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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. I hate the way he says "Solo" too. I only "liked" In My Head, and Watcha Say cause I knew Imogen Heap would be getting money off it. But things are always more bombastic live, and I enjoyed Ridin Solo with everyone singing along. And the dancing was literally stunning. Like feats you want to see again. I'm listening to the album for the first time now, I'll see if I've been converted. :p
  2. The only musical one I truly feel "guilty" about loving is Nothing In This World by Paris Hilton. And I suppose...I'm enjoying Jason Derulo?! I just came back from seeing him live with my sis (her choice, I was all eyerolling and tutting), but he's very entertaining and live the music is very punchy. And he covered Prince and did unique versions of his big hits (saving the normal ones for the encore, which I appreciated). And he and his dancers were phenomonal, choreography wise. [/shoehorned in due to lack of music and HWYD] Yeah, I generally don't have many guilty pleasures, as If I like shit things, I'm in most cases aware of their shiteness. Therefore not making me guilty.
  3. I read Justice League - and no, they're currently in a crossover with JSA fighting Alan Stewart, who's been driven mad by the Starheart. (And generally loads of heroes/villains whose powers pertain to elements and magic have gone on rampages around the world and stuff). They're in space atm. Jade and Obsidian fused together into one hermaphrodite being. Donna Troy is accused of fancying Kyle Rayner (who's there too, on a mission to kill Alan Scott by order of the Guardians). And other such drama.
  4. Why don't you think it's true? You can hear it...and they admitted to it. :/
  5. Yeah, that was the most tantalising post with no reward at the end, ever.
  6. Oh lord. Poor Nadine. Tesco's-own-brand pop music.
  7. Glad it was autotuned? It sounded awful! You can't actually judge if they're good or not with that noise running over it! I'd rather listen to Ke$ha than this shit if it's going to be autotuned throughout. As you said, the judges heard good stuff from them (and you could kinda tell they were decent through the atrocious autotune), so what was the point in even having the autotune? Makes me really annoyed.
  8. Paj!


    Tesco has always been the king of chocolate croissants, but M+S has the nicest Pain Au Chocolat. (IMO)
  9. No I use her all the time!! I love her so much in Heroclix. COME THE FUCK ON 4 RANGE! I love using shits who think they're great. But no, I realised I'd never read her in ANY comics ever. I know she's in the Bendis run of Daredevil, but I'm not there yet.
  10. You are warm, you are courageous, you are big. Happy Birthday Moll.
  11. Scrunching is for when you're younger and unsure of how to do it properly, surely? Folding is economical.
  12. Marry Cynthia Nixon (is that her name?) Fuck Jordan (*shivers*/tbf) Kill Jackie Stallone --- PJ Harvey, Bjork and Tori Amos
  13. Since no-one's commented whenever I've said it...THIS IS AUTOTUNED!!?? I can hear it clear as day. Other people noticed too! I'm not insane. This is awful. How can they do this? There's no need. It actually goes against what 'X Factor stands for' (...yeah..). And just..is silly. And sounds SHITE.
  14. I'm jealous and I've been a fair amount...! My uncle has always wanted to do Halloween Horror Nights, but it's never been in the holidays (obviously), not being Xmas or Summer, but he said we could jokingly go for a week this year, now I'm at uni. Could be stun. ReZ, I could cross over into your comic.
  15. Oh I love how the Ultimate Spidey trades are alternating red and blue. I noticed that the other day in Forbidden Planet. What's Maximum Carnage like, Happenstance? I've only heard negative things.
  16. He clearly isn't, he's shite/quite good at best. I feel sorry for his friends. At least 1 is always dumped. Last I saw, Brock was with him, and Dawn, who they spent LOADS of time building up (like..whole episodes). That said, I only watched the first 10 or so episodes from the DP series. Bring back Tracey and Misty I say. And black woman with parachute hair can stay too.
  17. Currently reading X-Force, which is entertaining, and I forgot it actually had like 30 issues I never read. Also reading the much more up my alley, Typhoid by Ann Nocenti. A little mini by the creator of Typhoid Mary herself (and apparently a prolific Daredevil writer - hadn't heard of her). Gorgeous, really dark, art and a cool story so far. I'd never really thought about Typhoid as a character before.
  18. Paj!


    I never eat cereal for breakfast. For years I was like "I don' like it!" apart from the chocolaty ones, but nowadays I don't mind it. I just never have it. I had pain au chocolat/crossiants/toast for years, exclusively. I then decided having pain au chocolat every day was making me fat/not well, and for the past few months I've just skipped breakfast (Help I'm fucking ano!!!). That'll change once I go to uni I'm sure.
  19. I don't believe you. Vote: Dannyboy
  20. The best thing I've ever read.
  21. That time of the month, Ashley?
  22. Paj!


    My friend got a tattoo from Miami Ink yesterday. She said it was nice. *leaves*
  23. Yeah, I remember when I first got into the internet (actually most people got on social networking sites and like) this video was popular: Pretty sure that was like 2005 or something.
  24. Joy and Jenny have got a sexy new haircut! Are Ash and co. still gonna be in the cartoon? I'd love if they weren't. Killed tragically whilst at sea.
  25. TBF, BGT is based on America's Got Talent, which is more clearly different to the big American singing show, American Idol (as it's still only 18-30 year olds or something allowed to enter IIRC). Everyone else singer-wise went on AGT. It just doesn't translate as well over here.
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