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Everything posted by Mr-Paul

  1. You can actually plant bags bigger than 10,000 bells. I harvested some 24k bags off a tree this morning.
  2. Didn't have much time this morning so just bought on my island for 107. Already got 5 million in the bank so wasn't too bothered. Just bought one inventory full.
  3. You're making extreme examples though that don't really apply to the point you're making though. I'm not getting annoyed at it personally, just find this discussion interesting, but I really don't get how they think that reducing interest in the bank and making bug spawn rates lower will make things more enjoyable. Surely their decisions on how many bugs should spawn before the game launched were fine? Sure, if the vast public feedback was that they weren't spawning enough, maybe increase them, but I just don't see the need to decrease from what was fine before anyway 🤷‍♂️
  4. The thing is, I don't see the point of adjusting 'balance' for a game that's non-competitive in its nature. The availability of insects wasn't ruining anyone's enjoyment of the game or making it unfair, so why is there a need to adjust it? Anecdotally myself, I haven't really noticed it, but I'm not a big bug-catcher when playing this anyway. But if what people are saying is true, it annoys me slightly if things are rarer and it makes it harder to fill my collection! And on the bank interest thing, it's such an insignificant amount each month in the grand scheme of things, why did it need reducing more? And if it is because of time travellers, why not find a way to stop time-travelling rather than ruining it further for those who aren't exploiting the game?
  5. Yeah I missed out on Leif/Redd too. Had left the game on/in standby overnight, logged on and had Isabelle's morning update before I could quit out of the game to do the update. Hopefully all is good tomorrow morning.
  6. Thanks Aneres, made a hefty profit! Left a couple of moneybags by your house, where someone else had also left one!
  7. @Aneres11, have sent you a friend request if you don't mind accepting Thanks!
  8. Out for a walk at the moment but would love to make a few trips this afternoon, please
  9. Lol @Sheikah and @Eddage, you both sent me a Diplo Pelvis! So I've now got one to trade on. Thanks so much for your help, anyway Only 10 fossils away from completing my collection.
  10. 59 this morning, 55 this afternoon. Spreadsheet suggests I won't get a high beyond 180 this week, so will definitely be travelling to sell. I guess I can't have it all at home after buying for 90 yesterday...
  11. Soz, I'm having a really stupid day and it's the left wing I have spare! Sending you the Dinosaur Track that you need on your list. EDIT: Received, thanks! And thanks too @Sheikah, very kind of you to send a couple over! @BowserBasher I've also sent you an Opthalmo skull as I've got four to get rid of!
  12. I've got Papa Bear - will send one over! Have filled my fossils into the spreadsheet - happy to do some trading/donating with anyone who needs my spares.
  13. Aaah. I'll add you as a best friend, but I'll send you some seeds in the post when they are back in stock!
  14. Apologies! Working at the same time and Switch went into sleep mode! Opening up again, and turning off sleep. I'll check my storage. Otherwise, they're my island's native flower, so feel free to take some from around the island (is that possible?) EDIT: sadly none in storage!
  15. I haven't had any time to list what fossils I need and don't yet so don't worry on that front! Wouldn't mind some cosmos!
  16. Have added you. Come over whenever!
  17. Daisy Mae selling for 90 bells on my island this morning. Will open my gates shortly and be open all morning for N-Eers. Gimme a nudge if I need to add you to my friends list.
  18. I'll try those methods this afternoon. You do have quite a forgiving amount of time to press down when it bites, so there's no reason to be twitchy!
  19. I keep messing up my fish catch streak. A couple of times now I've got to about 80 and then my finger has gone unexplainably twitchy and pressed too early. Really unimportant, it makes no real difference to anything, but it'd be nice to just have it done so I don't have to worry again!
  20. I guess it makes sense if you apply real life logic... You can put seeds in the cupboard but you wouldn't store fully grown plants. But this is a game! Make things convenient for me!
  21. My latest annoyance - no way of storing flowers. Would love to shove them in my storage while I redesign the island but nope.
  22. Right? I've just gone on to get two bridges demolished. Nope. Only one per day. So it will take four days to remove two bridges and let me rebuild them in better positions. JUST LET ME MOVE THE BLOODY THINGS. In good news, Truffles has just asked me if I'm OK with her leaving. Yes. Yes I am. Piss off. Hope someone better comes in her place!
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