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Everything posted by Mr-Paul

  1. Credits rolled. What a joy this was. Give me a full length sequel please, Sony. Just need to collect a few remaining puzzle pieces and artifacts and get everything from the gacha machines.
  2. Perfect! Thanks a lot Hero!
  3. The controller really is fantastic. Playing Astro's Playroom with it is a delight. Really like the UI but going to have to get used to doing a long press for the main home screen, opposed to the short press for the quick menu bar. Got all my media apps downloaded - noticed quite a few of them were technically PS4 apps being used through backwards compatibility! Played a couple of hours of Spider-Man Remastered and having a lot of fun with it so far - it really is just like the Batman Arkham games, isn't it? Very happy so far. Looking forward to a full day of play tomorrow 😁
  4. Anyone seen any good deals about for Plus? I might end up waiting to see if there are any Black Friday deals for that as I haven't personally come across a good price this week.
  5. Mine is here too! Setting it up to download updates while I work. Then tonight, it's game time!
  6. My amazon order is out for delivery, due between 11:30 and 3:30. HYPE!
  7. I thought I cancelled my preorder for this, intending to ask for it as a Christmas present. Turns out I didn't, and I received an email from ShopTo last night saying they had my order in their warehouse and I couldn't cancel from here! It's being delivered to my flat but I'm at my parents place so who knows when I'll actually get it, guess I've got something to look forward to when I go back.
  8. That's not cool from Game. Fingers crossed for you, @Julius! I think I'll start with Astro's Playroom to test the new controller, and then I've got Spider-Man to dig into. Need to go through the original game first before Miles Morales so hopefully the remaster feels suitably next-gen! At my parents' house at the mo so hopefully I can kick them off their 4K TV for enough of the weekend. Need to re-sub to PS+, so will then download a few of the new collection (got an urge to play TLOU again soon before picking up the sequel eventually, having not played it since the PS3 original). Too many games! Oh, and Bugsnax, obviously.
  9. Got my dispatch email from Amazon at about 2:30 in the morning. Very exciting! Actually hoping it doesn't turn up too early tomorrow, don't want it staring at me all day while I work. Then I've got a three day weekend to enjoy it!
  10. You've broken the first rule of a post saying your tree is up. Pics required!
  11. That LG one looks decent. I bought a Samsung one (43 inches) for around that price in January that I have been more than happy with. I don't think you can go too far wrong with one of the big brands. Would definitely recommend ordering from Richer Sounds or John Lewis for the extended warranty.
  12. In complete #firstworldproblems, I've changed the delivery address for my PS5 to my parents house where I'm going for Lockdown 2 as they're my support bubble and I don't want to be lonely. Because of this, Amazon's estimated delivery date has changed from the 19th to the 20th! I guess at least I'll be getting one... but I'm might be feeling very envious of some of you on that Thursday while I'm still waiting!
  13. Whoah. That console is a beast! Did not expect it to be that much bigger than a PS4. Seeing unboxings makes the digital edition look that bit more appealing from an aesthetics/size point of view... but I'm still going for the disk version.
  14. Am around tonight if there's enough of us. Otherwise most other nights work for me too!
  15. I had no idea this was a thing, and just found out I can do it with my Samsung remote! Wow. Thanks!
  16. My TV remote has Netflix, Prime... And Rakuten TV Anyway, not paying £25 for a PS5 remote. Rip-off. The controller will do fine.
  17. Ended up watching the stream of AOC playing this and want to get into the Among Us action! Who fancies some games?
  18. Just the PS5 (disc edition) and Spider-Man Ultimate Edition for me. Hadn't played the original yet, so will be starting with that! Also going to resubscribe to PS+ having not had it for the past couple of years. I haven't actually played most of the games you'll get for subscribing and there's a lot there I'm interested in, so that'll keep me busy. Need to pick up TLOU2, waiting to see if there'll be a PS5 version or it'll just be hardware boosted.
  19. @Ganepark32
  20. Game Collection preorders if you need one: https://www.thegamecollection.net/featured/playstation-5-temp-tgc
  21. Really unimportant on the grand scheme of things, but I'm interested to see the UI and what apps are available at launch. To be honest I actually probably use my PS4 more for Netflix and Sky Go than playing games, so all of the streaming apps being available would be very good news for me!
  22. Stuck in a preorder with Amazon. Don't know if I'll actually get it at launch or not, but was worth securing one in case! I don't see the price going down for a long time, at most I think you'll get a game included in that price in the first couple of years. Am tempted to just get a Xbox S with Game Pass as that seems like stunning value, then PS5 it up at a later date, but then I want that 4K next-gen goodness - not sure how much of a jump the S would actually feel like! Anyway. Semi-excited!
  23. That's a bit worrying. I'd decided I wasn't going to get caught up in the hype and buy it next week, and that I might ask for it as a Christmas gift. I really hope that it isn't so scarce that it's impossible to pick up physically unless you already have a preorder (and even then, may not be safe...)
  24. Nintendo's most exciting announcement this year! Hyrule Warriors was one of my favourite Wii U games, and right now I'm actually playing BOTW on Switch, having originally played it on the Wii U. So this comes at a great time for me!
  25. As someone who hasn't been following this much, I'm wondering how much 'better' the Series X will be compared to the Series S. Will it be worth twice the price? Will the Series S be a severely diminished experience? £250 is such a great price, I'm wondering whether it'll end up selling more than the premium model. If it had a disc drive it'd be even more tempting, though I know the low price is them betting that people will sign up to Game Pass because it's all digital.
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