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Everything posted by Funktion

  1. For some reason the image I posted above that linked to Rising Star Games' page about Fragile appears to be currently offline, but you can still check the game on Rising Star Games website using this link.
  2. Fragile is coming to Europe and Australia, thanks to the chaps from Rising Star Games! Click the image below to go to the info page on RSG's website:
  3. I was never what you could call a Michael Jackson fan, but this news made me surprisingly sad. Maybe because I immediately recalled an old track of his, Ben (a terribly sad end theme for the movie of the same name), which pretty much translates my view of Michael Jackson, the person: as someone who, even at it's prime with all his money and fame, was a lonely and sadly disturbed human being. RIP
  4. When I saw a post on their blog this past Friday saying the game was In Stock, I canceled the pre-order I had elsewhere and placed an order on VGP. They shipped my order on the very same day. I watched the Blu-Ray disc of the film, and now I've been watching the recently released Extreme Ghostbusters volume 1 DVD set (Australian edition). Since the listing for this release vanished from UK online stores (maybe it's delayed, it was supposed to be released at the same time as the first volume of The Real Ghostbusters), I decided to import the Australian release from CDWow. It's quite cheap, and as I expected it's coded R4 & R2 (with a wide variety of subtitles, over 13), so it works on European dvd players. I'm a huge fan of the original animation series, but I never gave the slighest chance to Extreme Ghostbusters (first I saw the "Extreme" in the title, and then I saw a new crew, I pretty much "disowned" the series even before watching it), until very recently when I watched a couple of episodes online and I actually enjoyed it. It's not on par with The Real Ghostbusters (especially in terms of scripts; some of the early episodes of the "old" series were absolutely memorable, especially those written by J. Michael Straczynski, the creator of Babylon 5), but as I'm watching the DVDs I must say I'm enjoying the characters and the different take on the series, for me the series doesn't "shame" the Ghostbusters brand at all. I'm certain it helped me to enjoy the series the fact that Egon is voiced by the same voice actor as in the "old" series, it brings a certain familiarity to the show, a nice bridge between the old and the new. So, here I am, watching something Ghostbusters-related I haven't watched before.
  5. I hope it's a problem with the video, not the game, but there's quite a bit of slowdown shown.
  6. My Blu-ray disc of the first film arrived today (I'm going to watch it in a few moments), as did the Australian DVD release of the first volume of Extreme Ghostbusters, and VideoGamesPlus shipped my order for the Xbox 360 version of the game today. Add this to my Time Life's full set of The Real Ghostbusters (25 DVDs), which I received at the start of the year, a soon to be shipped DS version of the game, and later in the year (unfortunately for us Europeans) the Wii version, and who knows, maybe a Blu-Ray release of the second film. I really have to say: It's good to be a Ghostbusters fan in 2009!
  7. That article only talks about the US release by Ignition, not the EU release by Rising Star Games. It will probably be same case with the EU release though.
  8. The cheapest places seem to be DVDBoxoffice, and CDWow (they have several versions listed, one of them is £37.49, and I was told it's the US release). Besides the already mentioned Play-Asia and Videogamesplus, another websites that ship to Europe and provide good service are Yesasia, and CDUniverse.
  9. I'll probably wait for a price drop on Dead Space, while it looks good on-rails shooters usually have short length and not many replay value (when your like me, that plays mostly SP), and I doubt EA won't charge full price for it. As for the other two, JU-ON: The Grudge looks like a peculiar game, it seems more like a haunted house experience mixed with a first person adventure game, I'm curious to see more and I'll probably buy it on day one because I usually have a lot of trouble finding most of Rising Star Games releases not long after release (it seems they are turning into Europe's equivalent to US's Atlus in more ways that we thought... ). Regarding Silent Hill, my past experience with the series is quite minimal, I was never what you would call a fan, but I must admit I liked what I've seen of the game. I particularly like the concept of reliving past events during a conversation with a psychiatrist, in which things change based on your actions. It's like re-living the same events through the perspective of different people, where while there may be similarities, their version of the events ends up being quite different from each other.
  10. Why am I always the last to know! Futurama is one of my favourite TV shows ever, the referential humor of the series clicked with me big time, and I was particularly upset when Fox decided not to order more episodes. This new series is quite significant, because the original run had only 72 episodes, which means we (at the very least) will get over 1/3rd of brand new content.
  11. I don't know if you guys are already aware, but news just surfaced that the show is back on TV for a brand new, 26 episode season! I'm not talking about the recut 4 movies turned into episodes (the movies released on DVD and Blu-Ray will be shown as 22 min. episodes), I'm talking about brand new episodes, which will start to be shown next year! http://ausiellofiles.ew.com/2009/06/its-official-futurama-returns.html http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/hr/content_display/news/e3i388dc3328f74c5ee953fdf2f59564bb2 http://www.variety.com/article/VR1118004722.html?categoryid=14&cs=1
  12. According to an updated release schedule of Rising Star Games 2009 releases posted on their forums, the current expected release date for JU-ON: The Grudge is October 2009.
  13. (Possible) great news! Muramasa was expected to be released in Spring 2010. I asked on the Rising Star Games forum for an updated release schedule, and this is what they posted: Valhalla Knights Episode 2 June 2009 Rygar: The Battle of Argus July 2009 Moon (Gamebridge) July 2009 Animal Kororo September 2009 Steal Princess September 2009 Happy Party with Hello Kitty & Friends! September 2009 My World My Way September 2009 Mahjongg Ancient Mayas September 2009 Angel Cat Sugar October 2009 Luminous Arc 2 October 2009 JU-ON: The Grudge October 2009 Muramasa: The Demon Blade November 2009 Eldar Saga November 2009
  14. For those interested, the Xbox 360 version is region free: http://www.destructoid.com/xbox-360-version-of-ghostbusters-not-region-locked-132821.phtml :yay:
  15. If they were wise, they would hire the team that made the Freedom Force games (and also System Shock 2, and recently Bioshock) to handle the series. They made a wonderful job with that series.
  16. A few games I would love to play on the Wii: -Shenmue sequel(s) or updated ports/remakes -an uncut port of Snatcher, with improved graphics (I find it surprising there's a lack of interactive novel-like adventure games on the Wii, in the vein of the Phoenix Wright series) -a sequel or a "re-imagination" of Snatcher, handled by Suda51, in which you would explore the Cyberpunk setting in a 3rd person view, with similar gameplay to Shenmue (pretty much my dream game: a cross of Shenmue with a futuristic, dark, Cyberpunk setting) -re-releases/updated ports of Jet Set Radio and Jet Set Radio Future, followed by a brand new sequel to the series -a new, 2D, Super Mario World sequel, with similar structure, gameplay, and overworld to the first game -a new F-Zero sequel, preferably not as fast paced as F-Zero GX (while I loved F-Zero GX, I enjoyed the slower pace of the older titles such as the original SNES game or the GBA titles a bit more; it's a matter of personal preference, I would gladly accept a sequel similar to F-Zero GX) -a new, original, Castlevania 2D title for the Wii, handled by Koji "Iga" Igarashi -a new, 2D, Streets of Rage sequel, with soundtrack by Yuzo Koshiro -new, 2D, sequels to: Bonk, Ninja Spirit, Golden Axe, Shinobi, E-Swat, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Metroid, Dungeon Explorer, Splatterhouse, ... -an old-school first person RPG, in the style of Dungeon Master, Lands of Lore, and more recently titles such as Etrian Odyssey and The Dark Spire -sequels to Hotel Dusk, Phoenix Wright, or a brand new game in the same (interactive novel) genre -a sequel to the Disaster Report series, or a similar title, with a more sandbox approach, and motion controls
  17. Don't get me wrong, I will "judge" The Conduit purely on the merits of the game, not their past work. I am certainly willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, especially since they are working on brand new, internally developed IPs. I'm a bit "cautious" in my expectations for the title because of my past experiences with their games, but if I'm positively surprised by the quality of the title, the better. And I certainly won't have any kind of prejudice against these new titles because of their past work. I certainly don't held Popcap games in the best of regards, very much on the contrary, but recently, against all expectations, I rather enjoyed a game of theirs, Plants vs Zombies. It happens.
  18. As someone who played several of their past games already (including titles such as Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude), I must say their track record is not very bright, to say the least.Their past titles have been quite generic and uninteresting, they're the type of company that "specializes" in quick cash-in titles or ports. I find it surprising, to say the least, that many are already "fans" of HVS (as several already expressed on this forums), even without trying their games. Don't get me wrong, I'm actually going to purchase The Conduit, but based on their track record it would be natural to expect a bit more "suspicion" about the quality of their titles, instead of this "embrace". Having said that, they obviously have to be commended for identifying a lack of original, build from the ground up, third-party titles for the Wii (especially in the so called "mature" category), and trying to explore it to their gain. I can't say there's many (if any) company that currently has 3 original retail titles in the works for the Wii. Speaking specifically about The Conduit, no matter the technical merits the title may have, it looks to me that it's a rather generic FPS game, and not a remarkably good either. I'm looking forward to it just for the simple fact that I want to play a new FPS on the Wii (because of the controls), and because I found a few of the maps to be somewhat interesting. Both of their future titles also look quite generic. Gladiator A.D.'s supposed appeal seems to rely purely on the use of gore and dismemberments, although admittedly we haven't seen much of the game so far. The Grinder fares a bit better with me (due to my attraction for monsters and the supernatural as a theme), but again it looks like a generic, underwhelming title.
  19. From what's currently known, my 5 most wanted for what's left of 2009, in no particular order: -Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All Stars -Another Code R: A Journey Into Lost Memories -Ghostbusters -New Super Mario Bros. Wii and probably either Valhalla Knights: Elder Saga (even though the Japanese reviews were mediocre, to say the least), Silent Hill: Shattered Memories (never really followed the series, but the recent media was kind of nice), or Rabbids Go Home (I'm not even sure how the game is fully played, but I Rabbids... :p). Other games I'm curious to check out, also out this year: The Munchables, Lets Tap, The Conduit and Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings (mostly because of the inclusion of the "talkie" version of Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, which is a fun game; still not sure if the actual Staff of Kings game will be worth it though, lets see). Most Wii games I'm looking forward are either undated, or are expected to be released in 2010 (No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle, Sin and Punishment 2, Arc Rise Fantasia, Fragile, Shiren the Wanderer 3, Endless Ocean 2, Trauma Team, ...).
  20. +1 There was never any doubt I was going to buy this game (I'm a sucker for 2D platformers; and additionally, while not perfect, I rather enjoyed New Super Mario Bros. for the DS), but the more footage I see, the more I'm liking the game. I'm certainly more anxious for this game than Mario Galaxy 2. Don't get me wrong, the first game was extremely polished and all, but it's a matter of personal preference: I simply don't have as much fun playing a 3D Mario game when compared to the 2D efforts. I just hope they improve something I found not very good with New Super Mario Bros.: the overworld. It was rather boring, when compared to something like Super Mario World. I want lots of secrets, crazy worlds, the whole thing. I doubt we'll get it though...
  21. I'm getting it, as I'm a sucker for 2D platformers. But lets be honest: this looks like an underwhelming copy & paste sequel to New Super Mario Bros. for the DS. It's becoming a trend with first party titles: either it's another "casual" title such as Wii Fit Plus or a new Wii Sports title, or it's copy & paste sequels to existing franchises. Frankly, I'm starting to feel like I'm playing the same thing over and over again, when it comes to Nintendo games.
  22. I seriously hope Kojima isn't working on Castlevania. As a fan of the series, and someone who doesn't like the Metal Gear Solid games, I would definitely prefer to have both entities separately. If Kojima wants to work on something different, why not resurrect the last game of his I really enjoyed, Snatcher?
  23. TheHut is selling the game for £17.73 until the end of the day. For this price, it's a steal (I paid almost two times that amount).
  24. Crackdown and Dead Rising were the reasons I picked up an Xbox 360. I'm glad to see both getting sequels.
  25. :laughing::laughing::laughing:
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