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Everything posted by Jonnas

  1. Sorry, but if I posted the whole picture, some of you could recognize the main character and it would turn into an easy-to-guess screenshot. There, I said a clue. The main character is not as unknown as you might think. Plus, I showed a part of the screen that can be familiar for those who played the game. If nobody guesses in the next few hours, I'll expand it a little bit. Also, Patch's 3rd pic has not been guessed yet. EDIT: So I expanded it more than just a little bit: [ATTACH]1592[/ATTACH] Here you go.
  2. Well, I didn't say anything specific and, if anything, what I said was subjective. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to spoil anything. About the three endings, I've seen them. Can't say much more than that without spoiling someone. You'll have to see them by yourself.
  3. I've played a bit at a friend's house. The game is cool and really feels like a suspense movie taken to a whole new level. Too bad the ending is underwhelming. Very disappointing. Then again the last part of the game felt rushed.
  4. I feel bad for the lack of originality, but Happy Birthday to you both. If Don was around I would sing him birthday like my family does: Singing Happy Birthday in several versions of Portuguese and Spanish (no joke. Everytime there's a birthday we take about 20 minutes to sing them all)
  5. My thoughts and recommendations: -Skies of Arcadia is very good. And rare. The story is solid, many characters are cool, the combat system is enjoyable (although easier as the game progresses), has great music, the adventure is long and, the best part, the side-quests rule (discoveries, bounties, Moonfishes, Piastol, crew members and more). Definately worth a shot. Pick it up if you find it. -Baten Kaitos is above average. It's somewhat good, but nothing more. Story is predictable and sometimes nonsensical, but has an unpredictable twist. The characters are nothing special and their voice acting is very (and I mean very) bad. Better to turn it off. The music, backgrounds and special effects are amazing, though. The battle system works well and it's original. The card system for side-quests and battle is well-done and can keep you interested. There are several side-quests, too. Some people think it's very good, others like me think it deserves no more than 7/10. Still recommendable. -Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance is a must for Tactical RPG fans. Great characters, interesting, racism driven world and plot, as well as several character interactions (supports) will keep you hooked. The gameplay is good and challenging. If you don't want to lose characters, you can't make stupid mistakes. There is also much complexity in planning (equipment, weapon/magic triangle, bonus exp, support bonuses, etc.). Pick it up unless you don't like strategy or tactical RPGs. I never played Paper Mario 2, but Mario RPGs are good most of the time. The plot and characters are silly and comedy-driven, the battle system is interactive and is usually packed with fun. There are many non-battle interactive scenarios, as well. Of course, I'm basing myself out of trailers and other Mario RPGs. If I said anything wrong, someone please correct me. One last thing, the Mario & Luigi series for GBA and DS is very good. If you ever buy a Mario RPG, those are very good choices.
  6. Man, I should come to this thread more often. I knew Super Mario Bros. 3, Castlevania 4 and Secret of mana. And now I don't know the third image... Maybe an adventure game? Monkey Island or something? Oh, and a cropped pic of my own. [ATTACH]1583[/ATTACH] It's a rather unknown game. I don't know how many of you know of it's existance.
  7. So little Mac ain't playable? Man... First Jill, now Little Mac... Who's next? Skapon? Takamaru? Muddy!? I hope they save the next deconfirmations for next week. Today's update is very cool! So many times I paused epic shots and I couldn't save them...
  8. Jill looks good in 3D. So much potential wasted... Well, at least she made it in some form. And they keep fighting for such a long time while falling? Awesome.
  9. In theory, Meta Knight is also fast enough to dodge the enemy attacks or not letting them move. Unless he's lighter than Jigglypuff, he seems pretty powerful. Quick attacks, gliding, multiple jumps...
  10. Just read that ign article. My thoughts: -Meta Knight, as I expected, is extremely powerful; -Advance Wars sprites. Cool!; -Norfair is a stage!; -Metroid is an assist Trophy! ; -...and so is Jill from Drill Dozer *sigh* So Jill is down... C'mon Muddy, you can still do it! For the obscure characters!
  11. Sonic waved his finger in the title menu as well and, in official artwork, he was in the same pose. He never said anything when he waited, though. To me, the fingerwave is as classic as the old Mega Drive Sonic games. Needless to say, even Sonic gave me nostalgia with that taunt. I'm pretty sure that what he did to DK was his Down Grab. Jigglypuff had a similar move. His Spin Dash is charging the Dash and shooting it when you release the D-Pad/Stick. It was what he did to those baddies in the Subspace Emissary in that cave. Actually, that is a good argument. Prior to melee's release, I doubt anybody thought that Sheik had chances. He doesn't even fight in OoT. Therefore Zant may surprise us as well.
  12. Thanks. Good to know that SSBB brought the fingerwave back. Yup, that's exactly it, except: -The Side-B spin couldn't be used in the air in the MD games; -The spin dash debuted in Sonic 2, not 3. While I agree that Zant is a very cool character (probably the only new character I liked in TP), he has little chance of being playable. But, who knows, maybe we can still see him as a boss or something.
  13. Sonic: Special Moves The original Sonic the Hedgehog game used only one button. I think that its simple yet exhilarating gameplay was its virtue. And given that this game’s controls are also simple, I think it personifies his distinctive characteristics. Side Special Move: Spin Dash Yeah, you have to have this. Hop into a supersonic Spin Dash. If you charge it up just a bit, your speed will increase. It’s also possible to rise up while spinning. Spin Dash, jump. A two-hit combo. Then keep pursuing with a midair attack! And do a Spin Dash in midair to return. That, too? Down Special Move: Spin Charge By holding the Control Stick down and tapping the special-move button, you charge up your spin and do a Spin Dash. This may feel better for some, as there’s no pop. KEEEEEEEEEE! Up Special Move: Spring Jump And his up special move is the Spring Jump. That spring launches you waayyy up in the air. That’s high! You might not use it on the ground much, but rumour has it that if you do, the spring that remains can be used by other characters. Ah! It’s true. -------------------------------------------------- My god, that really is Classic Sonic in fighting form. His Spin Dash seems to be the same in the Mega Drive, except Sonic has more freedom while jumping. Also, can someone answer me about the finger wave? Nobody really responded to my previous question.
  14. 1. Halo - You'd expect people would see beyond the hype. Sure the online may be good, but hold it as one of the greatest series ever? Pffft. 2. The fuss over Football - I can understand people liking it, but even the media hold football in a higher ground than they should. All the fuss around it is the only thing I can't comprehend. 3. Cars 4. Star Trek 5. Video Gaming Fanboys that pay too much attention to sales, business deals and review scores. 6. Coca-Cola - I just don't like it. 7. Text messaging for no reason at all 8. The craze over cellphones - They exist to make phonecalls. Nothing more. 9. Rap and Hip-Hop 10. MTV 11. 50 Cent 12. Fans of the unknown - You know, people that love obscure bands/groups/companies, but start hating them as soon as they start getting some significant fame (even though they don't change their style), claiming they 'sold themselves'. 13. TVI (Portuguese Channel) It seems there are quite a few thing I don't like...
  15. By the way, the finger wave Sonic did at the end of the trailer, I'm pretty sure it's the same taunt he used to do in the old games. But can anyone tell me if he still does that in the more recent games? I'm just curious.
  16. This man knows what he's talking about. As a fellow João I must compliment you on your enlightment. Unsexy names? Eustáquio, Matilde, ... Alecsandro? I don't know. I'm just saying names that I don't like.
  17. It can still be Navi. Game continuity means nothing in Smash Bros. Snake from MGS 1 and 2 is behaving like Snake from MGS 3 when he speaks of Yoshi, Ness can use Paula's powers, Kirby can use several powers without eating the baddies first... The characters can bring anything from any incarnation to fight in Smash Bros.
  18. :yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay: Sonic is in Brawl! And he's awesome again! His spin dash is being used correctly, his up-B move is a spring and he just screams "Classic Sonic" everytime I see him in action (albeit in a different body). About the other trailer, Kyogre and Torchic confirmed! Everybody seems to have new taunts/moves. Zelda seemed to have very different attacks, Link was...rubbing her back and Peach was dancing for Bowser! What move was that!? And the taunt Sonic did at the end...is that his classic finger wave? I haven't been playing his recent games much. Does he still do that? If not, that was an excellent nostalgia taunt. Once again, I bow down before Masahiro Sakurai :bowdown:
  19. Kirby's Final Smash throws away more than food! I like this FS even more! The WarioWare song is cool. Not too fond of it, but playing the WarioWare stage with that song has got to be a blast. The Cooking Navi music does nothing for me. I'm indifferent towards it.
  20. The question is: What site/reviewer are you expecting to give those scores? My predictions: Gamespot: I say between 9.2-9.5. Gamespot is picky with certain games (SSBM, Skies of Arcadia) Eurogamer: 10 in 10. I usually agree with Eurogamer. IGN: I don't usually read their reviews, but they have the hots for Nintendo, right? I say 9.8. I only read a few sites and I have no idea of how good this game actually is, so you may expect my opinions to be a little off.
  21. God, I love those special moves. The paralyzer is the only move taken from the games, but at least it features twice. The whip moves are awesome. I can already imagine a few combos. Up-Smash so they fly vertically, Up-B to bring'em back down, repeat, maybe a few grabs and up-throws... And when I'm tired, send them horizontally and whip'em away. Can't wait! Seems that, unlike Link, her tether recovery aiming isn't automatic. But that still confuses me about Link. The hookshot is auto-aiming, but it's completely horizontal. What's there to auto-aim? Let's see, Zero Suit Samus has: -Great speed; -Great range with the whips; -Easy-to-do combos (guessing); -Two tether recoveries (horizontal and vertical). Does she have any weakness? Maybe she really is only selectable with the Smash Ball. That's the only weakness I can think of.
  22. Is the second one Xanth?
  23. Not everyone has access to rentals or (as already mentioned) SD Cards. You know, Sega doesn't even need to say anything about Sonic being playable in SSBB. M&S comes out in November, right? SSBB comes out in December minimum. By the time someone has found out that Sonic is playable, the sales rush in the first month(s) would've already been satisfactory. The argument of "both games feature both characters" is null, since Sega and Nintendo have already released games featuring the same characters but with different promises. M&S is an Olympics game and SSBB is a fighting game featuring much more than just the Mario and/or Sonic universe. I have a hard time believing anybody is going to choose SSBB over M&S just because of Sonic. About other 3rd party characters, what they choose to put in is their choice. The way I see it, the megaton character is Snake. And who said Belmont can't be in? I don't recall any rule saying "one character per company". Just as I don't remember any rule saying "a character that commands differnet characters in the background can't be playable" Now this is plausible. Nobody should have to buy (or cheat) a save file to unlock characters. EDIT: Gaijin, that picture is awesome.
  24. Hehe, the Co-op adventure mode reminds me so much of the classic Sonic & Tails... And the rewards for beating the game in harder difficulties are back. I wouldn't want it any other way. One more thing, Sonic being unlockable by memory card = very bad idea. First and foremost, SSBB is an all-star fighting game. Why should we make a character exclusive for those who like him? Why don't we make Sheik unlockable only if you have OoT in your Virtual Console? Or Ridley available only if you have a MP3 save in the memory card? Just because we don't like the original game for a character doesn't mean we instantly hate them. Pit seems awesome to play as, but I didn't like Kid Icarus. I'm not too keen on the Starfox series, but Fox is my third best character. Petey: If the system you suggested ended up being in the game, and you wanted to play as Sonic (because he seems an interesting fighter), but you couldn't because you can't find M&S or can't afford it at the moment or simply don't want the game? It may not happen to you, but it could happen to many people.
  25. Even though EBA are awesome, wouldn't it be fitting if they were assist trophies? Because that's what they do. They assist people. You know, that's a very believable theory. They don't announce Sonic for Brawl yet because they want to improve the sales of the Olympic game (the crossover thing being its main selling point). After the initial rush with the game and the sales figures are in, they announce Sonic as a playable character for Brawl. The game will sell well regardless of its inclusion, so it's a smart move to promote the game that doesn't have the guaranteed success. Not that I know much about marketing and advertising, but it seems like a smart move from their part.
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