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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I now like tea, just gets me awake in the morning since I haven't moved on to coffee just yet.


    You know, I never quite understood how this works. How can tea wake you up?


    Anyway, I'm not much of a tea-drinker myself, and I don't like coffee. When I've had a bad day I put on something I know will cheer me up, like Friends, and then I eat a crapload of chocolate and wash it down with milk.

  2. I just got my final grade back for a summer course I took, and I got a D in it, which seems odd, as the final exam was only worth 30% and all my coursework was above 70%, most of it above 80%. I know I screwed up on the exam, but not that badly. I suppose I'll have to find out what the grade appeal process is like at my university now.


    Edit: Just found out that my friend who was doing worse than me got a B+. Something really dosen't add up.




    I smell shenanigans ...

  3. KOTOR.jpg


    Off the Mac App Store. I've always wanted to play this game properly. I had it on the Xbox, but because I had never played an RPG before, I didn't understand the mechanics and how to actually properly play the game. Now, in one hour, I've probably got further than it'd take me a week to accomplish 8 years ago....


    I loved the second one despite its flaws, but I've never played the original. I'd love to someday. :)

  4. Yes, I know, you mention that every time. So what do you want, should we go easy on you? No.


    It's fine, and perfectly understandable, and maybe even encouraged to be more involved in real life, but stop using real life business as an ekscuse.


    I'm not trying to be mean, but if real life get in the way, that's your loss and not ours, we can't ignore you because you say so.


    These are the three comments that irked me, particularly the bolded one. As I read them, they give off the attitude that prioritising real-life stuff over a game is not acceptable, and that I should give a better explanation for my behaviour in the game.


    I never said you should ignore me, or that my explanation is somehow an attempt to excuse my way out of this to prevent further enquiry. I would never say such things, as I believe they go against the spirit of the game. In your position I'd be just as sceptical of me, and I'd interrogate the flip out of me, which I actually expect people to do. But you have to accept that I have chosen to give the explanation I have. You can question it, look at it from all angles, point out inconsistencies and shout "Objection!" at the screen to your heart's content, and I would have to counter those arguments. But in the end you have to accept the explanation I give, however trustworthy you may find it, and choose to either believe it or not.


    Judging on a personal level the explanation I have given for my behaviour, however, is really bad style, and that's what I felt you were doing.


    Anyway, I feel I have said what I wanted to say about the issue, and I am ready to let it be and move on. I wish to again apologise for my personal comments and for losing my calm, but I felt it was necessary to explain what caused it.


    Friends? :)

  5. I never said you couldn't do any of those things. You suspecting me is perfectly fine - heck, I'd be suspicious myself if I were in your shoes - but you did it with such an unplesant attitude. Calling my explanation an excuse and almost attacking me for having real-life stuff to deal with (which is what it felt like you were doing) didn't feel nice at all, and it made me quite annoyed. I realise now the dick comment was probably over the line, and I apologise for that, but you really could do with checking the attitude you give off yourself in these games sometimes.

  6. Yes, I know, you mention that every time. So what do you want, should we go easy on you? No.


    It was known for a long time who we were so your targets are suspicious. With the amount of time the night lasted I'm sorry to say I don't believe you knew nothing. It's fine, and perfectly understandable, and maybe even encouraged to be more involved in real life, but stop using real life business as an ekscuse. Your targets are suspicious. Fact. Someone pointed you out as mafia and then died. Fact. Your write up doesn't add up with your targets. Fact.


    Why not dyson the protector(to stop him from being selfish? Or one of the two also selfish investigators? You are saying you know of no one? We have made plenty of lists of who people are.


    I'm not trying to be mean, but if real life get in the way, that's your loss and not ours, we can't ignore you because you say so.


    The fuck? It's not an excuse, it's just fact. What the hell do you want me to say? I'm not trying to defend my actions, I'm just trying to explain them. If you don't believe me and think I'm a lying scumnag, that's perfectly fine, but don't be a dick about it. I don't care much for the attitude you display in mafia games, Tales.

  7. Fuck, I wanted to post that! Ha ha..


    Anyway, less disturbing (perhaps):



    Less disturbing? I remember seeing that before and freaking out. :heh:



    Long but worth watching... 06:51 'k, this does not look good um...' :laughing:


    Awesome! :D

  8. Work, like family, where you grew up... yadda yadda, is one of them "safe" sunjects but in fact they aren't really that safe. The sooner you can get the conversation away from them the better as it's a sign you can have an actual conversation. Anyone can talk to anyone about where they gre up and work. It's not so much a conversation as one person reeling off a bunch of facts about themself. And when they run out, the "conversation" comes to a screeching halt. It's not always the case but it's definitely something I've noticed from past experience. It's not important to know that stuff about someone unless it truly defines who they are. I see work and family as things that can be filled in along the way of a relationship.


    Yeah, but that's why it's a good and easy way to initiate a conversation that also quickly reveals if you have more to talk about (provided you're not both too shy to actually move the conversation along).

  9. Indeed. Because I got plenty of reasons and besides Cube, the most likely candidate. Want to eksplain the write up again?


    Sure, if I could. Unfortunately only the GM can do that satisfactorily. Maybe Smeágol can't actually be redirected, hence why I only appear above you?

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