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Everything posted by tapedeck

  1. SSB is also about accessibility, I'd be very surprised if NFC was embedded in the software as it kind of goes against accessibility. Nintendo will also want to make this an instant-purchase and a reason for gamers to buy Wii U. Figures may put people off - extra costs and all. For a fighting game NFC doesn't sit well either as you naturally need a good mix of characters as opposed to, say, a game like Infinity or Skylanders where you may only need 3/4 max characters to get a lot out of he software. People do usually have a 'main' in SSB but half the fun is mixing it up. Nintendo would be better off using NFC for either a new IP or for things like strategy games including cards or just for shop cards/virtual console games. They could do what infinity did with the power disks for things like 'retro backgrounds' which would give you more themed stages for something like SSB.
  2. I agree @Mike Stamps are a bloomin' brilliant idea! Saw this on GAF...Hidden luigi on the ground:
  3. Yep...bit big favourite in our house is this. Love the song selection and the way it is continuously updated. Nintendo should be promoting this more!
  4. Erm, LEGO? Definitely improves the intro over AC3 according to reviews. It's apparently straight into the mix.
  5. This and SMW3D are my christmas presents. Can't wait.
  6. I wish it was a joke at the time. Now made me realise he was a goon and I wasn't gonna be working for them much longer. There are always individuals who will look to take the piss...retail seems...full of them.
  7. I remember working for First sport and was given a promotion by my manager to trainer manager. I was naturally ecstatic at the time as I was just a skivvy - so accepted the post. The next day I turned up keen as mustard, ready to learn about management and me and the manager walked around the store as I discussed the things I had been thinking about to improve sales and the store layout etc. Then he led me over to the shoe section and pointed to a small section of sports shoes... In a tone which I can only describe as 'Napoleon Dynamite-esque', he told me that this area was my responsibility and that managing the training shoes was a post that could open up future opportunities with the company. The absolute twat...I left shortly after and used the story in another job interview (which I got).
  8. @Ashley it was me who had the comment about selfies on Facebook. Your comment about ownership of our image was definitely something I'd never considered before and was thought provoking. But yeah... Dem crazy people who take pics in the bathroom and in their bedrooms from above to provide some form of eye candy is what irks me. Mainly as it drives my OCD wild when I see the state of their homes...sure YOU look OK but your house is a shit tip which says a lot more than your Max Factor. I feel too old for the internet some days...
  9. On my Christmas list with Mario. J'adore AC3. This looks even better!
  10. I've logged just over 386hrs of usage since buying the console. Much of that usage has been littered with miiverse, web browsing and Netflix usage...but the majority has been off-TV gaming. Being able to play ACIII, FIFA, Disney Infinity and the VC/eShop games in the company of my family has been bliss. Gaming is no longer a divisive venture in our household. I can play those single player epic titles whilst engaging with the people I hold most dear but then we can also use the system to play local multiplayer with fun titles like Nintendoland, Wii Party U and Wii Karaoke U. A totally inoffensive system, built around sharing fun gaming experiences in the miiverse, this little system errs on the side of being a community in a box, bristling with opportunity and a range of titles that currently tick the core/casual boxes for me. With Mario Kart, X, Smash Bros. and DKC on the horizon, (as well as secrets!) I'm happy so far. Sure, Nintendo are a pain in the ass sometimes with their lethargic, stubborn ways and unwilling approach to charm third parties, but the first party games and the ethos behind their experiences always seem genuine and come from a good place. An innocent, non-offensive place where fun is the name of the game. Wii U has frustrated with the bad news from the media. But when the gamepad is on and the games are being played, it's a lovely piece of tech. Bring on 2014! Special shout out to the pic-sharing features. Such a brilliant selling point to me!
  11. Nah...Games like Mario Kart, X, Bayonetta 2 and Smash Bros. will bring in lots more gamers as well as casuals picking it up for the Nintendo branded, family games. The games will come and the sales will come from them. This Christmas seems like the start and Nintendo are very quiet these days - there is probably more going on behind the scenes. All it takes in this market is another AAA Zelda/StarFox/Metroid and Nintendo will shift Wii U's. They have enough characters to last them a good few years. If the price drops to around £170-190, a HD Nintendo experience which has a different family focused ethos will do well. The PS4/XBone seem to have focused on core gamers with grittier, realism based around online competitive gaming and market to the mature crowd. I believe this will be of benefit to Nintendo as they can continue to offer their legacy games that appeal to all demographics and still have Retro/Monster/Next Level Games etc. cranking out additional content. Third parties may not ignore the millions of PS360 owners so we may see Wii U games from Warner Bros. and Ubi continue beyond WatchDogs. Then EA will probably come back when the system ownership grows. In relation to games coming, I actually think it's an exciting time to be a gamer, regardless of the system you own - especially when you factor in indie games.
  12. Seems familiar...
  13. If only. Still...the SONY naming convention is just...boring. I get that it works but when that PS10 comes along and we keep on hearing the same buzz about how it changes everything, like an apple product does every year... And Microsoft have probably gone with the XBox One to mimic the PS naming convention. Give me super extreme names,. The Sony whizz bang box. The Microsoft octagon. This industry takes itself too seriously when it's about playing fun games. :P
  14. Love it. We've come a long way...
  15. Their naming conventions are so dodgy as of late that the name WiiPad would have, sadly, made more sense!
  16. Why is N-E a banned GAF site? They linked the review but said it was banned?
  17. Dat Nintendo magic. Great to see this and Zelda back and still on form. This industry needs Nintendo. Great review in the Guardian too! 5/5 http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2013/nov/19/super-mario-3d-world-review
  18. Reviews are starting to roll in... Get the impression the cons were really scraping the barrel...
  19. I'm 99% certain that you can set up the song lists/favourites without using your free hour. The hour only starts when you begin singing that first song. That's how it works when you purchase a ticket anyway. Browse away. It's a great feature The website has the tracks listed too if you are feeling sheepish.
  20. Hope you are having physio too! It's key to get the blood flow back into your muscles and is something that stopped my shooting pains in yay back. I still have physio but have improved immensely. Go see your doctor, especially when you are considering exercise though. Yoga can be quite strenuous too, so be careful. :awesome:
  21. I agree and although I don't claim to be a sociologist, surely that's the very system that consumers of gaming systems generally live within? Maybe we should start offering communist philosophies into debates on gaming heh. I do like your perspective though. : peace: On that note...I'll play Devil's advocate: Wii U has been a decent system for me. Nintendo continue to afford me social gaming experiences that I can't get on other systems. It has value in different contexts which is good for a system to have. As someone who doesn't have the time to spend on lots of games, a Nintendo system really appeals to me as an adult because when I purchase their big hitting games at those key points of the year (Christmas/Easter), I know the quality and fun is always there. I can totally see the disappointment though, especially when it comes to online developments and that awful VC.
  22. Nice to see two demos. Looking forward to trying both games. Also...tempted to get Rayman at that price even though it's £19 online.
  23. Many games that don't add new elements die quick deaths. I think human nature dictates that we want more and new things. That's why the Mario power up and Zelda items work so well. You can have the same 'template' but it is completely altered by the power-ups/items that augment the mechanics. I guess this ethos runs through the core of every company. Nintendo go so far as to include new 'innovations' in their systems yet just like Zelda/Mario, the innovations aren't going to hit a home run everytime. SONY and Microsoft tend to follow a different route for their systems and, for the most part, their games. They are completely different approaches to the industry but the more approaches the better for the industry and consumers.
  24. Would be good to read that Wii Sports Club review... *Awaits Newsstand release*
  25. But to focus on the franchise is to skip the notion that much of these franchises have been constantly reinvigorated by imaginative, new mechanics. I guess we were focusing in on graphics yet Nintendo's games tend to offer puzzles, mechanics 'and' the settings that differ from much of what is on offer on any other platform. I've been playing Oceanhorn on iOS this week - a game hyped as 'Zelda' for iOS. Not to take away from the game but it is paint by numbers not offering the imagination in an important area: the puzzles in dungeons. Moving blocks is OK sure, but there is no 'painting' mechanic, no 'ocarina', no 'minish cap', no 'season/weather’ changes. Many gamers call these gimmicks, I would call these imaginative gameplay mechanics that allow Nintendo games to feel different - even if we are using the same character. Perhaps Nintendo use the same characters as when games tend to introduce new characters they can struggle. Okami is a great example of this. If Okami had been a 3D Zelda involving a paintbrush it would have sold far better. However, there is merit in both arguments. I'd prefer more variety/characters/settings in this industry too. So yeah, I think imagination and creativity isn't just about using the same characters and settings but encompasses far more. Interesting debate though. Also: Wii U, 1year old...but feels like it's just getting started!
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