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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Without getting into it too much now, it did seem a little role reversed with the previous complaints of inactivity in mafia games etc, and whilst I'm all for discussing issues of a game, I think that no matter what they are*, they must be discussed AFTER the game(I checked and understand AA is still happening) and never during a game in progress. I think also that when people are involved in a mafia, they should try to think of all players as actors on a stage with everyone playing a role, and never take anything too seriously.


    *Except in the event of Ho-Oh being in a strictly generation I red/blue themed game of some nature. Or if like...someone killed a guy fo' realz, which is almost as bad.


    I completely agree, actually. I should have known better. I really just didn't think straight that night.

  2. How would I know? I haven't been told I've stopped a kill, no, but I'm not sure I would be told, and protections don't appear in the write-ups. For all I know Dazz was the target during break 4.


    The funny thing is, now that you've decided that my power is suspicious, anything related to it will appear suspicious to you. Kill-only protectors are at this point more common that all-out protectors, and it's a pretty darn common power, so how does it sound made up? I'd also love to know how I'm supposed to prove it's my power.


    Then again, I can't blame you for wanting action and results. This game has stagnated. Unfortunately, there are no suspects with anything other than vague gut feelings about them, including me.


    @heroicjantor, I have no notes about you whatsoever. Have you told us anything about yourself that I have missed? If not, would you care to share some info?


    Darn it, missed an I. @heroicjanitor

  3. Oh dear, can we make a rule that what happens in the mafia stays in the mafia? People should take all posts of people in the thread to be part of the game etc?


    Yeah, sorry about that. I didn't consider it at the time. It was only afterwards I realised the posts I referred to were technically part of the game. My apologies.

  4. Yeah, the amount of money that gets thrown about in the private sector is sickening (you know, unless they're giving it to me). These people need to be taxed way more.


    Having said that, Labour really fucked everything up by trying to achieve a target of 50% going onto University. Firstly, it's a bizarrely arbitrary number. Secondly, university shouldn't be viewed as the main, potentially only means to proceed in life (This whole debacle is derived from Labour enforcing their middle-class view that university is a must. It isn't and it shouldn't be). Thirdly, this need to increase the numbers at university has led to a whole host of (I'm going to offend people here but here goes...) absolutely crap third rate degrees. Seriously, media studies (I don't care that Oxford have decided to 'validate' it with their own version), marketing and creative advertising? No. No way are you going to convince me they should constitute a degree. If an art degree has aspects of advertising in it, that makes sense. If an anthropology degree decides to cover media studies, I'm all for that. Etc, etc. This is has got to play into higher graduate unemployment.


    So the whole system needs a radical shake up. People's mentalities need to be changed.


    Having said that, anyone who thinks they need to go to university should go, for free. You cannot measure education's worth with a price tag. Anyone who thinks that is either an idiot or wasted their time at university.


    Why should the tax payer pay? Because students are the future of this country. (Analogy time) If a village in ye olden times has a crap harvest everyone starves to death (probably); if the quality of students dives then there will be repercussions for everyone. Economically and culturally.


    You cannot defend the current system. If you want to see an example of what happens when you progress the situation further, take it to an extreme, just look at what it takes to become a barrister. It's a career that prices out like no other (and srsly, how can a legal system based on it be completely fair and just?). It's the biggest 'old boys' club outside Eton and Westminster (Although those two are arguably the same).


    And honestly, with Vodafone dodging £6,000,000,000 in tax there is no excuse whatsoever to not fund students.


    I agree with everything except your opinion on what degrees are "valid". The amount of elitism you meet regarding what subjects and fields of study are "valid" and useful is astounding. It's disgusting how many people view anything outside hard science and economy, law, politics, etc. as absolutely worthless and a waste of time.

  5. Nice jumping the gun, there, Diageo. I'm a protector, which explains why I've targetted known investigators and have been reluctant to reveal my power. At this point, however, I don't think we stand to gain much from keeping powers secret. I had hoped that more people would come forward first, hence my reluctance, but apparently not.

  6. how do you benefit alignment investigators exactly, pal? Because Dazz doesn't seem to be doing anything differently..


    I found it a curious way of putting it as well, since I'm not a power booster, but I am indeed very valuable to investigators.


    (Also, if you quote me, you don't need to mention me with @.)

  7. I'll admit I haven't taken any notes for this game so if people could help me out - even if it means repeating what they've already said.


    Dannyboy/Phoenix Wright - Has a day and night power

    Darksnowman/Larry Butz - Steals from people to get info?

    Dazz/Luke Atney - Dumb or Paranoid cop (allegedly)

    Diageo/Apollo Justice - Gets little bits of role information

    EddieColeslaw/Mia Fey - Info gatherer?

    Heroicjanitor/Shi-Long Lang - Has not given information or targets, apparently has nothing

    Eenuh/Wendy Oldbag - something to do with people's posts and activity?

    mr-paul/Ema Skye - Reverse tracker?

    Sprout/Dick Gumshoe - Alignment investigator

    Tales/Franziska von Karma - has a whip

    The Peeps/Miles Edgeworth - Gains insight into quoted information

    Zell/Gregory Edgeworth - Roleblocker


    I'd like to get everyone's power or at least some targets.


    I don't have anything to add. I think you got it all.


    Well, my info last night was that heroicjanitor was innocent, pal.


    I think looking at old posts, I may have found another contradiction.




    Zell claims he roleblocks by hitting people over the head and that he targeted mr-paul during Break 2. But mr-paul never claimed to be hit over the back of the head! He was tied up and handcuffed! He wasn’t silence like I was… but it’s still a contradiction, pals! Perhaps Zell can do more than he claims...


    Good find, detective!

  8. Thank you for that. It didn't confirm what I had hoped, unfortunately.


    I agree, we need to get more info on the table, even if it means pressuring people unwilling to cooperate. At this point the mafia can begin to taste victory with or without our info, so we might as well start sharing. If no one else will, I am willing to start.

  9. I don't see how the post he quoted could have been construed as having any emotional attachment to it whatsoever. And what was I being arrogant about, the fact that I knew it was night and he didn't? Or was it that I thought that being told to calm down was hilarious and am not allowed to make fun of someone else?


    It's all in the banter lads.


    Well, we often have a hard time seeing how what we say can be misinterpreted since we know exactly what we mean ourselves. Doesn't mean others won't take it the wrong way.


    I didn't personally find your original post about it being night arrogant, but your answer to Dazz just came off as a bit passive-aggressive to me.


    Anyway, this point became much bigger than I intended it to. Bottom line, I have absolutely nothing against banter, we just need to be aware of how what we say is interpreted.

  10. I get hints as to what people do at night. Nothing useful yet. And I have to give my target in the day phase - and before the person I want to target posts.


    This seems like an awfully complicated power for such a weak result, doesn't it?


    Also, does everyone have both a day and a night power?

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