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Everything posted by Mr-Paul

  1. have no idea who it is, but the heart shaped moon and cloud/mist is quite cool, so i give 7/10.
  2. I give coolness' avatar 7.5/10! Don't have a clue who it is in it, something from an anime, but it looks quite coool and I like it.
  3. The grass looks awesome imo. I just wanna put my hand in there and touch it.
  4. Hmm, now I've seen the prices and had a few hours to think, I'm not sure what I like/want. I like the look of the new nano now, and it is a really good price, but I already have an 8 gig nano and need bigger. The classic is at an amazing price imo, but I'd prefer not to have something that bulky. The touch has the 16 gig that I want, but is way tooo expensive for me. I guess I'll just wait a while until a bigger nano comes out, and hopefully that comes before I get about 350 more songs in my iTunes library.
  5. He is truely awesome. He must have amazing strength and endurance to do that.
  6. I'd love a nano with video, games, cover flow etc., but it looks a bit short and fat and wouldve liked more than 8GB, seeing I already have an 8GB nano, and that's 3/4 full. Will have to go to the Apple Store and see if I like it.
  7. Great match! Shame England lost though.
  8. I think she's a middle aged man with some hair now. I think she's stopped wearing wigs.
  9. OK, I've just read a report where the police confirm a suicide attempt, sorry for over reacting. Hope he recovers soon.
  10. Andy Roddick v Roger Federer in the US Open quarter final. Should be a goood match. Still looks like Federer will probably end up winning it though. Anyone watching the England India cricket? Looks like its going to be a close match.
  11. Is there any proof he actually tried to commit suicide. Sounds mainly like tabloid rubbish to me. Yes, he may have got depressed, but all he has said on it is he wants to be left alone to recover from whatever he's been through.
  12. Yeah, I think he was on a video screen, Ada was in her helicopter, and she had the intention of sending a fake sample to Wesker and keeping the real one for her own organisation.
  13. Milkybar Buttons rock! One of the best chocolates ever!
  14. Lol. that would indeed be awesome. Hoping for some more info on Smash Bros, seeing it's released in a few months, but only expecting sales info and old footage to promote Mario Galaxy etc.
  15. Yeah it is Monza.
  16. I'm not sure totally what my opinion is. There is evidence that it has worked in America, as the threat of zero tolerance will deter people from commiting crime, but I'm not sure if we need it here. I need to know more to make a real decision on my opinion.
  17. Looks quite fun! Don't think I couldbe trusted with one of those big sticks though! Do they play it anywhere else in the world apart from Ireland?
  18. I see your point in a way, but if you were terminally ill and suffering, would you want others to go through the same painful death as you, or would you do your best to help charities so others won't experience the same pain like Jane did? RIP Jane.
  19. The old style were pretty uncomfortable, but I find the new style fit well, apart from when the grey bit round the edge comes off, that gets really uncomfortable. That happened to the ones that were replaced. Depends on the shape of your ears I suppose.
  20. Well, not really a purchase, but a replacement of my old ones which broke under warranty.
  21. True, though I'm sure I read that there wasn't even going to be a Nintendo press conference at TGS, that they would be totally missing from it unlike a xcouple of years ago, so this might be something else all together, just a private conference.
  22. I thought Nintendo aren't doing the tokyo game show. And isn't this the time of year when apple announce their new iPods and stuff like that?
  23. My only problem with NFL is the same one everyone does- can't stand how it stops after every single play. I like my sports to be pretty continuous.
  24. Aaah, Orlando Magic. When I was 3 and went to florida, i tripped over and grazed my knee and wouldn't stop crying so a kind man gave me an Orlando Magic ball. Still have it somewhere. (bit off topic but ahwell)
  25. Anyone watching the Inside Sport program on BBC? Tis quite interesting. They just said back in the old days when Sally Gunnell was competing and she missed drug tests all she got was a slap on the wrist.
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