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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I know exactly what you mean, jay. I'm the exact same. One part of it is catching up on free time, but another part is that I simply can't go to sleep straight after a long, eventful or even stressful day - I have enough trouble falling asleep due to an overactive brain as it is. I need to wind down before even considering going to bed.

  2. Having things in common is, for me, essential in a relationship. Though there should be some differences too to keep things interesting. But yeah it makes things easier to talk about if you have stuff in common. It doesn't automatically lead to a relationship (cause a relationship takes a lot more than just having things in common), but it could be a start!


    Yeah, I agree. :) We're not identical, obviously, but we have A LOT of personality traits in common, and I find it hard not to be attracted by that. But as you say, you can't just build a relationship on that - you need to consider the person as a whole, and there I'm just drawing a blank right now, really.

  3. So in addition to the seven-year-older tutor I may or may not be crushing a bit on, one of my new classmates is basically like a female version of me, and she's pretty to boot (so not entirely like me :heh:). I'm not really sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing in a relationship, or if I'm even interested in her that way, but just the fact that I'm in doubt suggests a lot.


    I'm not sure if I prefer this constant state of uncertainty flux to the 3-year-long, hopeless crushes I'm used to ... :heh:

  4. That's two unfortunate incidents, Dazz. :( But hey, they say third time's a charm. ;) I would've done the same in the first situation - getting involved with someone taken can be troublesome enough, ethically and/or practically, but the mention of a "psycho boyfriend" should have the warning lights flashing instantly. Plus, if you're really more after a serious relationship, I'd say wasn't worth it :) - even if she was hot. :heh:

  5. I'm genuinely surprised at how much lifting and setting a toilet seat bothers you.


    Just imagine the scenario, where the bloke enters to see the seat down, and is, like you, completely exhausted with life and finds the trivial task of lifting a seat unbearable. They instead choose to take aim and hope for the best. If they splatter, then the act of cleaning the seat with loo roll will surely be an even more insurmountable feat for such a lazy cunt. As such, this individual will, when presented with a lid-down toilet, be forced to exert a minuae of effort -- but in doing so will not only avoid any clean-up operation but also avoid a male shitter of female toilet user any stress of being faced with another's excrement.


    It just makes the most sense, when thinking of all scenarios.


    If someone comes in to poop, then they should put the lid down anyway, to attempt to contain odours (at the least), so lifting to sit/shit, then placing afterwards is just courtesy.


    And that's it! Courtesy. My actions offer far more in the way of courtesy -- courtesy which outweighs the split-second it takes to actually lift/set. PLUS people who touch a toilet seat are more likely to actually wash their hands, thus encouraging good personal hygeine.


    Also, you talk about spite and fairness. Your imagined world where everyone inputs the correct response is rather naive in assuming that a bloke will, in all circumstances, lift a seat when they need a slash.


    'Consideration' includes not pissing on the seat in the first place. my method is more certain to avoid such inconsiderate actions than running the risk that one will choose not to just risk pissing on a seat.


    At worst, my practice is just as good/bad as any other.


    I lost my train of thought ages ago because I was genuinely baffled that you found going to the toilet so laborious and potentially offensive.


    Are there any topics you don't have deeper thought processes about? :heh: I mean that in an entirely positive way, of course. :D

  6. It's a good idea to get the right hand down since it's sort of the framework of the piece, but really it's best to try to get both hands to work at the same time as soon as possible, since that is without a doubt the trickiest part.




    I just realised I meant to say left hand in this post.

  7. The thing is, I'm worried that if I don't think about it already now, it might be too late when I finally get there.




    I'm a bit more relaxed now. It goes up and down a lot, but right now I feel more relaxed about it all. I'll probably do fine. :)

  8. My brain is working itself up into spirals of worry at the moment. With our current workload it's a given that we'll be VERY busy in later semesters, and I'm pretty sure that will spell the end of my perfectionistic approach to school work. Normally I'd be thrilled to finally learn to be more relaxed about it, but now I've started worrying that my performance then won't be good enough if I eventually want to get a Ph.D. But if I'm already worrying about that now, I definitely won't survive university as I'll simply break under the stress and workload.


    *sigh* Does anyone know a good tip for not stressing yourself the fuck out over these things?

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