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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. So do I. A dumb cop is just as effective as a regular cop once he has realised it, whereas the other types of cop are completely useless - and thus sometimes have a way of enhancing their power. A crazy cop (one who gets random results) is just a plain mean role, and I neither hope nor think Jonnas would give us such a role, but after the Cube fiasco I don't feel particularly certain about what roles could be in this game.

  2. Especially since anyone could tell you that it's not actually Team Fortress 2.


    Except Kotaku, of course. I doubt they've ever watched Firefly.


    I was going to say you should keep your eyes open for my brother and slaughter him painfully for me, but I suppose you probably wouldn't stand a chance if you ever ran into him. :heh:


    D'oh! :heh: Right, I did have trouble identifying the characters. But I've never seen Firefly, so TF2 was obviously the first thing that sprang to mind.


    I don't stand a chance yet. ;)

  3. Also, I was contesting the point that you (Dannyboy) said that jayseven was proven town. That makes it incontestable. You only later said, after I spoke up, that it was just your opinion.


    Ah, so I did. I apologise for my poor choice of words. What I meant was that in my eyes, he was as good at proven innocent. Though nothing is ever really actually proven in mafia games since everybody could technically be lying.

  4. What you believe to be common mafia traits and behavioural patterns are in no way proof. Yes his alignment is unlikely to be nefarious but it's hardly incontestable.


    I never said it was incontestable, just that I, based on my own judgement, trust jayseven because of his behaviour. No, common mafia traits and behavioural patterns are by no means proof, and you'll recall how often I've pointed this out myself, but fact remains that we often don't have much else to go on. Solid evidence is rare in mafia games, so often we have to rely on our instincts.


    Sorry, but that's silly. Surely the mafia were in the PERFECT position to look innocent yesterday. They knew that Cube was innocent and, if anything, I would expect them to have defended him constantly in order to make themselves look better.


    But going so far as to point out probably the best (if not only) argument there was for Cube's innocence? Entirely possible, I admit, but I don't find it likely. Again, I'm only making my own assessment of the situation, and if you find any logical contradictions in my reasoning, by all means point them out.


    The useless player is the one who found out that Rummy was Evil. They are the one, I assume, who is accusing Rummy in the write-up. He/she is useless because he/she is apparently a dumb cop. And I trust them for the same reason - a dumb cop in the mafia? I don't want to assume anything but I doubt that.


    Of course they may just have been forging results on purpose, but I doubt that, too.


    I'm more worried about the fact that apparently we're losing townies at a rate of at least one, but more often two, in a night. If there's a neutral at work here, please lay off!


    Wait, so you found out about a dumb cop's results last night?


    And we've only lost one each night so far. Jayseven was silenced and voteblocked for talking about the game during the night phase.

  5. Excuse me, but how is jay's innocence proven?


    Because he actively protested the lynch and pointed out a very convincing argument for why Cube was innocent (even though not everyone got it). I don't think a scumnag would go to such lengths to appear innocent, hence I trust jay completely now.


    Thank you!


    well if Danny doesn't report any ill effects we can move on...


    Diageo - you sure it's a good idea to out my role..?


    Nope, no ill effects whatsoever - or any effects, for that matter (that I know of, at least). I wasn't even told I'd been targetted.

  6. I have become completely addicted to Team Fortress 2 now that I've realised it can actually run on my laptop (I always assume games can't). I know I'm late to the party, but damn, it's fun! :D


    However, this does not bode well for my productivity ... maybe this belongs in the bad stuff thread. :heh:

  7. This is true. Does anyone have a day power that measures ball size?


    I could have gotten away with killing cube scott free, but I didn't buy the story. If I was mafia I would have just followed the herd.




    Tales had already said he would place the final vote at the end of the day if nothing else happened. I'm pretty sure no mafia would want to steal that spot from him.


    I'm not saying this proves you're mafia in any way - you could easily just be a townie who was (wisely) reluctant to vote. I'm just saying it doesn't prove you're not.

  8. Well, yesterday was obviously a fiasco. But we did learn something from it, namely that we can't trust our view of stereotypical roles. Now, the most pertinent question is: Would Jonnas include two double voters on the town's side? Because if not, we have found ourselves a mafioso - or at least a neutral.


    However, like I said in the previous day phase, with the level of negative attention that's always given to multiple double voters in this game, I find it extremely unlikely that Nintendohnut would reveal his own like that if he was mafia and trying to frame Cube. He would have balls the size of moons to pull such a move this early since there was a high probability that Cube would've been lynched even without this info.


    Well, at least that proves me and Jay innocent. I will be having a good long look at the posts relating to that lynch.


    BTW tales was not untargetable last night, so my guess is that's his night power, and he must have failed to do it, or used a different power last night.


    I reckon tales and dohnut are mafia at the moment. Remember this post if I turn up dead...


    It proves jay innocent, yes, but how does it prove you innocent?


    Also, Tales could be either, really. The case against Cube seemed so solid that it'll be hard to deduce anything from the voting patterns.

  9. I feel sorry for the younger generation (I SOUND OLD) already, going on about Youtube and apps and cracks...mainly because I relate all of that with Internet-induced attention deficiency, and information overload frightens me because I am OCD about wanting to know/read EVERYTHING and organising things.


    I do indeed suspect that the modern age has reduced my attention span greatly. Nowadays I find it hard to focus on one thing for very long if I'm not completely gripped by it.


    That's true, everything will be nostalgic to people who experienced it first time round but what about people who are "nostalgic" about polaroids/8bit games that never experienced them first hand? These things have a certain charm to them that current things lack.


    I just can't see anything from this era making that leap into faux nostalgia like polaroid/vinyl/8 bit etc. When my parents show me old photos, I enjoy looking at them because they look great and have a certain charm about them. I just want this era (my era, if you will) to leave something charming behind.


    But can you tell me exactly what it is that gives polaroids/8-bit games/whatever such a timeless appeal? And can you tell me what the things of our era lack that means they won't have that appeal to someone at some point? My point is that such a thing as nostalgia is extremely hard to define the reason for and the limits of. Maybe we can't see any nostalgia in any of our current stuff, but maybe some people, maybe now somewhere, maybe sometime in the future, can. Maybe some things will only ever be nostalgic to people who never experienced them originally. Who knows? And that's my point.



    I've only watched the beginning, but couldn't photos also help us remember something as it actually was rather than how our faulty memory might portray it?


    There's two sides to this, as we've already discussed; the 'rose-tinted nostalgia' that every generation encounters when they realise that everything is in a constant state of flux, there's something slightly unreal about trying to recognise that other people have minds and experiences, and that's just made even more absurd when you realise that you can have a full conversation with someone born into a world after 9/11, after mobile phones and after walkmans and after Home Alone and blue sachets in crisps with real money in and so on.


    It's basically impossible to comprehend being born in any other era, and as Eddie said, it doesn't half make you feel old when you start reminiscing! That state of naivity/innocence, of an age before unlimited and unfiltered information at your fingertips. I think it's important to try not to assume the past is better, or to assume that the scale is somehow the same. The measure has changed, and it won't stop changing. What is important to note is that no matter how different the world is there is a stability in the human's ability to respond to stimuli in whatever emotive or imaginative way.


    While specific experiences may be long dead -- I'll never experience watching a movie at the cinema whilst being allowed to smoke -- they are surely experiences that are composed of other elements of experience that can be experienced, so there's no true loss involved aside from, in a way, mere bragging rights of having actually experienced the image in question... as if that even matters anyway.




    Another splendid post from the seven of jays. :)

  10. Well yeah, but my point is that the same nostalgia can't be applied to everything. I honestly can't see people looking back at low quality internet audio and shoddy mobile phone camera pictures the same way people look back at film photos and vinyls.


    A perfect example is computer games. People look back fondly at pixelly 8/16 bit graphics with nostalgia, but the same can't be said about PS1/Saturn graphics. Can you honestly see anyone looking back at this and saying "wow those graphics are so retro and cool. Look at the way everything is so shoddy and barely visible"?




    I don't think we can say anything about that right now. It's nostalgia, i.e. it's not based on rational thought. As time goes on, I suspect at least some people will develop nostalgia for PS1 graphics and other things we can't imagine anyone in the future being able to stand, if for no other reason than that it takes them back. Everything seemed better back in the day because the mind remembers the good stuff much better than the bad stuff.

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