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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Qwilfish is shit, could do with one. I think Shuckel and Delibird are cool as is. Pinsir? To match with Scizor.
  2. I'll (and Chair) be in Edinburgh for the entire summer/I live there. DO IT.
  3. Yeah I made it myself. Made one for the 1st evos and 2nd evos, but then I didn't know why I did them, and just used them for sigs/avvies. :)

  4. Those images do not actually signify quality in any way. Invincible is good though.
  5. Oh I could love. I saw the first one. Still remains in my memory quite vividly actually.
  6. Batman (1989) included the origin (but not overly) obviously, as it was the first film. Batman Returns didn't mention it. Batman Forever dealt with his childhood somewhat RE: a possibly interesting psychological subplot that went nowhere, and Batman and Robin had a few pointless flashbacks (but not origin per se). Batman Begins understandably had all the origin + more. TDK had none. I wouldn't say it's been done to death or anything. HOWEVER. It really doesn't need to be done again, and definitely not in any films that'll take place in Nolanverse. Even the 90's films knew that. :p
  7. Was talking about him earlier today. I love DKR and DKSA (despite whut teh h8rz say). And as we know I "loved" All-Star Batman and Robin. It was bad, but I loved the fact. I feel like he could die now and save his reputation/not let it get any worse though. I also "loved" The Spirit. As in, it was beyond "..." but I loved still.
  8. Gif of life.
  9. I found all three Legendary Musketeers or whatever they're called easy to catch. Cobalion was one Ultra Ball, Terrakion was a single Quick ball in the first turn, and Verizon was relatively easy - took maybe 10 minutes total to catch it finally. I had a harder time catching a Golduck.
  10. Genuinely something I'd never considered. Philosoprator is king.
  11. The image of Courtney Love at the bottom is the same I had on my wall for ages. If y'all remember. A weird thing to see again. Ja'Mie King and the horrible Tori Amos-Pets-An-Iguana make it.
  12. It is a really bad photo from filming, so I'm not judging the show based on it. However, you'd think they'd release better pics...
  13. The idea of Dragon Milk is a concept that has never entered my head before now. I imagine a Dragon flopping out a breast for it's children to suck.
  14. Oh god. 10char
  15. whatchoo talkin bout? I thought I have to wait until ReZ makes the new images for each poke? I'm so confused. :bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy:
  16. Stunning night "in" at my friends halls - a gathering/party thing where everyone just got satisfactorilly tipsy. I loved so much; Mango Chow (the stunning rappper friend of mine) debuted her latest demo tonight - about a man who molests dolphins. Left me wet. Invited Hamishmashs along this morning but turns out I mixed up the halls and it wasn't anywhere near his halls of residence in the first place! Oh well. Sat by the stunnning thames in the stunning bit with the Swans and the Swimming, then walked back to hall, but sat and chatted outside for an unknown amount f time . Lovs.
  17. I spent almost two years writing an essay/essays/redrafting the same essay on it and the concept of loss of innocence. I was in so deep. I felt I related to the character in that sense. Moved on a bit since then. :p
  18. I'm such a failure at this game. I got to the third level this morning but now can't past the second one.
  19. I thought Holden was very relatable and that it was the "common" thing for teenage boys to relate to him (in some ways at least). Hardly an insult.
  20. A Scanner Darkly was cool, definitely overlooked. V. Interesting. The Fountain I guess is overlooked, but it's kinda the least essential Aronofsky film/least as great as you'd hope.
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