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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. To me, clothes are important. They can tell you so much about a person. If a person takes the time to dress properly and generally care about their appearance, chances are they take good care of their health as well. They can also tell you about their tastes. For example, if they have Fender/Marshall on their shirt, chances are they are either a musician or are at least interested in a particular type of music/gig. Instant conversation starter.


    Unfortunately, we do live in a society that judges people by how they look and how they dress (I'd argue that the clothes and grooming are more important than natural looks) and I feel I owe it to myself and the people I go out with to not be the lazy, scruffy slob that no one wants to be seen with. I don't think it matters how people dress, it's more to do with how much effort they make to achieve the style they want.


    I just wish I'd come to that conclusion a bit sooner, that way I could have maximised on my youth. Never mind, better late than never.



  2. Cube's info told me Diageo targeted me the night I protected myself and there was no arrest. The lynch wouldn't have happened without me so move on.


    Ah, fair enough. :)


    The information yesterday suggested that Eenuh or Dannyboy could be evil, unless a mafia member is untrackable.


    I hope to have proved my innocence by now. I was the catalyst behind Zell's lynch. And Eenuh's not awfully suspicious in my eyes (though I'm by no means certain of her). I'm more inclined to believe it was an untraceable culprit.

  3. That's my concern. I want to stand out, just not in a "what a fucking weirdo" sort of way.


    There'll always be people thinking "what a weirdo" of people who dress just the slightest bit alternatively. If you like the look of the black jacket, goafer it! If it doesn't look good on you, you can always send it back, but if you feel great wearing it then forget about the judgemental people.


    But as for it suiting someone like you, who have modelled themselves on the "messy/vintage" look, I wouldn't think so.


    I disagree, I think the straps and the slightly military look is right up Goafer's alley. I also don't find it's the same style as your coat despite the visual similarities.

  4. Not the smoothest way to find out, jay. :heh:


    Anyway, I remember the little presents throughout December were from Santa, and then the night before Christmas (we celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve, the 24th, so this was actually the night before that, the 23th) we would put a bowl of rice pudding/porridge (a dish associated almost entirely with Christmas in Denmark) up in the attic, and the next day Santa would have eaten some of it and left a sack of presents. However, it was never a secret that the presents were from family members - Santa had just delivered them. I like how my parents handled the Santa mythos. :)


    I don't recall exactly how or when I found out Santa wasn't real. I remember I figured out that the little December presents were from my parents because it'd always be something I needed or had mentioned to them, and when I talked to them we all knew, and from then on we just kept playing because it was so much fun. :)

  5. If that's the case, Eenuh would be my main suspect. Herojan's and my stories are backed up by witnesses, whereas Eenuh's isn't.


    Right, I'm leaving for the afternoon soon. I'll be back at some point this evening, but I don't know exactly when. I hope I'll be able to get online and catch up with potential developments before the session ends.

  6. Yeah, I read that, but at that point my rage was already at its peak. What makes it worse is that it was apparently revenge for the kitten's owner having called the police on the scumbag's husband when he was involved in some trouble outside their house.

  7. Just read a news story that made me fucking cry with rage. Some disgusting excuse for a worthless piece of subhuman scum apparently took revenge on a neighbour by putting her kitten in the microwave. I swear, I have no idea what I'd do to her if I ever met her.

  8. Indeed, there does seem to be some holes, and that's why I'm suspicious of you as well. Why did no one hear you shout?


    And I don't understand why you think he didn't understand you. He obviously ran away because he was guilty, why would he have stopped even if he did understand you?


    Another thing entirely is that it's difficult to tell where the papers are at what point. It's never really made clear.

  9. Do you have any sense of where you were when it happened? I was at the judge's stand, and chased him from there until he vanished. Did you continue the chase from elsewhere?


    This is another thing I'm wondering. What actually transpired?


    I saw someone approach the Judge's stand, at which point I shouted at them, but they ran away. Apparently they left papers on the stand (though my PM doesn't state this), because it then says I looked at the papers, recognised them for what they were and destroyed them before anyone else saw them. I never gave chase, so it must have been you the others heard. I wonder if the culprit was still carrying a folder with Sprout's picture or something, because you can't have seen the papers that were apparently left on the stand.

  10. But why did everyone hear me shout and not you? For that matter, why didn't we hear each other or notice each other at all when we were apparently chasing the same criminal? From the collective accounts, yours seems to be the only one where you're actually present. This is what makes me suspicious of you.

  11. Don't misinterpret me, I believe him, pal. It's just with this and EddieColeslaw, you're no longer the suspect! Don't you see? Our suspect is the one who tried to claim you were the one trying to frame me. It's heroicjanitor, pal!


    Actually, Cube was the first to suggest my intentions weren't good after he cross-referenced his info with Eenuh's. However, you're right that heoricjanitor was the one who formulated the theory against me.


    Hm, looking back, hero did believe the "Hold it!" that Cube heard was his German "Moment mal!", working on the wrong assumption that Cube was still the German Manfred von Karma. Could his whole story be an elaborate lie to frame me?


    I know the "Moment mal!" speech bubble is from Jonnas's PhotoBucket, but we can't rule out that he uploaded extra speech bubbles, possibly for the mafia to use for deception.

  12. I know for a fact that Dannyboy protected Sprout last night, and what he says about the documents is true. I'm genuinely tied up with an assignment right now, but if people still don't believe me, I can come out with all info and targets after 11pm.


    re: "drawing attention away from Diageo". I was trying to draw attention away from Dannyboy to stop people from voting for him, as Sprout quoted just now. I didn't say anything good or in defense of Diageo. My intuition was acting up about heroic and Zell - mind you, we still don't know whether or not either of them are innocent, so I don't think it makes sense to accuse me of accusing them.


    So basically, use what I posted to figure out the stuff about all of the protector claims while I do my assignment!!


    Thank you. Your defence of me has regained you some trust with me.


    Pal, what you just said... it's different.


    Before you said someone was chasing Phoenix Wright, and then you said that it was Phoenix Wright specifically who was flicking through and shredding evidence. But the way you say it now, it could be that it was Phoenix Wright who chased somebody away! Your testimony has changed, pal!


    Hm, I'd say it's more that his original testimony was worded in a way that made me sound suspicious, not that it's factually wrong.

  13. It said what I said earlier. I heard you walking, then I heard someone (the PM doesn't state who) shout "Hold it", then I hear the sound of a chase, someone reading some papers and finally shredding.


    I'm curious as to why you singled me out when mine, Eenuh's, Sprout's and heroic's stories seemed to fit. Plus your first post today proved that my information was correct.


    Because you were the first to direct the suspicion towards me. I didn't object to the info presented, as it didn't seem to contradict mine (which Tales for some reason claimed it did, which confused me a bit), but to the inferences drawn from it by you and others. Obviously it made me a bit paranoid.


    Anyway, seeing as good arguments have been made in your favour and you weren't actually presenting any wrong info, I'm back to trusting you.


    Tales seemed a bit too keen on getting me down, but I'm not sure if I should read anything into that.


    For now my main suspicion is back on @Zell. I'd like to hear why you chose the targets you did.

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