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Everything posted by Mr-Paul

  1. I've never seen another gaming forum with a sex/sexuality thread. Looks like you have a lot of fun in here! I'm straight btw. And the idea of an ejaculaing strap-on is just weird imo.
  2. We may have quality players, but they do not play well for england. Rooney hardly ever scores, Lampard just passes backwards and balsts it over the bar, Joe Cole, as I think fresh put it, tries to be Ronaldinho too much. If the quality of the team was based on the amount of world class players in the team, Chelsea probably would have won the premiership every time since 2003 (God that would be horrible). However, it isnt like that, and England are, in my opinion, an average team who play negative football under a bad manager in Steve McLaren. Also, we'll never win anything with Paul Robinson in goal...
  3. I hate how people think we should be the best in the world. I find it amazing we consistently are in the top 10 in the FIFA rankings. We should be somewhere in the twenties at the moment in my opinion.
  4. Sorry for getting my facts wrong then buttons I would have just preferred him to Daniel Craig. Sean Connery did it when he was really old didnt he???
  5. I hope this is good, James Bond games are probably my favourite type of shooter, and I haven't played a good one since Nightfire on the gamecube. It will probably never be as good as Goldeneye was, but if acitvision put some effort in (and ask free radical for some help lol) it could be a fun game. I agree, Daniel Craig just didnt feel like James Bond to me. Sure, Casino Royale was a good film, but it didnt feel very "bondy" to me. Brosnan was the best Bond for me, shame he quit.
  6. England were pretty poor last night imo. Micah Richards impressed me with his running and his work for the goal. But after that we fell apart. Michael Owen didnt do too bad, forcing a decent save from lehmann, but Joe Cole annoyed me with his constant ball hogging and slipping over. Aswell as Lampard as always, who only seems to pass backwards. From an Arsenal point of view, I was glad Lehmann didnt make too many mistakes last night, he's probably lacking confidence enough as it is.
  7. I'm seeing Bloc Party at reading festival on saturday, any good live???
  8. Congratulations to everyone for their GCSE's! I got my AS results last week, and i managed to get 3 A's, which I was very pleased with, seeing my teacher insisted i would get a B at french. Only one more year left, then i can have a gap year! yay!
  9. Why does it have to be online though? I would've thought that a tennis game would be a lot more fun playing against an opponent you can actually see, and taunt. But maybe thats just me.
  10. Wow, yoshi has wings as his Final Smash. i would have expected some sort of giant egg or something. but that wouldve been too predictable wouldnt it. Music sounds nice tooo.
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