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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. I prefer Pepsi in restaurants with a meal, but normally, Diet Coke. Oh yeah, the Pepsi has to be diet too.
  2. I'm addicted to Diet Coke. Literally. But I get over it if it's not available then and there. If it is, however, i'll have it. Really annoying, since you can tell I've got like 7 different types of cancer or something from it.
  3. Love that album cover (always loved that painting though), find the band incredibly dull. ------ I love mash-ups! It's like a team-up... My favourite is probably the Madonna/Gwen Stefani one...it's on youtube somewhere. Check it out.
  4. You obviously forgot the store hold-up one then. Ms. Maclusky's house came down on top of the basement, but yeah, I was confused too...I thought when they got in the bath, it was in Ms. Maclusky's house, but apparently not. So yeah, buried under rubble sex. The way they coloured the film really annoyed me...they obviously filmed it during the day, so they (if you looked closely) coloured the whole film slightly greyer, except for the middle (where the characters usually are). While this was fine mostly, it made things look odd, as the grass Bree walked past became greener as she past it, and how the redness of Catherine's top became annoyingly intense as she moved in and out of the middle.
  5. Yeah, but that's the whole joke of it. I'd actually prefer really heavy metal if there were no vocals, I think. Are there any instrumental metal albums? Real metal, not Dragonforce. (If they're instrumental, which I think they are)
  6. Could be my favourite picture ever. "Are YOU...TALKING.... TO ME?!" How come your face is so many kinds of lovely?
  7. I jokingly am in the mood for metal. Should I get ObZen? I could care less about the vocals, as I've learned that they kinda aren't the point, but Bleed sounds good. ----- I need some more stuff from Peace Orchestra. I only have the Animatrix mix of Who Am I?
  8. Paj!

    Iron Man

    Hmm, I suppose he does actually deserve one, but they'll have to be careful with it, as it could end up looking sickly patriotic or something. I want an Alpha Flight film...
  9. Paj!

    Iron Man

    I consider myself a relative Marvel knowledge font, and I've never heard of Ink. Magneto sounds worse as a premise for a film than Wolverine, despite preferring the character.
  10. Paj!

    Iron Man

    I kinda hate this run-up to Avengers. Thor doesn't need a movie, he's shite. He's worse than Hulk, as Hulk actualy has the whole psychological aspect to it. They'll try and make a fantasy epic movie of Thor, and I just know it'll fall flat. I'll clap if they include Enchantress though. I don't think they even need a Captain America movie either, but he deserves one more than Thor. Thor has like, no origin story. I'd prefer they hadn't annoyingly tied up the X-men series in X3, so more of them could be made. Wolverine is cool and all, but he's such a boring character. That and X1-3 were basically Wolverine films anyway.
  11. Isn't it still the first series?! I hate shoving things foward pointlessly. Like when Gwen Stacy died in Ult Spidey. So pointless. Actually my favourite character too.
  12. If doing all the rides in a theme park counts, then count me in, but I don't think it should really, since all theme park rides are really safe anyway. Please fight Dr.Doom's FearFall immediately followed by Incredible Hulk, before going around Dueling Dragons twice, inthe space of like 45 minutes.
  13. Yeah, but it's better to read all of the Symbiote stuff beforehand. Astonishing Spidey has been reprinting the Hobgoblin saga, and it's great. I never realised he was such a big thorn in Spidey's side back in the day. That also includes his first adventures in the black suit. You have to buy Secret Wars in tpb form seperately however.
  14. In Astonishing Spidey, i'm in the middle of The Other: Evolve or Die. I was really underwhelmed by his fight with Morlun. Just really bad. Especially considering he ripped out his eye and like killed him. I await to see how this concludes, though I obviously know he doesn't die...
  15. I want to do that one day. I've done nothing daring.
  16. I dislike the text, tbh. It'd be better horizontal and on the bottom. Like the imahe as a whole though. 7/10
  17. Current Scores: The Music From Mathew Barney's Drawing Restraint 9 - Bjork Let It Die - Feist (You got the positioning wrong, but I know which you meant) Overpowered - Roisin Murphy Grow Up and Blow Away - Metric Clues on the still left ones(sorta); -Only one on there is a band i'd never heard of before I saw the cover. -One is a VERY popular band, despite not having strictly mainstream success (yet?) -One is a very influential band from many years ago. -One is an artist with a penchant for style changes (and not just in music) I'll see if that gets any more. I say if you know one and people have posting quite a bit more after you, you can post it.
  18. Big hair ftw. You could actually be Noel Fielding's younger brother, Jacobo, in another reality, akin to this one, but oh so different in many ways. *leaves on the midnight train to Georgia*
  19. From my few listens, the only one I really like is Time To Pretend, but then that's the single. I've not properly listened to it. I don't really like the singers voice that much.
  20. Yeah I've got it (Chairdriver just dumped like all her albums on my iTunes). It's the only one I've not properly listened through, except of course TWW. I think Kate Bush is great, but I prefer Tori Amos...I think her work is perhaps more mature in style than Kate Bushes in many cases.
  21. K here's my attempt at one; I think i've made this deliberately hard... What should the guess limit be? 2 per person? I dont know...
  22. That's so easy. But apparently I'm allowed a turn afterwards, and I want to see if anyone gets it.
  23. I'm laughing at the second one. Literally a villain's face.
  24. Neon Bible, Taller In More Ways, Tired Of Hanging Around, Le Fil, *pauses to think, moves on* Jukebox, OK Computer, Alright, Still ,Takk... Cant get the middle one.
  25. Paj!

    Iron Man

    Well for the sake of arguement, he was The Marvel Movieverse equivalent. I highly doubt that it was a coincidence they had the same powers (especially since they said they considered him as a full character). It probably just suited the story better than introducing "the villain" randomly. --- Abomination is stronger than the Hulk, he doesn't get stronger when he gets angrier, like Hulk does, so that's how he always loses. ----- Fave Hulk Villains; (In no particular order) Boomerang - Simply because he's so bad, but actually has a life against Hulk. Abomination - Normally boring "evil counterpart", but I publically clapped for 5 days when it was revealed he killed Betty via poisoning. Absorbing Man - An interesting take on the "strong villain" archetype. The U-Foes - A Fantastic Four counterpart with funnier powers, and are EEEEEEEVil, so are way cooler. Moonstone - A joke psychiatrist, with a fetish for crime. Like how she turned good years later in Thunderbolts. Mercy - Just feels like a massive joke for a Hulk villain. Really mean fairy. So i'm happy Abomination is in the remake/new/non-sequel Hulk movie. Better than The Leader...
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