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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. I've only seen the first hour of Caprica, fucking shitty video thingie not working. ALL ROADS LE-E-E-EAD TO [/Amerie reference] me actually buying things rather than...not buying them..
  2. Anger. Went to bed at 9.30, purposely wanting an early night, and the fucking dog wailed for *checks* 3 hours. So, despite it not being my dog (it's my sister's responsibility, this kinda stuff), and being the only family member who actually wanted a good night's sleep, I had to get up and let it out to just fuck about for an hour while I read Psychologies magazine, which sounds more interesting than it is. Now I'm up and cursing the gods.
  3. "Shove your birthday up your ass, you filthy piece of shit."
  4. Still not read the last few Walking Dead issues, 67 is just proving cursed for me. Just...not opening. And if it does, it just closes at exactly the same point each time. I'm ALMOST tempted to just read a summary of it.
  5. now here I go again, I see the crystal visions
  6. Gotham City Sirens too. I don't read it, but the concept blows me.
  7. I lol'd throughout. I love.
  8. You're not as good as the best welsh export ever, see above, but still. Good for trying.
  9. Fish Tank Blew me sideways, alternating back and forth. Greatly shot, and I love impassive semi-chavettes as main characters. Several stunning images thrown in, but not pretentiously. They almost seemed throwaway, like no deal was made of them. They were there to stun if you felt like it, but if you weren't, don't worry. And I didn't realise at the time, but I covered my mouth in horror for a good 15 mins of the film in the last act/quarter.
  10. Went to the second night of LSoA Come Dine With Me, in which I'm the scoremaster. Was way better than the first one, and I'm sure the marks will reflect this. :p I actively wanted to get really drunk, and got into the spirit of classlessness by buying WKD and Smirnoff Ice, and drinking the latter, and only half of the former. I got a sore stomach...not sure why. Yeah. This was at a girl-who-stuns-all-in-her-prescence-and-looks-like-Ke$ha's house, and then we played a drinking game (really shit), then general sexual innuendo during "Would You Rather?" (Bear in mind these dinner games were still part of the "Come Dine With Me" thing). Then we got lives and went into town, laughing all the way. Went to Standing Order, a stunning LARGE and spacious pub/bar that's actually lit and you can hold conversations for a while. Met several people from school I'd do well with never seeing again. We were going to go to a club, but it was full. And it' shit and all along I never intended to actually go. So I got a taxi and got gone.
  11. I have that horrible fear of my driving lesson atm, it's in 10 minutes. Again, I don't why I get so "scared" or nervous, It's not like there's cause to. Irrational etc.
  12. I'd rather see this than the next Harry Potter film!
  13. The blonde lesbian one couldn't act for shit. She couldn't even cry properly.
  14. Skins Never watched a whole one *properly*, but I was filled in. My arty/eccentric/generall yof discerning taste friend loves this and it suprised me (the fact he loved it). It was decidedly uninteresting. I SHANT be watching more episodes.
  15. Fantastic Mr. Fox I remember this as one of those films you see advertised but doesn't enter your conciousness. I assumed it'd be a charming children's film. I was amazed. Not even aimed at children. Really funny, and just really smart, and I love the fact they "swear". Reminds me of the use of Frak in BSG. I just loved. Appealed to my humour so much. Just when she's like "I'm pregnant". And the mouse/dog/possum's face it cuts to for no reason at random points. And the joke where Mr. Fox does a matrix flip to reach the celing of the burrow. Just jokes abounding. Really suprised. Why did no one tell me? 10/10
  16. I liked years ago (mid-late 90's) when he got repowered. That storyline was cool. He'd lost his powers (or so he thought) after overdoing it trying to take over the entire Manhattan power grid or something, eventually needing Spidey to same him. Electro was defeated, actualy falling into Spidey's arms. Eventually Rose and Delilah (I loved) strapped him to an electric chair to jump start him, and he became UBER. Beating Spidey easily, forcing him to beg for his life, and then it took both Spidey and Nate Grey to eventually take him down IIRC. It just made far more sense overall.
  17. Screeching! I'll pre-order that for such a good price.
  18. It's just way harder to say SINiztro as opposed sinESStro. Plus less emphasis on 'Sin" makes it sound better and not like a shitty evil person name.
  19. Yeah, I always pronouced it SinESStro. With the ess being emphasised. Rather than SINestro like you said ReZ. The official rule is go by the cartoons, but I haven't seen any with Sinestro, and you probs have, so I'll deal.
  20. Well. There's nothing wrong with it. But it's just too early to have any context to judge against...
  21. Had a visiting lecturer today, concerning "Social Sculpture". Totally not what I imagined (the term sounds like environmental art or something). It's more like a therapy session. I was stunned, to be honest. Just pretend I've never said "stunned" before and treat me saying "stunned" right now as being literal. Can't be arsed going into detail, but a few of us really felt overwhelmed by the stuff said/work displayed. Inspiring/ hitting way too close to home. It basically said "Hey. See all those fears you have that no one knows about/you can't articulate? Here's the same thing represented visually." It was definitely 3 of us (2 good friends of mine) that it really struck a chord with. Forcing me to think about my life and what I'm doing with it/how to be true to myself/how to live with myself. I need to sit.
  22. I hate Sentry. I just hate overly strong people. I know the writers are aware of his power etc, rather than him just being Superman. But still. I hope he dies in Siege/leaves forever.
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