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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. ReZ ... you ... hated Kung Fu Panda 2 ... disagree with everything ...


    I'm afraid we can't be friends anymore. And you even started so well by praising the pure Disney genius of Tangled and the amazing style of Sucker Punch.

  2. Metroid Prime Trilogy - I squealed like a pig and there was a gasp of astonishment when I saw this under the wrapping paper. Think it was the last gift I opened as well. What a dramatic finale! :o


    I feel your enthusiasm, man. That game revived my inner gamer that I feared had died. :)

  3. I normally just stay at home and celebrate a quiet New Year's Eve with my parents, which is how I prefer it. This year I was invited over to a friend's for a small party, and while it was fun, I must admit that, while I was still at home before the party, I just wanted to keep playing Apollo Justice.

  4. I know I'm probably the worst person to get flirting advice from, but I can confirm that there's much truth in what Goafer says. The best you can do is get yourself to relax, and the best way to do that is to not worry about how you'll do. I find it usually helps to think: "What's the worst that can happen? Sure, I can get rejected, but I won't have lost anything, so there's no reason not to try."


    It's much easier said than done, of course. I know that better than anyone. :heh:

  5. No, but you get to keep your woofy little Lion King figures and be reminded every day that the last good Disney animated film was Beauty and the Beast, while the Lion King was the cinematic equivalent of a boil-in-the-bag dinner.


    Sometimes I forget why we're archnemeses. Then you say stuff like this, and once again it's painfully obvious to me. :heh:

  6. I agree about the mafia awards, to be honest. I just thought you wanted more suggestions for them. :)


    I was just going to start another thread for voting. I'll post the list of awards, which people can copy and paste and add their vote next to each one. Seems excessive to have a thread for each one, plus I don't have the powah to make a new section to contain all the threads.


    I must admit I liked the way it was done last year better, since it provided more opportunity to discuss the individual awards and their candidates, plus it was easier to follow the development of the awards you cared about and ignore the rest. I realise it's probably easier for you this way, I just fear it'll make the awards less of an event.


    Sorry for sounding so bitchy, my hat's still very much off to you for doing the awards this year. :)

  7. Any suggestions as to what awards? I haven't participated in any, so I'm not sure what awards would be appropriate. Best Mafia Game (or would people be happy to just have that in the best playground thread)? Best Mafia Player?


    Best Mafia Game seems redundant when we have Best Playground Game. Best Mafia Player is good, and we could perhaps add other player categories like Best Mafioso and Best Townie etc.


    Oh, and I'm very much looking forward to these! :D The N-E Awards are always a highlight of the year for me. :)

  8. No, no, you misunderstand - I don't want to scare her off. :heh:


    Anyway, it's a bit more complicated than that. What bothers me is that while we're compatible in many areas, there are some areas where I'm worried we might not be, and if that's the case I'd be perfectly happy to just stay her friend. I care too much about her to risk damaging my current relationship with her if I know already now that it won't work out due to key differences.


    That or I'm just being a big wuss. Hard to say, really. :heh:

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