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Everything posted by Mr-Paul

  1. Cricket is fun to play, but can get very boring to watch, especially with rain delays.
  2. Whoah, I didn't know it was for something like that. That's out of order imo. Have fun at those matches, England should at least beat the USA.
  3. Yes it is. There's monkey curling on timesplitters 3
  4. Ooh, which ones you going to? I think it is a tad silly that some of the games are in Scotland and Wales, when it's meant to be France's world cup. Ooh, I'm a "Regular" now!
  5. Definitely will. My dad is mad about Rugby, he'll be watching every game! Tis a fun sport to watch, I went to the premiership final this year. Lol, curling is funny. Definitely not the king of sports though. That has to go to tiddlywinks or dominoes.
  6. Okay dokay, I won't run in and say "use the other thread" again! Hope you lot have fun, I'd love to go. I have their live album and Grohl's a good live singer imo. Very talented musician.
  7. She has already served the main ban, it is just the olympic ban, which only the british enforce, she is trying to get overturned. Also in athletics, does anyone find the relays the most exciting event to watch??? I always find they double my heartrate, they're so exciting! Tis slightly weird how we're rubbish at individual sprinting but 3rd to the US and Jamaica in the relays.
  8. yay, my thread is loved! Yeah, very bad timing! Dunno how long this rule has been in place though. Her own fault though.
  9. Sorry for being confusing, the 1 year ban was from all athletics, and she has served that, ended a month ago. The olympic ban is from the British Olympic Association, who won't let anyone who has served a drugs ban compete for the british team ever. She has appealed against this decision on the grounds that she never actually has failed a drugs test.
  10. I think it is a standard ban for the rule she broke. I think you get 2 years for faling a test, 1 year for missing 3. It's become a big fuss as she's the first "big" athlete to experiece this rule, aswell as being one of our greatest medal prospects.
  11. I admit she was very stupid, but she has now served her ban. I cant find a reason for missing a test, but found out that she has said she will compete in the olympics for another country if she isn't allowed to represent GB. I like Basketball, always good when it is on Sky Sports. Don't particularly follow a team though. Who do you follow/support?
  12. Cesc Fabregas
  13. I think the 3 tests were over her whole career, not consecutive or within a specifictime period. And i'm talking about next years olympics for her winning a medal, not necessarily in 5 years time. Edit: @Daft: I'm not too sure, I'll have a look, but I think it may have been general forgetfulness.
  14. So you don't care that we could have a drug free person in our team who could win a medal banned, where teams like the Americans win medals with people who have previosuly tested positive for drugs? How exactly does Hurling work Conzer? Any similarities to the games we have here in Britain?
  15. Yeah definitely. Even though we have the 2nd best 400m runner as well (Nicola Sanders), but it would be nicer to have the 2 top runners rather than just one!
  16. I get why you think that, but it isn't an olympic ban that she really has, it is the British who don't allow athletes who have failed a drugs test compete for them in the olympics. Surely, missing tests isn't as serious as actually taking performance enhancing drugs?
  17. I agree, he's becoming one of my favourite players. He has a real confidence in him this year which has put him a class above what he was last year. Hleb hasn't done too bad this season either!
  18. We have the football thread, which is extremely active, but I have noticed that not many other sports are mentioned on here, apart from the occasional F1 thread or rugby which pops up every so often and other random events. Therefore, I have created this general sports thread for any sport that isn't football! Cricket, Rugby, Tennis, Lawn Bowls, whatever interests you, post it in here! To start off, has anyone been watching the athletics? Us Brits didn't do too bad in it. What do you think about Christine Ohorugu's situation (missed 3 drugs tests so is banned from the olympics). Personally, I feel she should be allowed, as her mistake was through pure stupidity, not avoiding tests because she was actually on drugs.
  20. You wouldn't have won the first game against villa if it wasn't for bad officials...
  21. So are there any weaknesses in your squad Ant, or do Liverpool have an absolutely perfect squad, as that seems to be what you're implying.
  22. Tis only 4 games in Ant, don't get too over excited. There'll be many twists thorughout the season. You never know, Benitez might get cocky and start rotating his whole team every match just like the past couple of years.
  23. I agree they haven't been utter crap since then, they just haven't had the success they achieved in the 80's, and everyone compares it back to that.
  24. Both years when Liverpool came 3rd if I remember correctly...
  25. Can't you use the general music thread again?
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