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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. I suppose it's fine to enjoy stuff on the surface if it is genuinely nothing more, but a lot of stuff IS more than it appears. *knows* But it's fine. It seems one can gradually skim people like Tori Amos, not liking or kinda liking it, or be totally sucked into it and know everything about every song and what the fuck she's on about. Like me.
  2. I much prefer Keep On Your Mean Side to Midnight Boom. Not got into the second album at all, for whatever reason.
  3. Tori Amos was, and still is, the youngest person to ever be admitted to the prestigious Peabody Conservatory in the US, a music school. She was 5, and got it on a scholarship, as she could play be ear at 2 years old. She was kicked out at age 11 as she refused read sheet music, and wanted to listen to rock and roll.
  4. Father Lucifer by Tori Amos The bridge, where 3 different voices (all her own) converge then divulge, intertwining is my favourite music moment ever. She was pretty messed up/drug-fueled during the making of the album it's from. Boys For Pele, but this seemed to allow her to create a true masterpiece of composition and songwriting.
  5. Loved this weeks one! Never thought Maj would go. He neither added nor took away, so I'm not concerned. I HATE Ben. He's like a stuffed pork sausage. Hate him. The product was awful. Margaret's face was epic when Kelly (pr whatever the american girls name is) was going on about tennis and dancing. ALSO This show has some brilliant music. Last week had Why So Serious? from The Dark Knight score, and this week had Angelo Badalamenti's Jitterbug, from Mulholland Dr.
  6. But with arms. £25
  7. What happened, I refuse to go back to read shit? People (who?) were being mean about/to Letty?
  8. Lol yeah. Horse & I felt too good a song to play at that point. Bats Mouth <3 would have been more approp. But obv. I prefer being wowed by her amazing songs.
  9. Darius Danesh! Woo! Met and chatted to the entire of Fight Like Apes. Also, walked past Siobhan Donaghy in London (the original ginger sugababe) Had to reach over Jenny Eclair in M&S for a packet of crisps.
  10. Bat For Lashes was iiiiiiiiiimense tonight. Synths + Harpsicord + THOSE DRUMS + her voice = Yes.
  11. Back from Free official mask! + Strange evil face New hoodie!
  12. One of her best songs. No doubt about it. Scarlet's Walk is my favourite album be her. --- Back from Bat For Lashes! It was immense. I have a fetish for tribal drums. Seriously. The Dreaming by Kate Bush, Pretty Hate Machine by Nine Inch Nails and now Two Suns. But yeah, she was fantastic. Stupendous. Anyone here going to see her will be in for a fantastic time! Setlist; Glass Sleep Alone Horse & I Daniel Siren Song Travelling Woman The Wizard Sarah Peace Of Mind What's A Girl To Do? Pearl's Dream ---- Good Love/Moon & Moon Two Planets ASAIK. Chair got the setlist. Both the opener and the finale were absolutely epic, as was this live version of WAGTD?. She was great fun too, it was pretty funny when she knocked a whole mug of coffee into her harmonium.
  13. How could 3-D be used to enhance the storytelling in a serious film then..? I don't understand.
  14. It's next on my list, and unlike Blue Velvet, actually avaialbe in stores! (at least here) It's cheaper online though. After that it's Lost Highway and The Elephant Man. Is Dune worth watching?
  15. Why on earth would 3-D ever become standard? That would be a shitty decision, and one that's very unrealistic. It hinders effective storytelling. Can you imagine taking a dark holocaust movie seriously if "The bullets fly out at YOU!" *huzzah*.
  16. I've not properly heard it yet. Y'know? I know how it starts, but then my mind blanks. I'll go listen now.
  17. I think I prefer Dance Hall At Louse Point to A Woman A Man Walked By. It feels..meatier. And has more of an atmosphere. And I prefer most of the songs. Allthough there's more obvious good ones on AWAMWB, like the title track and April. And Pig Will Not.
  18. Blue Velvet I've now watched all the normally acclaimed David Lynch films. It was very good, more Twin Peaks than Earserhead, but Lynch is a verstile director/writer. I loved it. Great villain in Dennis Hopper, and a sexy but distrubing take on the american underbelly of suburbia. Also, I might start the I Love Laura Dern fan club. Once I see Wild At Heart 9also by Lynch), I'll decide. I mean, just look at her face! She's brilliant. She radiates. Pretty much my favourite person ever. She just screams, "I-I-I am a M-I-L-F don' you fohgeyt!" 9/10
  19. One of most...genuine...performances I've ever seen. Songs, when done live can become a chore for the artist, but PJ Harvey never seems to let that happen. She's telling us this story as though we've never heard it/she just thought it up. Brilliant.
  20. I dunno. I imagined you to have a really long drawl on words, slightly stoned sounding, as though you're bored with life, and could be somewhere else. Like you give off the impression of taciturnity (NOT even a word) but are actually fun underneath. Your posters were fine. I still prefer mine though. (I'm sure I've told you I like the Green Goblin print thing before your houemate gave you)
  21. Oh no your voice! It doesn't fit you at all! (Your voice is fine, just not you!) *distraught*
  22. Ireland by Tori Amos (widely regarded as "an abortion of a song" by her fans, but I love the lyrics in the verses.) Drivin' in my Saab On my way to Ireland It's been a long time It's been a long time Drivin' with my friends On my way to Ireland It's been a long time It's been a long time So when I was out in the desert And a cowboy tried to lasso me He said "You're red and made of clay, A Virgin Portrait." I let him wake me. But decided not to stay. [Chorus] Next in New York, I fell out with a dragon Of the white collar kind But just as ferocious... I remembered Macha Running faster than the horses Then an encounter with a voice that caressed me... [chorus] Wasn't it you who Held off a surrender? To one spoiled nun who taught you the names Of the mountains on the moon? And then a Jesuit Proceded to arrange your soul While I prayed On my knees...!
  23. Never got why people go to Dubai, and that was before this sortof thing was common knowledge. I just didn't get why you'd go to a foreign country yet not really explore the country, just stay in a made-up "paradise". Of course there's more serious issues with it that just my dislike of the uncultured.
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