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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got I'm still I'm still Love my life and my public Put God first and can't forget to STAY REAL
  2. If Fiona is going to Edinburgh School Of Art, I think I might know her. Oh wait, you said she was 22. Fine, probably not.
  3. Lord. The trailer didn't make it seem that good. I need to see it! Someone carry me to the cinema.
  4. Just finished 43..or 44, one of the two. I see Multi-Paul is in the next issue, I wondered when he'd appear. I liked the mention of him WAY back in Dupli-Kate's origin, knew he was bound to make more than a cameo at some point.
  5. I just pissed myself in anticipation.
  6. Being John Malkovich So lovely! I saw Adaptation, so I sort of knew what to expect script-wise, but I loved. What was Cameron Diaz doing there so incongruously? (Although she was like...the second main character). I loved Maxine the most. Too machiavealian (sp?) to handle. Really good. 9/10
  7. Is Jodie your girl who was in Front? Are these photos for Front? Stimuli - So Like A Rose - Cars & Guitars - Mulder & Scully - Androgyny - How Come You're So Solid Gold? That's how I'd start, choose random song titles.
  8. Fucking Hell! Invincible 40 had me screaming! Actually horrific to read. And too tense. ATOM EVE YOU CUNT! YOU WEAK CUNT!
  9. If I was God, I'd create a pantheon of gods. Cause, God (the modern, single deity, in whatever religion) is BORING AS FUCK. Greek, Romancs, Egyptians etc, had it right. All the interesting mythology, the fact the gods had relationships and rivalries and stuff..soap opera.
  10. WAIT: I lied. Just found out the details. Everyone calm down. He just didn't turn up for work today. He has been heard from. People just don't know where he is, but is probably with a friend from work who also didn't turn up, but I know, and it makes sense. I feel like I've broadcasted this pointlessly now.
  11. No one has seen or heard from Chairdriver since last night after some fiasco at work. Worried. / It's exam results tomorrow, and we're meant to be going to lunch, so lets all hope he resurfaces before then/then.
  12. I love Invicible's guesses for the names of the Avengers in Marvel Team-Up 14. Black Man for Luke Cage, Bat Woman for Spider-Woman. I think I loved that the most, since she actually does evoke bats more than spiders.
  13. I know. I cried with joy. Sure, we missed Antichrist, but I wanted to see Moon as much.
  14. Moon Stunning! Brilliant. Uncliched, lovely all round. 9.7/10
  15. I smell creationism in this thread! GET OUT!
  16. How bloody long is this day phase? We aren't gonna lynch anyone as no one knows what is going on. Change Vote: No Lynch
  17. £3 Saw Adaptation, loved it, had to get this too.
  18. I thought the results were tomorrow? I'm not scared, but then I've so relaxed about things sometimes, it's to a fault. Fact is, I need these results to be semi-decent, since I have reapply to a different art school after this year (which I already have a place on). I have always got top marks in English exams so far, but I never felt confident. Not one of those pussies who KNOW they're gonna get an A, I honestly was shocked everytime I got an A. I usually make stuff up in the exam cause I never know the exact answer to the question. But I dunno how long my luck can go on. It'll be a shame to get B/C/Fail after all this time. Art I assume I got an A...I'll cry if I didn't. He effectively told me I did (my teacher) anyway. Design Tech...lord, help the person who had to mark that exam.
  19. I'd create worlds to amuse myself. One of a perfect utopia, one where I sadisticaly crush things with natural disasters, one where insects become the dominant species etc.. I'd come down to the main planet I rule over, and confirm to people that heaven/hell does exist.
  20. It feels like we've finally made an e-baby, after years of trying.
  21. A few. I've not been following it religiously as I'm seeing her and didn't want to be "spoiled". I'll do that now. To be honest, I have about 6 months of being obsessed with her music, then 6 months break. I'm on the break at the moment. I think I overdid it with the Legs & Boots too.
  22. I think I'll always love her and stuff, but it's like the spark she had is just...gone. I'm seeing her live soon, so we'll see, but at least on album, the quality just shot down. It's entertaining for a while, but the first 7 albums are incredible. What she's famous for. Now it's like...her voice is a shadow of it's former self, her lyrics not particularly interesting, instead sounding random, rather than poetic, and everything coated in overproduction. It's just sad. Boys For Pele (1996) is like nothing else I've ever heard. Absolutely incredible achievement, grown from talent, loss and god knows what else. Now it's like she's run out of steam. Sure some songs off her last 3 albums are nice, but it's all relative. [/overlong rant] EDIT: Haggis, I think you'd like...From The Choirgirl Hotel, To Venus And Back and probably Little Earthquakes (everyone likes that). (those albums are from the first 7) She's no longer what she was.
  23. On that note, I've been tempted to get back into the Manga. I started when it first came out, got up to when Red was in Lavender Town. I like how it wasn't as shite as the cartoon, and actually dark in places. Pretty sure Green's Charmeleon slices an Arbok in half or something like that. It felt more like it was exploring the world. I think the creator of Pokemon even said it was the most accurate representation of the world in his head.
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