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Everything posted by Jav_NE

  1. Alexis Dziena, Avril Lavigne, Brody Dalle, Jennifer Garner, Maria(WWE), Angelina Jolie, Jo Dark :P
  2. No big loss then. Cheer up. Email you friends for their numbers, and this time write them down!
  3. They dont need it, as dabooker said, its a favouring. Do you prefer to grope larger breasts? You dont need them, you just favour it. Ive always wondered whether we have stunted evolution because of our way of life. If evolution is in fact how we came to be here, are we the fully evolved form? If we didnt live in houses and in towns and cities like we have for however long we have, if we were out in the wild, would the human race evolve more? Why IS the sky blue? Really.. i dont buy this reflecting the sea business. If thats the case, why is the sea blue? Water is colourless. Besides, the sky can be many colours, orangey/red/purple, obviously its something to do with the suns light but reflecting the sea isnt the explanation. Why are we so dependent on computers in our day and age? We did fine without the internet before. Sure, computers are a necessity for banks, but we dont actually need them in our home. Its strange, we all have them now, and we love them. But we arnt dependent on them, at least we dont have to be.
  4. I think its great! We should all make boxes and place them around the world! World peace under Mario!
  5. Spooky ass shit indeed. Who knows, maybe we are just specs in time where fate has already been decided.
  6. True, it isnt, but you're the one drowning in it. :p
  7. Im with you moku.
  8. Erm, Kurt, twice the power of the Cube doesnt mean twice the graphics. I reckon, to put it boldly, if you in any way try and compare Revolutions visuals with PS3 or XB360, you will be disappointed. However, if you're going to be willing to take them as they are, and not even compare them to Cube or XBox, then you will be happy, becuase as weve been told, they look good. I think the 'wow' factor will come from thinking they are going to look shit, then realisng, oh actually, look at it!
  9. The more i think about it, the more i think, 'maybe it will be good'. Rare have already sold out, they dont need to sell out anymore by making games based on TV shows.. yes, thats what this will be, but then i query myself that very statement, i dont think they would do it unless they genuinely saw a good game idea in there. Reading a few previews, i think they might be onto something. It seems like the world of Viva Pinata is going to be really lively with a whole bunch of evolution, coaxing these weird animals to you to eat your food and grow up there. Sound lame? Explain Animal Crossing to someone who has never heard of it and they'd probably have the expression you have when you heard about this, but it works. If this wasnt based on a TV Show id reckon more people would be a little more interested. You may think im being hypocritical from what ive said earlier, but i genuinely think this may be ok. Im not saying it will be amazing, but it might be a surprise. I guess im one of the fans Rare still has left. I cant wait for E3. Quite frankly, id love it it they were able to shut up all the bad mouthing theyre getting, then everyone would be like 'omg Rare teh rox0rs again!!11!1'. It could happen, they have the talent.
  10. Might be tempted to get Tomb Raider. Im not sure. See how my works going and how much money i have! For the record though, PDZ is fucking great, ok?! good.
  11. Count on nobody and no-one will let you down. Its a saying some of you guys should take on board. Yes, there is something we dont know about Revolution, and yes we are going to find out. Just dont dissapoint yourself by expecting to be blown off your seat, if you are, great! As Nintendork says though, its about the games, and its also about what we already know, its that which got you hyped in the first place remember.
  12. I can sleep during the day, i can lay down and watch a film or number of films all day. I dont think anyone sits on the couch and just thinks, thats a bit weird. Id get aggitated. Sitting in the park however is a different story, you enjoy the view and hopefully, the weather, so i can do it then. I can relate to Hellfire, i often do nothing just because i cant decide, should i cook sumit to eat? Should i play a game? Should i watch TV? Should i watch a film? Read a book? Listen to Music? Go on the computer? Its all too much so i end up doing whatever eases the mind, watching a film.. :P Its also alot easier to do when you have alot of work to do, procrastinating is far more fun than relaxing. Despite the guilty consience!
  13. I say Dime, Boost Guarana, Drifter orrrr... Galaxy Caramel. Oh and Topics.
  14. Revelotion in Europe by the end of the year. The only official word from Nintendo is that they are doing everythin gthey can to get the console out in all regions in 2006. They keep saying that. Sure, plans can change. You can argue it may slip to 2007, but theres no official word to say that, only doubt in what you believe and have experienced in the past. Thats fair enough. All you can ssume now though is that they will live up to their word. Pricing isnt even worth debating, it will be cheaper than 360 and PS3, again, thats all we know as thats all they've said. It amuses me how you all get into a huff debating things that have no concrete answer yet! An answer you will get soon enough, and much better recieved without getting your knickers in a twist. Know the facts, and put as much belief in them as you will.
  15. Ive got a damn DVD/TV comby! I cant wait to get any sized HDTV! 23" would do me perfectly! Only a month to go till my loan comes, come on! Only thin gis, ill be looking for a new flat and will need money for all the crapy deposits and shit. If it stops me getting that TV i may possibly cry. Sad though it is. what have we become?!
  16. Hmm, i guess the 'tidbit' we got was about Zelda DS... hope im not speaking prematurely here.
  17. Nintendo Go has a ring to it, whatever it may or may not be for. Who knows! Pointless speculation, whats the use in it?!
  18. Nope. The conference is completely camera/video free. You'll have to wait for official media.
  19. I dont think the PS3 will have sensoring, i really dont think they've had time to make such a change. Who knows, it sucks if they have.
  20. Region free? Thats cool. A few years ago i never would have bothered with other consoles, now i have a 360 it doesnt seem too out of my will to get a PS3. I dont want one that much though, id just be getting it for the sake of the technology, and that my friends is not a good thing to do. Waste of money.
  21. I find it bloody annoying everyone talking over Xbox Live personally, i drown them out with music. It works with some game types, but for the most part its just dan annoying. Seeing them as well?! No thanks! Though the capture sounds interesting.
  22. Fact is, most people own a DVD player now, whats the point of having ridiculously expensive Blu-Ray? PS3 a multi-media center, and its damned expensive to have it. Sony are using the games influence to try and boost this kind of thing.
  23. Nintendos FHC cant be copied now, they simply dont have time to produce it. And even if they did do it in the future, the Revolution has been designed especially for it meaning it will always be the leader.
  24. I dont even see it anymore, i dont have Sky One! Back in the day i watched it every night! 7pm, at least 2 episodes were on, it was a joke! Thing is, i dont miss it that much, i often look at the DVD's and im not overly tempted to buy them. Basically, il watch it if its on! Ill watch the film, but from the lowered standards it had in the TV episodes i wont have high hopes for anything overly spectalular.
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