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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. That wouldn't be my first thought, I mean, the swapper could easily be a third-party, who swapped me and Jayseven.


    No, because the one I ended up at is the swapper. And according to your info, that person would appear to be jayseven.


    So Dannyboy did, or did not, get swapped around with someone last night? Where did jayseven come into it?


    I targetted Jonnas, but ended up at someone unidentified due to a swap. I did, however, identify this person as the target swapper. Jonnas redirected a player to jayseven, but that player ended up at himself, thus it would seem that jayseven and Jonnas were the ones who were swapped, and ergo jayseven must be the swapper, providing there were no other target changes that we're unaware of.

  2. I pick somebody and say "I want X to target Y". Just that.


    I sent X to Jayseven last night, but X somehow ended up at my office. Therefore, I conclude there was some swapping going on, which is just proved by the fact that you failed to target me.


    So, if the swap takes priority over your redirection, and providing there are no other target changes involved, then you and jayseven were swapped last night, sending everyone targetting one to the other and vice versa.


    Which means that jayseven is the target swapper.

  3. I ended up at the wrong office, but it's implied in my PM that it was the work of the target swapper and not Jonnas, the redirector. Unfortunately I do not know whose office I ended up at, but it would help immensely if I knew. I targetted Jonnas, so if anyone knows that they ended up at Jonnas's office or was swapped around, please let me know who your original target for the night was.

  4. Still.. either Jay or Jonnas is lying, or someone else is involved to give Jay false information. Or maybe from The Peeps info on the night maybe 2 people were involved in Jay ending up with false information??


    There's no conflicting information as it is right now.


    But why would Jonnas lie about not having the "enforcer" role. It sounds like a townie role to me.


    First of all he never actually lied about it, he just didn't reveal any specifics, and he even confirmed the "Enforcer" description. Keeping powers secret is wise in the beginning, especially since we've had people eager to jump on any player with a power that could potentially be used against the town, even roleblockers.


    The only problem remaining is that Diageo's info says Jonnas targetted both me and Zell.


    Then what's the contradicting information? Jay got


    - You are an Enforcer

    - A random PM saying that someone can make another player say certain things.


    We have no way to confirm the second point yet, and the first one is correct.


    Like I said, no conflicting info. You people seem to have a habit of reading things through too quickly and getting them mixed up in your heads. :heh:

  5. jayseven got two pieces of info last night:


    1) He targetted Jonnas and got that his role description was "Enforcer".

    2) He received a note apparently claiming someone can force another player's posting.


    Jonnas still refuses to comment on this role description, though.

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