up to these levels (moving out, starting uni, the workload, the expectations, etc.), and the exam is just the cherry on top. Like I said, I'm actually fairly confident I'll do all right in either case - what's really stressed me out is that the stress has prevented me from getting any reading up done, and that just became a negative spiral.

  6. Thanks. :)


    The exam is on Introduction to Classical Antiquity, and it is neither terribly important, interesting nor demanding. It's a four-hour long written exam where we get 4-6 general questions that we have to answer by hand with no assisting tools. Truth be told I feel pretty confident I'll do all right no matter what.


    The stress goes deeper than that, though; it stems from the traits of autism I have left in me, namely that whenever the mental burden gets too big, my brain shortcircuits. It's always been like that: when my brain can't handle the mental pressure, when the level rises above a certain threshold, it's like my brain just shuts down, goes into safety mode, and I can't get anything done. I have literally just sat there before, staring blankly into a wall, until I managed to get some sort of mental overview that could help me slowly start pecking away at the things that needed to be done. And with me having moved into my own apartment and facing the demands of uni, I'm feeling like that more or less all the time, except I haven't yet found that overview. I guess that's probably one of the most valuable lessons I'll learn at uni: to better handle stress and find the overview. It'll also help me become less of an academic perfectionist since I'll be forced to be pragmatic about it: how much can I do and how well can I perform without sacrificing my mental health?


    Luckily my Christmas holidays begin when the exam ends, so that's something to look forward to. :)

  7. A great post, and with it you raise an interesting point: What is the technical difference between "brainwashing" and regular upbringing/instilling of values, norms and behaviour? People are quick to call, for instance, the upbringing of children in a strict, religious sect "brainwashing" (I'm using quotation marks since I know it's not being used in the original/actual meaning of the word). It's the same with the pets in this discussion. Is it only our personal judgement of the ethical values involved that determine whether something is "brainwashing" or not?

  8. -If the thinking is neurotic, try meditation / inner silence. You need an experience of what is not-thinking, if you wish to get out of there...

    -Good self-esteem is pretty conducive to mental peace, i.e. less doubting oneself etc. Just start checking what kind of good qualities you have in yourself → one good self-esteem coming up!

    -In general, accustom yourself to DOING! Ask people out, send them messages, whatever you feel like doing...build the kind of self-confidence where you know what you want and feel good about yourself. After that, just start making it happen! Confidence & positivity → less fear about rejection etc.


    ; D


    I (also) meant in general, as I have a habit of just plain thinking too much. :heh: As such I've never been good at, well, not thinking, so finding mental peace has always seemed rather difficult.

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